Chapter 12

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    Even though each day took lots of work, and time, I kept going. It felt like I had nothing to even fight for anymore, but I don't know how, but I was able to wake up each day and endure this tourture. I kept going, even though I had clearly lost everything, and I was definitely losing, I just barely was able to keep on going. I have lost my mom, I have lost my friends, I have lost my sanity, but I will keep going, and fighting, until the day I die.
    I was starting to experiment more with my powers. That ability where I am able to go into people's minds, it's a lot more powerful that I had first thought. I wasn't just able to convert people more easily, and have a better success rate, but I was also able to convert more people at a time. I started out with only doing just one person, but then I was able to do two, then five, and a couple of weeks later, I was able to do about a hundred at a time, and ninety of them will convert back to normal. Those people could go back to their houses, and maybe see their family and friends again.
    I wasn't also just limiting myself to Maya's speeches. I was going around, before or after her speeches, and converting people who were going to get transported back to their work. During the time where I had nothing to do, I would go out on the streets and convert the patrollers. Since Maya is now using more Supporters to patrol the city than ever before, I am always able to convert around fifty people by going into the streets.
    I was able to convert large pieces of Maya's crowd each day, and she wasn't getting them as easily. She tried looking out for me, but I was invisible most of the time. When she was able to find me though, I had to act fast. I would usually have to run away before she could get me again. I didn't want to be struck by her pulses again, because it's left a permanent scar on my body.
    Of course, not everything was so fine and dandy. I have never felt worse. That weakness that I was complaining about, it never went away. I wasn't able to react or run away like I could before. I got tired really quickly, and I always had this lingering pain that would follow me wherever I was at. This also seemed to affect some of my abilities though. I wasn't able to be invisible for as long as I used to, and I would have to take a small break so I could do it again. It's mostly why Maya was able to find me.
    I had decided to use those thin gloves to cover up my infection. The stuff on my legs was hidden by my pants, and the stuff on my neck was covered by the scarf. I didn't want to appear like I was hurting, because that would make me look weak. Even if Maya is able to control this, I didn't want to show anyone.
    My dreams just seemed to love torturing me. From recreating memories, to having fights with Maya, or my mom, or Gabriel, to reminding me of how much of a coward I was. My mind also liked to show me my dad, the past, which was so much better, or just straight up haunting me. It had so much trauma at its hands, and it used it to tourture me every night. I didn't want to sleep, it was just as bad as the day, but I was so tired each night that I basically collapsed onto the rock-hard bed, and fell asleep instantly.
    Speaking of sleeping, I am sleeping in more than ever before. I would usually sleep around seven hours a day, but ever since my injection has gotten worse, it's been around double that amount of time. I don't know if I could wake myself up earlier, since my phone is still dead and I don't feel like charging it, but it's not a huge deal. I feel so tired anyways, so maybe this is because of my powers being used more frequently.
    I have also been seeing this other guy that looks just like me in my nightmares. He likes to follow me, and stare at me. He is usually a range of different colors that are washed out. He doesn't really do anything, but just be creepy, but I hate it. I have seen him before a couple of months ago, but ever since I have been living on the streets, he has been lurking around more than ever before. I just wanted to point that out, because foreshadowing.
    One day, I was able to break apart one of Maya's speeches altogether. I was able to convert more than half of the crowd, which due to my powers, was becoming smaller and smaller each day. A hundred-thousand people may not be even comprehensible when you think about it, but just trust me, it's a lot of people. I was able to convert that many people during one of Maya's speeches, which was more than half of the crowd.
    Do you realize why there are less and less people each day, no longer working for Maya? It's because they had learned what Maya was doing to all of you. It may feel like working your butts off each and every day would eventually get you a reward? Nope! Maya has promised you that you would have better conditions to work in, that you would be able to go back home, but was that ever true? Nope! Maya is not the leader that you want. She only cares about herself, and no one else. She just wants to show that she is powerful, and I know you guys are smart enough to see through her lies!
    I have heard so many stories about what conditions you had to endure. I had to listen to all of them so I could understand why you believed in her. I was able to see what you guys thought of her. She had made empty promises to you, and you call that carisma. She had worked you to death, and you call that a new life. She has given herself a dramatic backstory, and you call that determination. She has risen up, and only the most elite of Supporters can even talk to her, and you call that a leader. A leader wouldn't do that to you guys. A leader would have worked with you. A leader would have set realistic goals, and would have made sure that you weren't literally dying. A leader would listen to everyone, no matter how big or small. A leader wouldn't have to convince you to keep believing in them, because you would already trust them. And I want to be your leader, and lead you to a better life that you could be living right. I want to get Xeinil back to what it once was, a happy, lively utopia, where there weren't any problems, and we did things together.
    I heard many whispers, as so many voices started to chat to the other people. They started to ask questions, and they started to change their mind. Some of them didn't want to listen though. I listened to their thoughts.
    Why should we have to trust him? I know Maya's pretty bad at her job, but I can't just go trusting people.
    Maya has been so rude to us lately. It's like she doesn't care about us, unlike what she had said earlier.
    Why am I hearing people, and why am I hearing Anonymous in my head?
    Maybe I was wrong to believe in Maya for so long. Maybe he could be right. I do want things to go back to normal, after all. I miss having my routine.
    Why does this sound all so familiar? How am I hearing this inside of my head? Is there something wrong with me?
    Maya has been treating us horribly, and now I think I understand why some people didn't become Supporters.
    I miss my family.
    Maya couldn't be wrong though, she has always been there for us, at least she says that she is.
    The afterlife has to exist though, it's not possible that it doesn't. Life always goes on, right? One day, when we die, there has to be a place where we retire and live in the clouds like Maya said.
    I am so tired, and I was never given any breaks. Is he going to be any different? Is he going to make us work until we die?
    He sounds so hypocritical. Maybe he just wants to be like Maya so he can also be in power.
    I don't know why, but I trust him. He makes a fair point. I don't know when I was last given a good meal.
    I remember now. I remember when Maya said that she was trying to help people feel better. What was that all about? How did I not realize that she had just suddenly changed her motive?
    Why does he think that he is better than Maya? Is he going to tell his tragic backstory too so we can believe him? I'm tired of Maya, but I got myself stuck in this situation, and I don't feel like changing it. It's my choice.
    I think I know this person. I can't see them, but I recognize their voice. Maybe they go to my school? Maybe I met them once while collecting supplies?
    I wonder what he's going to make us do. I don't want to ever go back into the radioactive wasteland ever again. It hurts out there. Maya wouldn't hurt us, right?
    Why don't I remember that much about what I did? It's like everything just sped up for some reason. I remember becoming a Supporter, and being here sometimes, but working? It's like I was asleep the whole time.
    This guy sounds pretty convincing.
    I listened to them because that's how I learned from them. Ever since I started trying to convert people, I kept trying to think of a strategy to convince people in the most efficient way possible. I was thinking about what to tell them and how to greet them, because they were controllable. Not every person is the same though. People care about different things, and are convinced in different ways. Over the course of a few weeks though, I have found that listening to what they were saying is the best way to understand them.
    Back then, I was so consumed in trying to find a solution that I hadn't even taken a moment to just listen to them. I never truly listened to them react to what I was saying, and then to try and go on from there. This is also another reason why I might be doing better than before. I know that they like me listening to what they say though, to the point where I think they were never allowed to speak their minds when they were Supporters.
    I know you guys have a lot of opinions and statements about being here, about Maya, or about me. Compared to Maya, my past doesn't matter, because we need to think about the present, and the future. I want to be here for you, work with you, and cheer you on rather than use you to gain an advantage. I don't want to hurt you like Maya did, because what I have heard from you sounds like tourture. I want you to live normal lives, and be happy. Each and everyone one of you is an individual, so unique from each other, and I am going to treat you that way. I know that I had kind of entered all your minds, which is sort of an invasion of privacy, but I wanted to talk to all of you about this issue. I had to go to extreme measures to try and convince you all to see how Maya is in the wrong here. I did this because I'm not going to give up on you, or our city.
    It's pretty cool that he actually cares about us. Maya never spoke to us like that before. I would be alright with listening to this guy for a while.
    How do I know that I can actually trust him though? He was interrupting Maya speeches, and for what? To insult Maya a couple of times and run away? Couldn't he have been more sneaky in trying to make people believe?
    Maybe this guy is not like Maya after all. Hopefully he stays with his promises, whatever they are. I think it's to take down Maya? Maybe it's to set us free?
    I knew that this boy was promising. He had a goal, and worked towards it. Maya wasn't like that. She didn't help the people in need, the ones I saw lying on the streets. I helped them become a Supporter, but they weren't getting help like I had joined for. The only goal that she got to was her castle, and she didn't even have to do anything. It was built for her.
    It feels so nice to be able to have my own opinion again. It was like I was trapped when I was working for Maya. If I said something that didn't have Maya being praised, I would get whipped. I have so many bruises and scars on my back from it.
    Maya is still the best. She is the best leader that I have ever known, and a villain is not going to change my mind about it. Even if... other people believe in them. They are blind from the truth anyways, and will take him rather than a true leader who worked for her status as mayor and ruler of Xeinil!
    I can't believe I was in the wrong for such a long time. It did feel like I was getting tortured each and every day. I feel so numb to the pain now. I saw so many bodies on the floor each morning because they didn't have the energy to fight anymore.
    I kind of knew that I was maybe not supposed to follow Maya, but everyone else was doing it, so it just seemed to be right. I guess this time I should follow everyone else again?
    This guy reminds me of my dad. He left to go get milk five years ago and never came back. I was hoping that maybe I could have found him, but I became a Supporter instead. It just kind of sucked me in and I couldn't do anything about it.
    How was I being manipulated for so long and I never noticed it? That's really weird. It didn't even feel like I was in control for most of the time there. I just listened to the speaker, and willingly did what he said to do.
    I would love to hear all of your stories, but you all need to get to safety, and I need to keep spreading the word. If you trust me, then you need to go back to your homes, and stay safe. Get rid of your Supporter pins. Patrolling Supporters go inside of houses to find people who are like you, so you need to hide until we know that it is safe. Hopefully, one day we will be able to go live in peace without commands or fearing for our lives.
    I disconnected from the hundreds of people I was speaking to, and you could see the people around me were realizing that they were back in the real world. It was like a chunk of a pie was being taken off. All of them start to dissipate back to the streets. Some of them had to dodge guards, as they saw what was happening. I had rushed over to those people and temporarily blinded the guards so that the people could escape. Most of the guards were near Maya though, as she wanted extra protection. As people went by, people were telling me "Thank you." and shaking my hand. It felt nice to help these people who were seemingly trapped inside of their minds.
    It took much longer to convert people, but I was converting so many people that it didn't matter. Chunk by chunk, people were leaving as I connected to more of people's minds. The crowd was thinning, and trying to adjust for this random gap in the crowd, and it made it so much easier to get to people. I didn't have to go find a new area of people and I didn't want to walk because I also felt so tired. I would also have a second chance at convincing those who might have not believed me before.
    I was still looking for certain people though as I did those mass conversions. Gabriel was still out there, and I knew it. I was able to see him at Maya's side once in a while, and I knew that he would be very easy to convert. He had fought against Maya's ideas for so long, and even when he was a Supporter, as their personalities are meant to be almost lifeless. I remember what he had told me as I was going to leave my house for good.
    "Maya is stronger than you have ever imagined. We weren't ever going to be able to defeat her. Now run, while you still can!" I could hear the pain that he was in. His pain seemed to ring in my ears. I could remember what he looked like as he was fighting once more.
    I wanted to help him so badly, but then I had no way of saving him. I looked back once more at him. "Gabriel, I'll come back for you." I told him
    He lifts his head up at me, and he says his last words. Words that he meant to say, and not the ones that he had said when he was controlled by Maya. "You promise?"
    Since I had promised, and I never break promises like that, he was now waiting for me to free him. It's heart wrenching to think that I had left him like that. I don't know what Maya has done to him, and how much information she now knows about me, but I need to find him when he is not guarded so I can free him.
    I also have been looking for my mom. I haven't seen her for so long, and I don't even know if she is out there anymore. People who are so kind like her would have not survived in those harsh environments. She was also not the strongest person out there, and she wouldn't have been able to work out there like that, and do it every single day. I'm still trying to look for her, every single day, as I shrink Maya's crowd of Supporters.
    I never got to tell her goodbye that fateful morning. She was acting so weirdly, but I was so blinded by everything else that was happening that I didn't know what was going to happen to her. I shouldn't have yelled at her, I shouldn't have ignored her, and most of all, I should have cared for her.
    Speaking of parents, I also want to try and find Gabriel's parents. They were against Maya for so long, even though they called it a virus for some reason, that they must be easy enough to convert back. They could help me try and find Gabriel, as I know they are protective of him, and they do really care about him.
    I hadn't ever been able to really talk to them, because it would have been kind of awkward. They didn't always like me because I kept introducing him to things that they didn't want. Maybe if I tried harder, I would have been able to like Gabriel's parents more. They seem pretty nice after all.
    I would have also liked to find more of my friends and teammates, especially Brody, Jack, and Clayton. I have missed them so much ever since school was out. I miss those days when we had parties, played video games, and stayed up until midnight. I have been able to save a few of them, but it's like they notice that it's me that has saved them from Maya.
    Maybe they wouldn't have liked me anymore, since I have changed so much in such a short amount of time. I don't even feel like I am interested in video games or soccer anymore. It feels like a thing of the past.
    Anyways, Maya started to notice that her crowd was starting to shrink. She had ordered some more guards to protect the area around the park to capture some of the people who no longer believed in Maya. In response, some of the people were fighting the guards to take them down. I'm not going to say that I support attacking the guards to the point where they might actually be unconscious, but I guess they don't have to be temporarily blinded by me.
    "What..?! Anonymous, show yourself! I know you're out there, taking my Supporters away! You are making them evil again! Supporters, do not believe Anonymous, he is a very evil being, even worse than Mr. Alcalde, and you need to stay with me! Listen to me! Don't you want to hear about the grand opening of the base tonight? This thing that we spent like three months working on? Anonymous is lying, a big liar, and he is very wrong!"
    The Supporters who I hadn't got to get weren't doing much. I don't even think that even cared anymore. "If you see Anonymous, you need to attack him, because whoever will bring him to me will immediately become one of my favorites. Or Top Supporters, whatever they are called."
    All the remaining Supporters nodded in agreement. I know that they don't always listen to Maya, since I have been able to convert so many people anyways. I kept going, regardless of what Maya tells them to do.
    As the speech went on, she noticed once more that her crowd was dissipating. Then, she finally was done with me. "Ezra, I have had enough! If you are so mercilessly taking away my Supporters, then you won't have them at all! This meeting is now cancelled, and dear Supporters, get back to work.
    The crowd disbands, and I go back into hiding. Today was a successful, but very tiring day. I had to remain visible a couple of times while going back to preserve my energy. If I had to risk my own life to get rid of Maya, once and for all, I am willing to do it.
    Some people were able to house the people who didn't have much to go back to, or were too scared to go back to their home. They helped each other to get better. It felt similar to when other people were taking care of others when they wouldn't have been able to survive on their own.
    Some others are helping the community in other ways. They are taking down surveillance cameras so it will be safer to move in the streets. They are also trying to convert people in the street, which is much easier and safer than going to Maya's speeches. I have had to charge my phone recently so I could contact more people to help them out.
    Things were starting to go my way, finally. Maya is losing, and I am gaining more people and an advantage. It was like the complete reverse was happening than what had happened in the months prior. Somehow though, there's always something malicious that suddenly pops up out of nowhere. It always happens whenever something is finally going my way for once.
    I had fallen asleep quickly after another successful day. I woke up, and I was in a dream. This time though, it wasn't like I was watching it from a screen, unable to look away, and having no control. Everything felt so vivid. I stood up, as I was laying down, and I started to look around.
    It was very beautiful. The sun was just rising, as it casted a pink tint onto the world. The sky had glistened with faint rainbows, as they streaked across the sky. I could also see the moon and the stars for the first time, I have never seen it in a dream, or in real life. I was on top of a cliff face, beyond it was some wilderness. There was a river that separated the two sides of wilderness, and it was as pink as the sky was. The trees were very bushy, and extended far beyond the horizon. There were large hills, almost mountains on the side, that seemed to keep everything contained here.
    I heard footsteps behind me, I turned around to see who it was. It was me, the one I kept seeing in my dreams, hovering around, watching me. This time though, he wasn't just one color. He has glowed in a rainbow-like fashion, just like the sky. "Hello." He said to me. His voice felt distorted, and it echoed throughout the horizon.
    "Uh, hi." I said. "Do you know where I am at?"
    "It doesn't matter where we are at right now. You wouldn't mind if you stayed for a while?" He asked.
    "No, not at all." I said. He walked past me, and sat down, his legs dangling off the cliff face. I walked to him, and I sat down too. I looked around a little more, as I took in the surroundings. There were some faint clouds in the sky, but they were difficult to see. There were also these little specks of light floating around.
    We both stayed silent for a moment. "This is my home." He told me suddenly.
    "Your home is very nice."
    "Thank you, and I agree. It does not always look like this though." He says. I think I'm going to call him Light Ezra, since it looks like he is made out of light.
    "What do you mean?"
    Light Ezra stays silent for a moment. "It doesn't matter that much. What matters is that you are here. I have waited for such a long time for you to get here."
    "Why though?"
    "It's lonely here, in such a big place. This is also the first time that I have finally been able to message you, and not watch you from afar." He tells me.
    "So you know that you have been watching over me in my dreams? Couldn't you do anything to save me? You must know that those hurt."
    "I could have saved you, but I did not. I apologize for making you go through such extreme dreams. I have been malfunctioning ever since your trauma has started to appear."
    "And what do you mean by that? How are you even malfunctioning?"
    "I don't think that you have noticed. I am the magic that creates your individual powers. I am the reason why you have been able to go so far."
    I stand up. "Wait, wait, wait, does that mean that you're a person that is inside of my head? Does that mean that Maya has a person inside her head too? How did you get inside of me?"
    "Calm yourself, and sit down. It will make you feel better." I do as he tells me. "I am not a person, but a manifestation of one. This is presumably the most comfortable way of talking to you. I have always been here."
    "Oh, alright. So can you do the same powers as me? That would be pretty cool."
    "I am not your powers, but I am the magic hosted inside of you. You may be confined to your powers, but I am more than that." He tells me, all of a sudden, he is behind me, and I freak out, and almost fell, but he caught me.
    "Sorry. I have not seen someone for such a long time." He sits back down. "I need your help though, more than ever. It's why I have tried so hard to get you here."
    "Why do you need me? It's more like I need you. I'm getting so tired lately because I need to recharge."
    "That is the problem. You have been using me and pulling me around to the point where I am starting to break. I do not know how much more I can take."
    "Oh. If I need to hinder the usage of my powers, I think I might be able to do that."
    "That is not the only problem. I can take much more than you think, but only for so long. The problem is that you are pulling me to my breaking point. Your decisions, your daily actions, and your trauma is hindering me." Light Ezra says.
    "...I don't know if I can help you with that. I might be able to change my actions from now on, which is going to be much easier since we are winning, but I can't change how I think. That's not possible for anyone to do."
    "You can though. You are letting your emotions get the best of you, and you keep going, as your worries and your anxieties try to take hold of you. That is something that you can change. You are hurting me and your own self as you cling onto the past. You had told everyone in your small speeches that the past doesn't matter, but that seems to not be true for you."
    "Look, I try every single day to not think about the past, but it doesn't work." I think about Gabriel, as I saw him today. I remember how scared he looked those nights ago. He was probably so scared ofwhat he was going to do.
    Suddenly, Light Ezra is thrown to the ground, as he balls up. The world around me starts to flicker. The sky turns dark, and the moon and stars disappear. The trees are dying, as their leaves are stripped away. The river that just looked gorgeous now seems like a river of tar. After it's done flickering, it goes back to normal.
    Light Ezra gets back up, and sighs. "Do you see what I mean now? You are still clinging onto the past, as you lie to yourself about how you are thinking about the present. You are still holding on to your friends and family."
    "What do you want me to do about it then? I would try to help you as much as I can, but I don't think-"
    "You need to let go. They are the ones who are holding you back from your full potential." Light Ezra interrupts me. I shake my head, and I stand up.
    "No, I can't do that, at least not yet. Maybe if you give me time to think, I'll agree." I tell him. I couldn't just let go of my hope for my friends and family whenever I want to, if me and him are actually thinking of the same thing.
    "You are right. Maybe a tour of this place will put your mind at peace. Follow me." He also gets up, and walks away from the cliff, and down some steps that I did not see before. I do as he says.
    For some time, we were in the forest, venturing on a small dirt path. There were more of those little white specks of light, hovering around the branches. They were able to light up the forest. There were so many luscious, green trees surrounding us. I have never seen so many trees all at once. The forest was so thick that no light from above could seep through.
    We made it to the side of the river, as we kept going on our journey. The sound of water calmly moving was music to my ears. The water was much more enjoyable up close, where you could also see through it too. There were some small fish passing by, nibbling on the sea grass. It reminded me of Central Park, but the water there was now contaminated, and I had no idea where all the wildlife went. I got rid of that thought though, as I didn't want to trigger something in Light Ezra that would hurt him again.
    We had branched off from the side of the river, and went back inside of the calming forest. I started to hear some familiar sounds. I saw that the sounds were coming from birds, which were flying below the leaves, and enjoying life. They were all different colors of the rainbow. I also saw that there were more small flowers that stuck out from the side of the trees. They were also different colors, but much brighter than those birds.
    As we went on, the ground started to change, from dirt, to slabs of worn-down stone. The trees were starting to get less dense, as light streamed through the holes. Eventually, we were no longer below any trees, and we started to go upwards. We had eventually come to a steep face of rock, and Light Ezra had stopped. He turned around, as did I, to get another view of the landscape.
    "You are really lucky that you get to live here. It's beautiful." I tell Light Ezra, saying the first words since we had started our adventure here.
    "I agree. I made it just for your enjoyment. Do you want to let go now?" He asks me.
    Oh, right. The whole reason why we went on that trip. "I still don't think I have enough time to make my decision. Maybe I should think about it more, in real life. Then I will get to you when I am ready." I tell him.
    "I can't let you do that though. It's taken me so many years to get to you, and I probably won't ever see you again. I have been in so much pain, and I want it to stop. You need to let go now, or you're going to stay here until you do." He tells me.
    "I'm sorry, but what? I can't stay here until I decide, I need more time. I bet that there is a way to get me back here whenever I want. I'm not ready to let go of everyone that I care for yet. I don't even know if I can do it." I start to walk down the rocky face, maybe I can wake up from there.
    I feel a hand stopping me though. "This is not a choice that you get to make. You have a destiny, and you need to fulfill it. Your loved ones are the only thing that is actually holding you back. There is no hope for most of them until you let go."
    "Destiny? I don't have a destiny, I have goals. My friend and my family are the only reason why I am able to go on anyways." I try to yank my hand away from him, but he is too strong.
    "You are a part of something that is so much bigger than you think. Your goals are meaningless compared to what your destiny is. To fulfill your destiny, you need to eradicate Maya, just like the others. You then will have to sacrifice yourself so-"
    "Kill Maya? Seriously? I'm not a big fan of hurting people after what happened to Rome. I was never a big fan of it. I don't want to hurt Maya, and I'm not gonna die. You aren't going to plan my future." I say to Light Ezra.
    "Calm down. There is no reason to get upset about something that you can't change. Your future has already been predicted, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Second-hand killing isn't-"
    "But, that can't be true! I wouldn't do it! I know myself more than you ever will!" I felt that racing in my heart, and the tightness in my lungs again. I would never kill anyone again, Rome could have had such a great life, and Maya could also be like that too if she stopped torturing people.
    The sky, and the world around us turns dark again. The stars are gone, the river is black, and the trees are dead once more. Light Ezra is thrown back down on the ground, and clenches his stomach. This time, it doesn't ficker back to normal after a moment, it stays. I had done this to him so many times.
    "I... I'm so sorry. It's painful for you, and me..." I tell him. It felt like I was going to die. I have only hurt everyone I have come across. My mom left me because I didn't listen to her. Gabriel left me because I had lied to him. My friends left me because I wasn't there for them and I didn't tell them the dangers of Maya.
    "You... need to... stop this." Light Ezra said. Little puffs of smoke, but maybe not smoke, came from his mouth.
    "How do I do that? You don't know what I'm like. You may be tapping into my memories, but you can't change what I do. I'm not going to give up or let go of my friends and my mom. They are the reason that I keep going."
    "It.. isn't.." He tries to say, and looks up at me. He fails though, and something completely different happens. It looks like he is forced to look up into the sky, and pure magic is shining out his eyes and mouth, and starts screaming. It was horrifying, but also memorizing.
    "I'll help you, I'll help you!" I tell him, as he attempts to close his eyes and mouth. Once he does, everything goes back to normal once more.
    "What you are seeing, the things you have marveled at here, it's not real anymore. Over time, it has all been decaying away, as you chip at me, and your own self." He raises one hand, and everything around me turns dark again. "What you call your 'infection' is the same thing that has been happening here, and both of us have covered it up to pretend that everything is fine. I hadn't even noticed that I was covering it up until just a moment ago."
    I look down at my arms. "I have caused all of this. I really do want to help, but I won't be able to go on if I forget about my friends. I won't have a reason to go on."
    His eyebrows furrow. "Then you can't help me. If you want it to be this way, then fine."
    Everything goes completely black, and I wake up. I look at the time on my phone. It's noon. I would say that I have slept in, but I don't really have anything to be late to. I still felt tired. Regardless, I get up, and I have something to eat.
    I chatted with a few people on my phone. The network is much safer now, as some people are trying to hijack Maya's way of getting information. I don't know if they are succeeding or not, but Maya also has more things to deal with than a cell tower.
    As four o' clock arrives, I get out of my hideout, and I turn invisible to go to Maya's speech, as I usually do. I notice something is different this time around. I'm not invisible. I try again, but it doesn't work. I go back to my hideout, since I am not safe out there unattended. There is a problem.
    I try as hard as I possibly can to go invisible, and it works, for just a moment though. Then, I tried to fire a pulse at the wall, and it was very difficult to do, but I got it to work after I tried really hard. I don't know if I would be able to connect to people like I once did. I don't even know if I would be able to stay awake out there long enough. This wasn't going to work out.
    Maybe I was just tired, and needed some more sleep. My powers are connected to me, so they must be tired too. I was going to have to miss the event though. It doesn't matter, I just need to get my powers back first. I lay back down, toss and turn for a while, and eventually, I fell back asleep.
    I had another nightmare, which is the new normal for me. I woke back up at around six the next day. I guess I really was tired. I was going to try out my powers once again, but I hesitated. What if they are the same as before? What if they never work again? Am I worrying too much?
My phone was overloaded with calls, emails, and texts. I checked them first, before using my powers. The people who reached out to me were probably wondering why I haven't responded to anything for more than a day. They must think I got captured or something, My powers can wait anyways.
    I answered all of them, and now it's eight in the morning. The sun is completely up, and now all the fog in the streets has settled down to frost, which covered the streets, the buildings, and everything else. The air is still very crisp.
    I guess it's time to use my powers now. I tried to fire a pulse at the wall, and it didn't work. I tried harder, and it just barely worked, and I got a hand cramp. I tried to go invisible, and as I tried harder, I eventually got it to work. After a little while it went away, just like last time. I guess that I am stuck with this now.
    This must be related to Light Ezra getting upset at me. He controls my powers after all, and they have never acted like this before. Maybe if I just agreed to let go, they would come back, but I couldn't do that just yet! I needed my family, and my friends. I can still get them back if I really try. I wouldn't be able to go on if everyone I knew didn't matter anymore. It's how I have already gotten so far.
    I guess I would just have to live with this until Maya has less control. Even with more than half of her empire gone, she still has some power within the city. I waited for her speech to start, and I started converting as I usually did.

    Two days passed by while I was without my powers. I wasn't getting far with conversion, as I couldn't connect to anyone's mind anymore. I didn't convert anyone in the streets, because I was tired, and others were doing it much better than I could. I was almost caught three times during just two of her speeches. I would usually get caught once a week, or less during her speeches, and we would have a showdown, but now, I just had to run away. I was back on square one, and if I stayed like this, we wouldn't be winning anymore.
    Luckily, I was able to go back to where Light Ezra was at after the second day of trying. It didn't take ages like Light Ezra said. I got up, and I looked around once more. Everything was dead, just like it was when I left.
    "You're back. That's good." I heard a voice behind me, and I turned around to see who it was. It was Light Ezra, crossing his arms impatiently. "Are you finally ready to let go, or do you just want to have your powers back?"
    "I'm here to help you, let go, and get my powers back. I don't want to leave you alone here. I've done a lot of thinking, and now I know that I am ready."
    He puts down his arms. "I guess that was easier than I expected. You didn't need to come here, you could have stopped thinking about them."
    "I didn't come here just to tell you that. I'm going to remember them, no matter what I do. Is there a way that I can forget about them for some time? Once this is all over, when things get back to normal, I want to care for them again too."
    "You could try meditation, like I have done, but to get to a state where you can control your thoughts with imbalances, it would take years. I could use my magic to force you to forget about them entirely." Light Ezra says.
    "I will be able to remember them after some time though? Right?" I reply.
    "I won't make it very strong, and you won't need to remember them anyways. You will also have to do one more thing for me. You will have to kill Maya. It doesn't have to be directly though, since you seem to have some issues with that."
    "...Kill Maya? I don't want to kill anyone, but if it's so we can win, I guess I can live with it. Do it." I tell him.
    "Come closer to me." He says, so I step towards him. "Now, stand on your knees, like this." He sits down on his knees, and I do the same thing. "Finally, close your eyes, and don't think of anything. Let the magic flow."
    I fell his hands on the side of my face, and our foreheads touched. His skin is tingly. I wait, and I wait, as I felt more tingles throughout my body, but I couldn't focus on them. I focused on my breathing, and waited for it to be over.
    Next thing I know, I am awake.

Supernatural Book 4: Ezra's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now