Chapter 5

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    The next day was extremely difficult to get by for me. Everyone at school who had a supporter pin on was weary of who it actually was. I think that last night or this morning, Maya must have touched up about it. She had probably said something about me being an evil being, and he is going to try and make everyone feel bad. Maya seems to say that stuff about people whenever they disobey her.
    Rather than that, the school day came and went, as it always does. No one had called me out throughout the day, accusing me of being the evil one, and no one was acting weird around me. Did no one even remember what I had looked like? At least a few hundred people should have. It's not like I totally blend in with everyone else.
    The whole "Mysterious Person" thing wasn't on my mind though. I was more concerned about what had happened last night than being figured out. Somehow, it must have been me who had saved myself from being found out. I must have activated a new power accidentally when I was at Central Park, and it seems like I have absolutely no control over it at all.
    If I have no control over it, then I can just be found out like that if that happens again. I can just look in a mirror, and then everyone will know what I look like, and be able to identify me. The worst thing is that I have heard that this wasn't just sent to cameras that were recording and live streaming, but TVs, phones, even Gabriel said that his TV that doesn't use cable was able to show it! This means that if this ever happens again without knowing it, everyone will see what is happening. Everyone has a device on them, and some people even have technology built into their glasses that will show it!
    It feels like every day now I have to keep another secret from the world. It feels like a year ago that I had to keep my first secret, which was my pulses. Ever since then, it's been getting worse and worse. It now feels like the new norm to lie to everyone, to my friends, to my teammates, to my mom, and even to Gabriel. It only adds to the pressure that I am now being hunted by Maya, since I had saved myself.
    I know that my mom cannot keep a secret though, and loves to tell me things. I like to listen to her, since she keeps me company through these times. She is a great mom, and I don't know what I would do without her.
    That's why I was so horrified when she told me that she had become a supporter last night. Thousands of people had just suddenly left their homes through the night, because they had become supporters a few days ago. Most of the supporters that were there at her meeting were the new people. True supporters usually were the people who had become regular supporters a few days back.
    "But why?" I asked her. I had almost choked on my lemonade-tea after hearing what she had just spit out of her mouth.
    "It's a very interesting group that I have heard of a couple of weeks back." She explains.
    "Have you heard what the mayor said about it?" I said, trying to sound as polite as possible, even though I was feeling a swirl of emotions. I tried to not include my own opinion or anything about me standing up for Maya.
    "Yes, but I believe that he is overreacting. Maya, the leader of the group, is doing great things to improve our society. I think you should join them."
    "I'm not gonna join them." I said quietly through gritted teeth. "Mom," I stood up from my chair, "You know the mayor, and you know that he would never let you down. You know that he doesn't overreact. Why do you think that he is?"
    "It's what Maya said. She knows a lot, and she knows what she's doing, so I trust her, maybe even more than Mr. Alcalde. She wants to help people and get rid of evil too, so there's no reason to not join her. Now, please sit down."
    I didn't sit down. I was lost in thought. I can't believe that she wants to join Maya. I don't know how I could make her believe in me. "You know how the government had treated you while you were captive?"
    "Yes?" She says. I can tell that she is getting frustrated.
    "Maya and her people will do the same thing to you, but it will be much deadlier. She is using you for power, and she will sacrifice anyone to make sure she gets your way. You fought for freedom and this city, and you just want to take it away?"
    "Maya knows what she is doing. She came down to Earth to tell us about the Wise One. She is trying to set us free, and not be confined to here. I think that you should join, so you can see how it feels to be free, like me." Her mood turns from upset to almost condescending, in a creepy way.
    "Please, mom. Listen to me. I have seen what Maya does. I have heard her with my own ears, and seen her with my own eyes. She is brainwashing you to think that she is right, and I can't prove it now, but she is wrong."
    "Ezra, I do not like your tone of voice. We can discuss this later. I can believe in whatever I want, as you can too. I recommend that you join Maya if you have such negativity."
    "You know what? I don't have to believe in Maya either then. She is a manipulative liar who only wants to show you good things so she can convince you to join, and then she will use you until you die. I recommend that you stay away from her, and whatever she says, because I can't imagine losing you too."
    She stays silent for a moment. "Go to your room." She told me, as she looked down at her plate of pasta.
    I sigh, and go upstairs, not hungry anymore. I don't think I've ever gotten in trouble by my mom, or even sent to my room. There was no use fighting against what Maya had said to her. We didn't say anything to each other for the rest of the night. We were probably just going to argue again anyways.
    I felt like I could have done better if I had just tried to persuade her better. Getting upset at her wasn't going to do any good in trying to make her believe me. She likes peace and calmness, so it makes sense why she had also gotten mad at me. It's too late now, she probably doesn't even trust me anymore.
    I was thinking about telling Gabriel about it, but I didn't. I didn't want him to worry about me. This was my own problem that I had to deal with, on my own. I don't want to pull Gabriel down with me. I would probably have to tell him about me standing up to Maya anyways, which I am not doing.
    The next day, we didn't really chat either. I continued to take notes of Maya's speech for Gabriel. Yesterday, he had wondered why I didn't take notes, and I told him that I had stuff going on. I don't know if he had heard of the mysterious person yet, so I never said anything about it. I'm glad that he believes in me, at least.
    "Today, I have a very special announcement for all of my supporters. It is an honor to tell you all that each and everyone one of you have been given one of the highest ranks. All of you have become True Supporters!"
    The crowd had cheered, which was very audible from the TV. I would have been able to hear Maya better if I was there, but I wouldn't even dare to set foot on Central Park, at least not now. Not after what had happened yesterday. I still shudder at the thought of what Maya would have done to me.
    "I had realized a few nights ago that we shouldn't categorize our people based on how much they can offer. People here have lives, and sometimes they can't just leave that behind. All Supporters of mine are welcome to become a part of the project that we have announced yesterday. You will not be able to enter your own house ever again, or work our own job, or do anything that isn't useful, but living life to be useful makes it possible to be a part of the Wise One after your lifetime. All of my Supporters here, who have not made that final leap to becoming a true part of my plan, I recommend you to do something. I want you, people taking care of your children, supporting someone in need, to do something nice for someone else today."
    At first, I thought that was something good that Maya was saying. She still wanted to help out people. Until... "Maybe it will help you get closer to the Wise One. Without being able to contribute directly to my plan, the gateway for you will be shut. Think about how useless you are to me while you help others. Maybe it will make you think about changing your mind."
    "We now allow small children from ages of three to twelve to join us with building. It was a difficult path to try and find a way for the youngsters to help. They can be a great help, and anyone can be useful if they try hard enough. Now you do not have to take care of your loved ones while you work hard for what you want."
    Yeah, child labor, because your parents are too busy wasting their lives and can not take care of you anymore. I'm surprised that no one else has shown outrage towards Maya. She's calling her Supporters that are in front of her "useless". She's using their Supporter's children as a way to try to exploit people even further to get that house done.
    Would my mom use me? Would she go as far to force me to join Maya, and expose me? I couldn't even imagine her doing that, even if she was brainwashed. I guess I will have to keep my eyes peeled, even when I am asleep.
    "From now, and here on out, some of my Supporters will be roaming around the city to look for people to recruit. If everyone became a supporter, we could get our project done in a month. The more people, the merrier. We are also looking out and investigating people who may have looked similar to the person who was present yesterday who had decided to interrupt my speech. He is a guy, about five foot and six inches. Has yellowish hair, maybe green. If you see anyone like him, please, contact me or one of my Top Supporters."
    Great, now they are after me. Now I might have to actually skip school. My mom would never allow for that though. Gabriel is the only person I know who can skip school because of his immune system. Until I can find some way out of this, then I will also have to be extra cautious to make sure no one is trying to report me.
    "It is a shame to see that the mayor, Mr. Alcalde seems to be missing today. He was here yesterday, delivering a speech about the mysterious person. He wanted the person to make sure that they stayed on their side. Right now, he could be with the mysterious person, making plans to ruin us. Or, one of them could be prisoning the other."
    I knew that was completely wrong. Why did the mayor go missing though? Maybe Maya was exaggerating as she usually does, and he has just gone somewhere, rather than be involved with Maya. I wouldn't blame him.
    "Who knows what goes on with the evil side. All we know is that he isn't a problem for us anymore, and maybe he has already dealt with the mysterious person. We should be okay to reign free for now. The good will always shine through the bad, and together, we are powerful!"
    That night I had tried something else to maybe make my mom not be a Supporter anymore. If she had watched the speech, then it's going to be more likely that she will leave. "Please, mom, I'll do anything! I'll wash the dishes, and make dinner every night if you just believe me!" I begged. I had to resort to something so low that would make me cringe, but I needed to get her back.
    "No, Ezra. I am fine doing it by myself. Stop." She says after putting her purse away.
    "I don't know what else to make you believe me, so what can I do?" I ask.
    "If you are feeling this down, then you should have a visit with Maya. She will help you guide the way towards the light."
    "Don't go towards the light! Maybe it does suck having to be here and work for a salary and take care of me, but it isn't worth giving up on everything!"
    "It is not as bad as it seems. Maya is a very good leader, and you should know that. She is not trying to hurt you, but there are some sacrifices that have to be made to be able to live with the Wise One when you pass."
    "The Wise One is a hoax made by Maya! She had never talked about him until a few weeks ago! I don't know what I should do to make you believe in me, but you gotta!"
    "She didn't talk about it because she felt that Xeinil wasn't ready for the truth, now please, I have a yoga class to attend to."
    "I know what she really is, seriously! Watch the video on my phone that I have, and I will try to explain everything." I showed her my phone, which had the video about her being mean to people, but she didn't want to look at it.
    "Ezra, I am busy." She said, and walked upstairs.
    It was like nothing I said actually helped. My attempts had only made it worse. It was like now, being a Supporter, she only listened to Maya. She doesn't believe in me, her child, or anyone else. Not even the people who she had trusted before Maya came here two months ago. It's like I'm living a nightmare.
    At first, I felt lost, and useless. Maya seemed to have full reign over my life now. Many of the supporters that still live in their own houses will try and hunt me down. That means I cannot trust my mom anymore. If she knew that I could be one of the suspects, she would just turn me in. I would be exposed, and humiliated for everyone to see. I am not going to be safe anywhere, but only when I am alone. The mayor has presumably gone missing now. He could either be hiding somewhere, or he could be dead. To top it all off, she is trying to get this project thing done faster, so she has to use children now to get what she wants. I bet that she would manipulate children to kill their parents. That's the type of person that she sounds like.
    Then, I started to feel some lingering hope. Even though all of this, she still wasn't able to catch me. She wanted to make sure that her Supporters thought that I wasn't going to be a problem anymore. Unfortunately, I don't think I'm going to leave her alone after what she has done to ruin my life.
    Everything was perfect in my eyes two months ago. I still remember that party like it was yesterday. Everyone was having fun, and none of us had to make a life-changing choice, or risk our lives and have to believe in some sort of god. We had nothing to fear, or fight, and we didn't have to see our friends and relatives kill themselves off.
    If I wanted some sort of normal life back, I would have to fight for it. I will have to keep scaring Maya until she gives up. Or I would have to somehow convince the crowd, and everyone watching, to believe me. How would that be possible though if I cannot convince my mom to believe me, then I have no chance against a whole crowd of total strangers.
    I was stuck, without a plan, for several days. I kept trying to think, but I gave up on each one. I couldn't focus at all while I was trying to stay alive and hidden. I never seemed to be safe, so I never got to relax, and think about a plan. Even when I was trying to sleep I didn't even feel safe. I miss that feeling.
    I kept taking notes for Gabriel, and routinely making sure that he wasn't going to convert into a Supporter, like my mom. I still haven't told him about her yet. I have been planning to, but it seems like I can never say it. I don't know what I would do without Gabriel, especially in a situation like this.
    "Our team of Supporters grows by around a hundred-thousand each day now, all thanks to people like you. We have shown that we are strong, and that when we team to work on projects of this scale, people are impressed. I thank each of you, trying to help contribute to the cause. I never thought that we would have over two million people who are now Supporters! Just over half of them are working hard outside of Xeinil, trying to gather enough materials from the rubbish to make a place right here at Central Park possible."
    "Without a mayor to govern us, we had a very quick election last night to see who was the new mayor of Xeinil. Without anyone trying to oppose me, I was made the mayor of Xeinil! Maybe if that mysterious person showed up, then maybe he would have won. I guess that he was too much of a coward."
    I didn't even know that there was an election last night. I already knew that I was a coward, so I didn't really feel offended when she insulted me. I have ran away from trying to save people. To save Xeinil. I knew that all of this is my fault and that I am trying to hide. It's obvious, isn't it?
    "Since our beloved mayor is now missing, or now presumably dead, as from what others are saying, we have some new laws to put in place. As the new mayor of Xeinil, you now must follow the routine that I have set in place a few weeks back. Hopefully, you all have been following them so you can already be prepared. This also just isn't for Supporters that are free to roam the city, no, this is for the people that are currently working for me, and for you all who haven't become one of my precious Supporters."
    "We will be trying to watch you and find out if you may not be doing the daily morning routine. We will watch the things you buy, the videos you watch, and how refreshed you feel each day. We want you to be as good of shape as you can be. Please, don't feel like your privacy might be exposed a little more than you want it to be. We are doing the best that we can."
    "Anyways, we have been making great progress with finding materials. We need more people to volunteer and join us so we can be building faster. A million people, from what we have estimated, is the group that we have. That isn't enough, we need at least four million people to be able to work at the speeds we desire. We also need that many people because of the risks that people must go through. Sacrifices must be met if we want to please the Wise One!"
    "I have also been thinking about their conditions. I know that we might have not given them the best beds, the best food, or the best clothing, but we have to make do with that. If we are trying to fit as many people as we can, we have to compromise. Me and my Top Supporters, the ones who have been with me the entire time, have thought about what to do to make their lives better. We have the idea now that instead of them always working, eating, then sleeping, we would give them a small break. We will cycle a group of Supporters to bring them here, and watch me talk, live. This will give the Supporters some time to rest, and enjoy themselves as they watch me speak. This will go into effect a few days from now, as we wait for more people to join them."
    "Since we are trying to find the remainder of the people who haven't become Supporters, I have planned on sending people into the city, looking around for people without the badge. This will make it easier to directly locate where the rest of the people are at. We will force the people without badges to follow them to the tent, where I will put their badge on for them. This will also make it easier to locate the groups of people who may still be out there."
    Then, she started rambling on about how thankful she was about her supporters. That sucks that she is going to try and force us to buy those things for the routine so we can become a Supporter. It seems like it has already gotten to my mom though. I wonder what would happen if someone was caught, maybe I don't even want to know. Maya would figure out how to torture them so they would eventually comply to the rules.
    She has acknowledged that some people are actually dying from being outside for too long. Her solution is to just add more people, which at this point I'm really not surprised about. I think that she just wants people to be killed, and doesn't tell anyone about people dying so her Supporters can believe in her. It's like she is trying to make mass death seem like a normal thing.
    Over the next few days, more and more people were leaving the main area of Xeinil to be a part of Maya's ever-growing group of slaves. I know that my mom has been following the routine because I saw the dragon fruit in her groceries. It makes me worried about if and when she is going to leave. I have tried a couple more times to persuade her, but I don't even think she is listening to me anymore.
    Everything around me has seemed to plunge into chaos. Since there aren't that many workers anymore, it's difficult to find places that are open. That frozen treats shop has closed because they don't have enough staff. The price of food or anything really has been skyrocketing. I don't think that people are getting paid anymore, and I don't believe that my mom or anyone else has to pay for taxes anymore. Things really have been getting worse ever since the mayor went missing.
    One day I eventually decided to take another stand against Maya. After everything that I have been seeing in the past two months, I want it to end. The only way to do that is to try and stop it. I might have to be alone trying to stop her, but that doesn't matter anymore. She has been taking everything from me, my friends, my sanity, and she's going to take my mom next. I might not have much to fight for, so that's why I wanted to do it.
    Everywhere I go, there's less and less people around. The streets, and my school. A few of my friends have left to work for Maya, and I don't know how many of them are Supporters. I don't really talk to anyone but Gabriel now, because he's the only person I can trust. I haven't hung out with anyone in awhile, because I feel like I might slip up.
    That afternoon was cloudy and cool, just like yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that. We haven't had a relatively sunny day in maybe more than a week. I'm still trying to get used to how dark it seems. Sometimes I wear my light jacket to school now, which I haven't needed in a long time, but my mom always likes to keep me warm.
    I am not allowed to take the bus anymore because it uses your identification to track where you have been at. It's been like that ever since the transit opened, but if Maya has tapped into the system, she could find where I lived, and where I was at. I have had to walk everywhere in the bland weather.
    I hid behind an alleyway to make sure I was ready. If I wasn't confident enough, then I would probably bail before I had even sent out a message. I gave myself a little pep talk before I had made my move. "It's okay to fail, because there will be other chances. I need to do this well-"
    "Hello!" Someone said. I jumped in fear, and quickly made sure I wasn't invisible. I looked over to the road, and I saw a little boy looking at me, smiling.
    "Uh, hi." I replied, trying to appear calm.
    "I'm Rome, what's your name?" He asks. I think I remember that boy. My mom might be friends with his mom, because he was at our house a few times a couple of years ago. He was much smaller back then. He had dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. I think he would be around seven now, since I remember he was four or five when I last saw him.
    "I'm Ezra." I said, letting down my guard. Rome wouldn't ruin my plan, he's too nice of a kid.
    "I don't think you have a badge, did you forget yours?" He said. My plan was ruined, as I saw his shiny badge on his chest. He was a supporter who was roaming the city for people like me. I was going to be found out if I didn't do something.
    "Uh, well-" I sputtered, but he cut me off.
    "It doesn't matter, we can get you a new one right away! Just follow me." He tells me, and tries to grab my hand, but I move it before he can. He tries to lead me out of the alleyway, but I don't follow him.
    "I..I'm not coming." I tell him.
    "You have to though, or else I have to force you."
    "But why?" I ask. Maybe I can juke him out, and run away.
    "Because it's Maya's orders? If you don't know what I mean, you should follow me and I can show you."
    "No, not that, why do you have to listen to Maya? What has she done for you rather than promise a good afterlife?"
    "She has given me this job, and I am thankful for it. Please, come with me or else I might have to get other people."
    "Are you happy with this job though? Do you like to find people and force them to believe in something that they clearly don't want to see?"
    He makes an audible sigh, and picks up an electronic, maybe like walkie-talkie or a phone, and speaks into it. "I need backup on-"
    I instinctively push him to the ground, and the device falls out of his hand. He trips over his leg, and lands on his ankle funny. He started to scream and cry, which alarmed me. He was going to alert all the other people around us now!
    I bend over to him. "Wait, don't scream! Please! Shh..." I try to tell him. He doesn't listen to me, and keeps screaming and crying, now holding his ankle. He must have injured it. I try to put my hand over his mouth so he would be quiet, but he just bites my hand. I almost scream in response, but I am able to contain my words.
    I should just run, but then I realized how bad of an idea that would be. People would know where he is at by his screams. He could just tell the other Supporters who I am, since he had most likely already scanned me by my name, and would find my location. I needed him to forget maybe what I had said...
    Then, I had realized I had a small, sharp knife. I had used it for an afternoon snack, and I must have put it in my pocket without realizing. I'm surprised that it hadn't put a hole through my pocket. I had suddenly realized what I could do with this knife.
    The kids kept screaming, his voice becoming more worn out by the moment. This is now a life or death decision, and one that I couldn't risk. If I was caught, then there would be almost no one trying to stop Maya. I wouldn't be here to finish what I have started. I didn't have a choice at this point.
    I kneeled towards him, as he kept crying out for help. His eyes were closed, and tears welled up around his eyes. It had to be quick, and I had to do it now. I couldn't waste time. I raised my arms, with the knife faced towards him. I aimed for his head, as my vision was getting blurry.
    There is no time to waste. You need to get this over with. I kept hearing in my head, as I felt each heartbeat go through my head and my hands. I could so vividly hear the pumping of my blood, it was uncomfortable. I was torn with tears as I had to make my decision, with only one choice. With as much force as possible, I bring my arms down, with the knife gripped in my hand, towards Rome's head.
    Rome was a great kid that I liked to have over at my house. It was such a shame when he didn't come over anymore, because I enjoyed having Rome over. It was always a nice treat to see him. I liked kids like him, since they are so energetic and playful. They don't care what choices you have made, or what you ate today, they just want someone to play with. I was told by my mother that my dad had liked kids too, and would teach them things in his free time in the bunker.
    I could have met him so many more times, and had so many more memories of him. He could have grown up to have done something great that would have helped Xeinil in a good way, unlike Maya. Now, he is gone. Forever.
    I had closed my eyes when I had brought death into him. I couldn't bear to see him die so I could live. He had stopped crying almost instantaneously. Just to make sure, I had forcefully inserted the knife once more into his head. Then, I had done it again, in a different spot, for clarity.
    I kept going, and going. I didn't know what was brought over me, as tears spilled down my face, and blood flooding out of his head. Stab. Stab. Stab. I kept going at it around the speed of my heartbeat, which felt extremely slow now. All I could feel was inserting the now bloody knife into his head, over and over.
    I had stopped when I had left him unrecognizable, and when the blood had gotten all over me. I didn't keep going because I had a goal, I just did it. It felt like I couldn't breathe. It felt like I couldn't think. It felt like I couldn't move. I still wasn't fully processing what evil I had done to an innocent kid.
    I had stood up when I started to hear talking from a distance. I tried to turn invisible, but it wouldn't work. I didn't know why, and I didn't have the time to think about why. I started to run to my house, and not stopping for anything.
    I kept hearing voices in my head, trying to say things to me. I tried to not focus on them, as I kept running. No one was in the streets that were able to watch me run, with blood on my hands, sleeves, knees, and feet. They might be focused on Rome now. God, I didn't want to say his name anymore. It felt like a forbidden word.
    I ran inside the house, and started crying uncontrollably when I had closed the door behind me. I sat on the welcome mat, now being able to process what I had just done. I was a horrible human being, and it was represented by the blood on my clothing that wasn't mine. I had killed a small kid that I liked to hang out with so I could live. How unimaginably selfish was that?
    The fact that I had kept stabbing him long after he was dead was also a memory that I couldn't get out of my head. Why had I kept going? What grudge did I have against him that made me act like that? Was it because I had longed to do something like that? Or was it because I am finally starting to lose my goddamn mind as Maya is able to take over the city?
    I knew that I couldn't do something as simple as speaking up in front of a crowd. I had changed ever since Maya had arrived. I used to be so bold, confident, and outgoing, and now look where I am. I am not just a single rebel against a whole city of people, I am a cold-blooded murderer.
    I could have done something different so that I didn't have to end his life. I could have just knocked him out, or I could have used my powers to do something. I could have maybe just thrown that device away, and ran away. I could have done anything else rather than what I had just done.
    I don't know how long I was there, sitting at the door. I didn't know if I was waiting for something to happen, or if I was just waiting there so I could rot away. Eventually, I had gotten up and done something with myself. I went up into the bathroom, and decided to hide in there instead. It would be much safer. The new lightbulb that my mom had put in was much brighter than the other one, and I didn't like it that much. It is like I am in a spotlight.
    I sat up, and I decided to look at myself in the mirror. My eyes were red from my crying, my hair was completely messed up, and my mouth was contorted from what I had done. Blood splatter was on the upper part of my shirt, which was a small amount of blood when you look at the rest of my body.
    I decided to change out of my clothes and into my blue and white PJs. I threw those clothes away, because my mom does the laundry and she'll report me if she ever found the blood. I washed away all the drying blood in the shower. I kept washing until it had all gone away, and to the point where my skin was irritated.
    The blood stayed under my fingernails, because I couldn't reach there. I would need to find a nail-clipper for that. I don't remember where it is though, so I guess I will have to deal with it. I'll have to know that the blood of someone else has to stay under my fingers until I can wash that out too.
    I walked to my room, and I laid down on my bed. I wasn't going to try and get notes today, not after what I did. I wasn't going to go back out and try to regain the confidence that I had before meeting Rome. There was no use, I'm just going to trip up again, maybe kill another childhood acquaintance, and only become more upset at myself.
    I was so tired of doing all of this. Pretending that I was perfectly fine, pretending that I am still confident and upbeat, taking notes while watching the news. I didn't want to deal with any more of Maya's plan anymore, and I don't want to know that my mom might not come back one night,
    I sat up, as I had an idea. There was a way to fix all of that. It was so simple! If I wanted to show that I wanted to give up, but also be a hero, then I need to make a deal with Maya. In all of those movies where the protagonist feels like they can't do anything, they make a deal with the villain. I know what Maya wants, and I know what I want. If we can make a deal, everything can go back to the way it once was, peaceful, and uncontrolling.
    It might not be that was for me though. What Maya wants is me to work for her, and not resist. What I want is for her to leave, and to bring back everyone who is working. I will have to give myself up if I wanted Xeinil to be restored.
    I got out of bed, and walked down to the front door. This was the only humane way of solving this problem that seems to be getting worse each and every day. I will also be free of worry, since I know that everyone will be fine. Maya can do whatever she wants to me, as long as she doesn't harm anyone else.
    I had almost gone outside, when I forgot I was still in my pajamas. I went back up the stairs. How silly I was. Then, I realized something else. Maya can do whatever to me. She can do whatever she wants to do with me, and I will not be able to tell her what she is doing is not a part of the deal. Without anyone to watch over her, she won't need to follow our deal.
    I stopped walking, and I started to think while I was in the hallway. This won't work out well, because she doesn't seem like a person to keep a promise. She was lying to all of her supporters, why wouldn't she lie to me too? Without people, like me, or the mayor to control her, she's just going to come back and make everyone Supporters again.
    Now, I was stuck, again. I wanted to give up, but at the same time, I needed to make sure Xeinil was safe. As I have said, this whole thing was my fault, since I helped Maya, and I needed to fix it. I just didn't know what to do anymore. I seem to be out of options, and I'm not helping anyone just standing around!
    I would feel so much better if my mom was here. She would know what to do. She would help me feel all better. But she isn't here now, and she won't make me feel better. She's mad at me, and she isn't going to make me feel better if she doesn't care about me. She was supposed to be home by now too.
    I laid back onto my bed, worrying about where she was at and what I was going to do. I fell asleep, full of anxiety, hours before I normally went to bed. The sun hadn't even set yet, and I hadn't even eaten any dinner.
    I woke up, sitting on a cold, smooth concrete-like floor. I couldn't see anything around me. I thought I had maybe gone blind until I saw my hands and my body. I was still wearing my pajamas. What was I doing here? Why wasn't I in my bedroom? Was I trapped somewhere, or has the sun vanished?
    A stage light turned on, from somewhere I couldn't see. A spotlight was presented on the floor. Out of the blue, or should I say black, came a little boy, aged seven. He was smiling at me as he walked in front of me, stopping at the spotlight. It was Rome, living and breathing, right in front of me.
    "What did I do wrong?" He tells me, still smiling, which now felt a little creepy.
    "I... what?" I reply.
    "What did I deserve to do that made you think I shouldn't live?" He tells me.
    "I-It was an accident! You were going to report me, and I had to stop you in some way. I am so sorry that I had to do it, but it was the only way!" I explain.
    "Do you think that violence is always the answer to your problems? Do you think everything will be fine if you just kill anyone that gets in your way?"
    "No, I don't. I know that maybe I could have found a way to save you-"
    "Why did I deserve this?" He says, and a gunshot is fired. He falls towards me, and I step back in fear. His head is torn open, like when I had killed him. It was such a disgusting sight to behold, and I hated looking at it. It was completely my fault that this happened, and I didn't have much of a reason to do it.
    Then, I was standing on grass. I was suddenly in the middle of Central Park. Not only that, there were many people surrounding me, looking at me, and the corpse of Rome. Maya was also looking down at me, as it looked like I had just interrupted her speech again. I was in front of the crowd this time.
    "As you can see in front of you, Ezra is the true evil here. He has killed this innocent boy, who was one of my trusted Supporters, trying to find people like him. This is why we cannot trust anyone out there anymore, they are animals." Maya announces.
    "Maya, let me explain-"
    "We have also found the perpetrator of the guy who had interrupted us, trying to threaten us, It turns out that it is this man, right in front of us, the whole time! Trying to blend within the crowd, and cowering, trying to hide his identity. We must erase him off of our city, as he could be a danger to not us, but all of society. Get him!"
    The people around me ran angrily towards me, but everything had seemed to stop for a moment. I was looking around, and I saw someone I instantly recognized. It was Gabriel, who was looking at me, with a blank expression. The crowd seemed to fade away as I kept looking at him.
    "Is this who you really are?" He asks me.
    "Wait, give me a moment, and I can explain." I try to reason with him.
    "No, I'm not! You don't need to explain, because I can see everything that you have become right in front of me!" He yells at me, as he balls his fists.
    "Please, I'm trying to do a good thing here, you just don't have all the context."
    "Well, of course I don't. You've been hiding everything from me. I thought that you were just maybe going through a phase or something, but you have really changed. I'm sorry." He starts to walk away, and disappears into the frozen crowd.
    "Gabriel, wait-" I say and I start to run towards him, but the ground underneath me has shattered into pieces. I start to fall. Everything was black, and I eventually landed, back on the cold floor. I got back up, and I waited for something else to happen. Something that involves me getting exposed, or breaking up friendship, or...
    My mom walks in front of me, looking down at me. I was ready to get hammered with the thought that she was leaving. That seems to be the trend here. Instead, she looks down at me, condesingly. Maybe I was going to be wrong.
    "I may not be here for you right now, but I want you to stay strong, and I want you to keep fighting for what you love." She told me. "Because, if I never had you..." She pauses. She starts to grow multiple feet taller, as her smile becomes contoured. He keeps looking down at me, as her eyes glow red.
    "None of this would have ever happened. We would become a truly, perfect society." She bends down as she brings her arms down towards me, and her needle-like hands start to creep around me. She picks me up, and brings me closer to her contorted face. "You are truly a disappointment, Ezra. What would your father think of you?"
    I tried to cover my ears to make it stop, but I didn't, because I noticed that there was something on my arm that was growing. It was purple, and it looked like vanes. It started from my arms, but then it went to my hands and fingers. My fingers then started to turn completely black. I felt so weak then, and I fell to the ground.
    Just like that, I woke up. I sprang out my bed, and rushed towards my mom's room. I knew that something happened to her. It was the middle of the night, since my bedroom was extremely dark. I opened her door, and I knew it.
    She didn't come home last night.

Supernatural Book 4: Ezra's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now