Chapter 10

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    Just as things were starting to get better, it only got worse afterwards. The next day, Gabriel's parents weren't working at their job as normal. Instead, they went outside, something that they swore on never doing while this "virus" was here, and tripping off their own alarm system. After we did some inspecting, we found out that they were wearing Supporter pins.
    Since Supporters can go back to their home, and live there before getting sent to slave work, we couldn't stay there any longer. Even if they were still caring parents, they would be able to tell that we aren't actually Supporters, and turn us in. Even worse, they could listen in on our plans to get rid of Maya. Back when my mom was still here, it was okay to be with her, because the stakes weren't so high.
    We both had packed our stuff, and we left Gabriel's home, for good. We couldn't come back, at least until we know that his parents won't come back, which is something that we don't want to happen. The only other place that we could go to for now was my house. How ironic is that?
    Of course, just like me, Gabriel didn't take this lightly. He had told me so many times that we were all going to be safe there, and his parents were not going to budge. Somehow though, they were not immune to Maya as he had first thought. It was devastating for him to see that we would have to abandon them.
    We had to go at four, so none of the patrolling Supporters would be in our way while we were carrying our stuff. He was crying along the way to my house. I helped to comfort him as much as I could while we were travelling. I knew how he felt, but he did probably feel worse. He lost two parents overnight, and he relied on them much more than I did with my mom.
    I had kept my dad's coat and head cover there, so I had gone ahead of Gabriel to put them away before he had noticed. We wouldn't want that to be found out too. I told him that he could sleep on the couch, but he wanted to sleep next to me in my room. I didn't want to say no to him, especially since he just got done having a meltdown, so I accepted his request.
    I gave him a bunch of blankets and a pillow, like what he had done with me, and he laid them all down next to my bed and the nightstand. My room isn't very big, like only big enough to fit a desk, chair, bed, and nightstand. Gabriel could barely fit in the small space that he had, but he liked it.
    We both checked the pantry and the fridge when he was done setting up. None of the food has been touched since I had left. Some of the things had gotten spoiled, like the milk, yogurt, and some cheese, but most of the stuff was fine. I guess it was the right choice to keep the food here, so we didn't have to go to the grocery store.
    "So, do you know how to cook?" Gabriel asks.
    "Uh, no, I don't. The most I can make is microwavable stuff and toast. You can though, right?" I assumed that he could cook, since he sometimes tells me about these recipes that we could make. That was before everything changed though.
    "...No. My parents... they always made everything. They didn't even let me make anything at all, because I could get hurt. I thought that you could." He says.
    "Well, that sucks. I guess if we want to make anything, we could just follow a recipe." I say. I tried to sound optimistic for Gabriel, so he wouldn't feel as down.
    "Yeah, how hard could that be? Hey, maybe we should try and make something tonight!" He says. "It can't be that hard anyways, we just need to try."
    It turns out that it can be very difficult to make spaghetti. I don't know how, but we had overcooked the noodles, we added too many spices to the sauce, and I had burnt myself while trying to put the noodles in.
    "I think we made too many noodles. It's not a big deal, but I wasn't expecting to have double the amount that we were expecting to have." Gabriel says.
    "I guess that we will have to keep trying." I say.
    It also has been more difficult to transform into Anonymous, or at least find a place to change. I was thinking at first that we could just watch Maya's speech on my TV. Then I could try and find another part of the day to more safely convert people. My life could have been a lot easier then.
    Life can't be easy though, not ever since I found Maya. It turns out that we didn't know that all TV news channels aren't allowed to show Maya's speech. In fact, a lot of channels have gone off-air. It's for some privacy thing, even though I know that there are some cameramen at Maya's speech. I think that they work for Maya though, as I think there are TVs in those buildings that hold Supporters. I'm going to guess that it's not for privacy, but for something else.
    So then I was thinking that I could maybe do something about it. I have been able to control what people see before. It was first with the cameramen, and then it was with Gabriel's old TV. I think I am also somehow able to control radio waves. At least at certain frequencies, because it doesn't work on everything, like phones. I could force the waves to show on the TV.
    Gabriel was upstairs, and I had left Central Park early so I could test this out. I turned on the TV, which maybe could help this work better. I tried to focus on my mind, and tried to imagine the radio wave, and tried to see the park. I waited and waited for something to happen, to hear Maya's voice.
    I couldn't do it though. I couldn't even change what the TV screen looked like. Maybe my powers just don't work like that. I had to stop trying anyways because Gabriel was coming down the stairs, wanting to hear what had happened at Maya's speech today.
    "So, she talked about how the building was around seventy-five percent done, and how multiple people are dying from radiation poisoning, but that's because they didn't try hard enough or something.  Then she talked about how cooperative they all were, and went on about how they were going to be able to do great things after the building is done. Finally, they brung up the captives and a few of them told where their friends were hiding." I summarized.
    It's weird to see how numb I have become to all of this stuff. Three months ago, I thought that dying, rituals, and this person who was controlling Xeinil would be the end of the world. Now, I have gotten used to it.
    "Did you know anyone that might have gotten caught, or where they said the others were at?"
    "No, I didn't know anyone. It's difficult to see them from so far away."
    "Then maybe you should go earlier next time, so you don't miss it. I'll remind you if you need help with that."
    "No, I'm fine. It's not a big deal anyways. They said some streets that were pretty far away, like halfway across the city. It would be dangerous to go and see them, since they could have already been taken away by now."
    "Hmm... oh! What about Anonymous? Was he there today?" Gabriel asked excitedly.
    "Anonymous? Oh, he wasn't there today. Again." I said. I wasn't caught by Maya today, and whenever I do, I usually have to mention it to Gabriel. If I lied to him and didn't mention it, he could find out on the internet. Gabriel has seemed to really be interested in him. It makes me believe that it will be alright to show him that I am actually Anonymous, but...
    "Well, you need to find him soon. You, or us, need to tell him what he is doing is wrong, and he should stick to our plan that we haven't created yet. It's going to be great to see him, but he needs to know what he is doing is wrong, because he can get caught."
    "Speaking of plans, how is your's going? You must have finished it by now." I changed the subject. Gabriel is somehow also angry with Anonymous because he's not doing things right. He worried about him getting caught and stuff. I know that I'm not going to get caught, I'll find a way to get away.
    "Oh right, I just got them done." We chatted about the plans we made today, and just like yesterday, there was some way that it went wrong, and we needed to start over.
    I have been having an increased number of times when I just have to stop trying to convert people. I don't know why, but it's starting to worry me. All of a sudden, I just feel like everything's going wrong. I can feel my heart beating, and getting faster. Then I start to shake, and it feels like my lungs are dying. I usually have to run away somewhere, and calm down. It feels like I temporarily lost control of my body. Usually, I can't go back to Central Park because either it was close to ending, or I couldn't bring myself to.
    It's never happened to me before, just in the recent month or so. I don't know if I should tell Gabriel about this, or if it's related to my powers. Maybe it's happening because I am Anonymous, and I am having a hard time focusing. Sometimes it happens right after I have run away from Maya once she noticed me.
    The infection thing on my arms has only been getting worse. It might even be speeding up. I have to wear long-sleeved shirts because Gabriel would be able to see it. I have also wanted to tell him about this, but he might get really freaked out. It's also not just on my arms though, it's also on my chest and thighs. I think that this infection is the reason why I have been feeling so weak. But who knows, maybe it's just me not getting enough sleep.
    I don't understand why I haven't been caught by Maya yet. I'm worried whenever I wake up, a Supporter will be at the door, asking to come in. As Maya said, over ninety-seven percent of the population has given up and become a Supporter. I don't think those numbers are right anymore, since a lot of people have been dying due to Maya's twisted actions.
    I can see bodies piling up next to the barracks. They smell awful, and they can pile up to ten feet high before being taken away to somewhere else. I think that tens of thousands of people are already dead, because of Maya. Because of my actions. These people could have had great lives ahead of them, but now, they are gone for good, never to come back.
    Speaking of dead things, the plant that I got three months ago, it's basically dead. Ever since I got back, I tried to help it survive by giving it water, but there's no hope. It's wilted away. It's probably because there has been no sun for at least two weeks now, and plants need the sun to survive. I saw that my mom's plant was long gone, so I threw it away. I haven't thrown mine away though, not just yet.
    I have been getting better at controlling my powers. Before I became Anonymous, I had some control over my powers, but very rarely it would act up, and sometimes, it wouldn't work at all. Now, I have complete control over them, and I can time them to the point where I can mess with Maya a little if she's onto me. It's probably the only thing I have control of in my life right now. Of course, I lose control wherever I have that moment where I feel like I'm dying.
    Also, my nightmares? Did you think that they would have stopped after that conversation with Gabriel? Because they didn't! I thought that maybe talking about it to Gabriel, finally letting at least one of my secrets out in the open would have made my dreams at least slightly better, but I was wrong. Now, with the fear of having those awful nightmares, I also have to know that they could possibly be broadcasted probably on any device.
    Gabriel has been clearly worrying about me ever since we came here to my house. Before, he would maybe ask me how I was doing. Now though, he tries to stay with me wherever I go. It's like we have to be together. He just goes on and on about how there will be peace. Then again, it's probably not me, maybe he is acting like this because his parents are gone. In fact, I should be the one worrying about him! Both of his parents left him a couple days ago!
    Sometimes, I feel like such a bad friend. I don't really feel like I want to hang out with him anymore. The only thing we ever do is plan together. I have to always focus on something else, and not him. I'm lying to him right in his face, and I think I can get away with it. I don't even have the courage to say something about his parents to him. I want things to change, between us. It seems like we have grown so far apart ever since Maya became a real threat. The only thing that might be keeping us together is the need to survive.
     Fortunately, and also unfortunately, I didn't have to wait that long to tell him. I didn't even have to tell him, my dream did! Yep, my dreams did it again. It's because again, I couldn't control my powers while I was asleep. How do I even train my powers so I don't use them while I am asleep?
    I was watching Gabriel interact with Kyle. They were saying something about pineapples. They were both inside of Gabriel's house, sitting at the dinner table. Kyle sat up, and he had suddenly picked up the couch, and was spinning it around. Gabriel was amazed, and he laughed.
    Someone suddenly knocked on the door. Gabriel stood up, and opened the door. Even though it was glass, you couldn't see who it was. Then, out came Maya. She was holding a long wand, and she pointed to Gabriel. "How dare you let me into your house?" She says. "Supporters, get him!"
    She steps back, and a small wave of Supporters tries to come inside. I didn't know that he was having dreams like this too. I thought that maybe he would tell me if he wasn't feeling mentally well. I guess I shouldn't be saying that though, since I did the same thing.
    "Gabe, we need to get to the secret tunnel!" Kyle says, and runs into his parents' office.
    "But my name is not Gabe!" Gabriel says. He does get mad whenever someone calls him Gabe. He stepped back as more Supporters came through the door. "Oh no." He says to himself, as he turns around.
    I didn't want him to feel this way. I knew how he felt if he was having dreams like this, even if he wasn't involved with the crowd in any way. I wanted to do something about it, but I didn't even know where I was at, or why I was here.
    Then, all of a sudden, I was where Gabriel was at. He had started to run, but he stopped, and turned back around to look at me. I was in front of the angry mob of Supporters, and they were going to hurt me if I didn't do something.
    This was a dream, and I felt like I had control. I had used my pulses to drive the Supporters away. I had jumped over a lot of them so I could get the ones in the back. I had to use my invisibility to get behind some of the stronger ones. I had scared most of them away, and I used my pulses to blast away the remaining few.
    When I was done dealing with them all, I sighed a breath of relief. That felt good to get that energy out. Now I was done with all of that, I could see where Kyle and Gabriel were going.
    I turned around, and Gabriel was still there. He was frozen in shock. I had gasped, but for just a moment. I thought that I had just accidentally revealed myself to Gabriel without thinking, but I was fine. I was in a dream.
    I chucked. "Wasn't that pretty cool, dream Gabriel? So where's that tunnel thing?" I asked him and walked towards him.
    He took a step back, as he was met with a wall. I could see that he was clenching his teeth, and his eyes darted, as if he was trying to figure something out. I stopped walking towards him.
    "I'm not a part of a dream. And... I don't know what you're talking about. Aren't you a part of my dream?" He asks me.
    I realized that I could have just made a grave mistake. "Of course you are a part of a dream, I'm part of a dream, we are all in a dream! By the way, I'm dream Ezra, nice to meet you." I try to cover up the truth with half-truths.
    "...You're lying, aren't you?" He asks me.
    "Why would you say that?"
    "You like to repeat things when you're scared. How did you get in my dream?"
    "Must be my stupid powers malfunctioning again." I mumble under my breath.
    "What did you say? Ezra, you must be here for a reason. How else in the world are we dreaming together? If you know, you should tell me. We are going through the same problems together." Gabriel says to me kindly.
    "Gabriel, you don't know what I have to go through. Stop acting like you know." I say to him. I am already cornered, so if there's a chance that all of this is fake, then I might as well spill the beans. I would have known by now that I could share dreams with people. There's no way that this is real, which could also mean that this is real.
    "What do you have to go through? You just have to take notes, and worry about your mom. I lost both of my parents this week, and I have to care for you, because of your nightmares!"
    "There's more to it than that. Those dreams haunt me every night, just like the fact that I could be found out by you one day. And, it might just be that day. It's also not that nice out there, in Central Park. It's so difficult to have to keep going and trying to save people, even though there is no hope. I am so torn between wanting to tell you so many things that I find every waking moment hard to cope with."
    "What do you mean it's not nice out there? Who are you saving?" His tone of voice turns from angry to hurt.
    "I..." Maybe I had gone too far. This felt real, everything here felt legitimate, like I was really arguing with my best friend. "I'm saving people in need, and Maya, she-."
    Suddenly, I felt an intense pain through the heart. Like a dagger had just gone through it. I fell to my knees, holding my chest, and I felt something had changed. Like something was wrapped around me. I looked at my hands, and I saw the cuffs on my wrists. It was from my dad's coat.
    I looked up, and I saw that Gabriel was looking down at me in horror. "A-anonymous?"
    "Wait, this isn't what it looks like!" I said, and stood up. "Remember, this is all just a dream."
    "And why can't a dream have features that are correct? Are you even sure that this is a dream?"
    "Look, this isn't real. I am not Anonymous, and whatever you saw me do is completely fake. Your mind is messing with you." I tell him as I start to walk towards him. I can tell that he is becoming more uncomfortable.
    "I know you're real! I know that this is all real, and I don't want to believe it, but it is!" He yells at me, slides down on the wall, now sitting on the floor. He covers his ears with his hands and closes his eyes. I realize that I'm hurting him.
    Then, everything is black. I realize that I am awake, sleeping on my bed. What if Gabriel is awake too? I close my eyes, pretending to be asleep. I can hear him breathing and shuffling around on his blankets. He doesn't get up or even say a word to me. After awhile, I don't hear him actively breathing anymore. He is now deeply breathing. He is now asleep.
    So that really was real? We were both dreaming together, at the same time. How is that even possible? I feel like such an idiot for scaring him in our dream. I should have just found a way to wake me or him up. I should have done something to make him believe that I was a part of the dream. I could have done anything else and I would have probably scared him less. I'm a monster.
    I went back to sleep eventually. I had a dream about Central Park again. It's when I am the only person there, watching Maya's speech. Then, an entire crowd of people pop up around me. They are all so excited, that I sink into the ground, and disappear. I seriously think my time alone has made me claustrophobic.
    That morning, I was downstairs, finding something to eat for breakfast. I was thinking of having either toast, or having a tart. I didn't like operating the toaster, I was scared that it was going to burn down the house. Gabriel usually decides quicker than me, and I go along with what he wants, but he's not down here. He was asleep when I woke up. I guess that dream of his tired him out.
    It didn't feel appropriate joking about that. I feel awful for Gabriel. I wanted to protect him, but in the end, I was the one who slipped up and hurt him. I wish I could tell him that I was sorry, but that's going to give everything away.
    Speaking of Gabriel, I could hear him walking down the stairs. I turned around. "Hi." I said to him.
    He grumbled as he sat down at the table. He crosses his arms on the table and lays his chin on his arms. He usually says hi back to me. I guess that he's probably upset at me. If I was him, I would feel the same way.
    "How are you doing?" I ask. I wanted him to at least talk to me though. If he wanted to ask, he could just do it. I didn't want to tell him that everything he saw in his dream was actually real. I didn't have the courage to do that.
    "I'm doing fine. What are you having for breakfast?" He talks to me. I was glad that he wasn't completely mad at me for ruining his mental state.
    "I don't know. I was going for some toast or for a tart. What do you want to have?"
    "I'm not hungry." He says. Usually Gabriel is always happy to have breakfast, but now... ugh, I felt horrible. I have also ruined his appetite after last night.
    "Okay, just tell me if you want anything." I got a tart because I didn't want to wait around, or burn down the house. The atmosphere feels so thick. I didn't even want to be present alongside Gabriel, but I didn't want to make him feel any worse. I ate my tart peacefully while he went back upstairs.
    The days after only seemed to get worse. I didn't have any more dreams with Gabriel in them, or at least that's what I think. My dreams shifted towards Gabriel, him being sacred, and me being a bad friend. One of the Gabriels that I have seen could have been the real him, but I don't think it was. I was the one who interrupted Gabriel, not the other way around.
    We don't really talk to each other, at all now. We barely did a few days ago, but we would play board games or watch TV together. Now, if I want to feel comfortable, I have to go in another room that Gabriel isn't in. That's difficult when your house only has four rooms, including the restroom.
    I had realized the next day that I had done something worse to Gabriel than I first saw. He wasn't acting differently, but what he could become could ruin everything. The people who seeked help, like I did when I found my powers, turned to Maya. Gabriel is in that state, where he feels lost, and confused, and maybe upset. I think that's what he is feeling, I don't want to assume.
    What I had done has made Gabriel vulnerable to converting into a Supporter. The information that he had was everything that he needed to track me down, and know my weaknesses. If he gave that precious information to Maya, I would have nowhere to go, and she would be able to know everything about me.
    I needed to make sure that he wasn't going to convert, but I think that  I was already too late. I had first noticed it when we were making plans to defeat Maya. Surprisingly, we still do that, and it's the only time when I do get to talk to him.
    "Maya would be in her tent right after her speech is over, as she always does. So I'm thinking that we should pretend to be Supporters, and wait outside the tent until she is done. We can follow her home, and as soon as-"
    "I don't think we should do that." Gabriel interrupts me.
    "You didn't even let me finish!" I tell him. He has been getting on my nerves lately.
    "Well, there's something I need to address. We shouldn't be there after the speech, because there will be guards waiting there." He explains
    "If we use our badges and act like we are guards, they aren't going to notice. If we need to, we can steal some orange suits from one of the trucks. That's not the problem that we are going to be having trouble with though."
    "We can't go with that at all. Pretending that we are guards is not right."
    "What do you mean? Most of our plans include that we are guards because any Supporter can be one and not cause too much trouble. We ruled it as a safe choice a while back."
    "It's just that... I don't know. Keep going." He says. For the rest of the time, he was opposing a lot of my actions.
    The next day, I found Gabriel in my room, cooped up in the corner, watching videos. I could just barely hear what he was listening to. "It's super easy to change who you are. Just walk to the center of the city, ask our leader that you want forgiveness, and-"
    "What are you doing?" I say. He jumps in response, and turns his phone off.
    "I was just watching videos! That's all!" He exclaims.
    "What kind of videos?"
    "...Playable ones?"
    I squint my eyes. "Fine. I was just checking up on you. If you wanted to say anything, just tell me. We are in this whole situation together, after all."
    I could see that he was rolling his eyes. He never does that. I just left instead of making our situation worse. I want to try to make him feel better, because I know how he feels, bottling his emotions and losing his parents, but I'm probably the one causing him the most problems. I'm an awful person.
    I tried to make him feel better, so he would trust me, and most importantly not become a Supporter. It didn't really matter what he thought of me, but I would rather have him hate me than him to work for Maya. For so long, we have hated Maya and wanted to get rid of her, but now, it looks like we lost.
    We have been friends for so many years, and now in the time where we needed each other most, our friendship is breaking apart. It pains me to even think that it's mostly my fault for ruining our friendship because I was too afraid to tell him something. Now, he's trying to hide his feelings too, and I feel like a hypocrite.
    Of course, things wouldn't be getting any better. They would be getting much worse. A few days later, I had another dream that definitely involved the real Gabriel with it. Except, this time was different. Gabriel was in the same room, messing with Kyle, but Gabriel looked a little distracted.
    Then Maya commanded her Supporters to go after them, and Gabriel didn't know what to do while Kyle ran into the secret escape tunnel. This was about the point where I would have swooped in to save him, but I was able to hold myself back. This was how I hurt Gabriel, and I wasn't going to do it again.
    Except, someone else had appeared out of nowhere. They were trying to hold the Supporters back. I quickly realized that the person was actually me! I had entered the dream too, and I tackled myself. Myself tried to get up to attack the Supporters, but I pinned him down. "Stop, you idiot!" He said to me.
    "You are going to hurt Gabriel, now stop it! If you care about him, you won't show your powers, and you will try to carry on with the dream!" I tell him.
    I look up, and I see that Gabriel is here, watching us fight. I had completely forgotten that he was here. I stood up, and tried to think how I could act normal. "Uh... hi." I said. "Everything here is just made up, and we both recommend that you follow Kyle."
    Gabriel shakes his head. "No, you know you're wrong. You're trying to hide everything from me, like I'm an idiot. But I know what's going on, so you can stop hiding it from me!" He says.
    I hear the other me getting up. "Ezra, you should tell him then. Tell him about everything, he seems to know something already." He strumbed towards me. I notice his clothes have changed since I last looked at them. It was Anonymous' outfit that he was wearing. I could see that something was growing slowly on his neck, it was purple, and spiky. It was the infection.
    I turn towards Gabriel. "I... Gabriel, I'm sorry for what I did, but you need to listen to me. If we don't work something out, you're going to convert into a Supporter. I know you must be thinking a lot of things, like your parents leaving, me being here within your dreams-"
    I feel two hands latching onto my arms, and it's me. The infection has spread onto his hands, making his fingers purple. He was trying to put some of his weight onto me so he could just barely stand up. I could feel pain on my arms, as I saw his infection imprint onto them. "Tell him everything, you are suffering inside. Tell him about the pain that you see here. Tell him about the conversion and the failure that comes with it. Tell him about your powers. Tell him about your murder." I could hear his voice distort as he told me and Gabriel my secrets.
    In response, I hold onto his arms, grab him, and swing him into the crowd. All of them had disappeared at once. There was this unnerving silence I could hear, and I could only hear ringing in my ears. I breathed a sigh of relief as I looked at Gabriel, who was backed against the wall and had tears running down his face. I had hurt him again, even though I was trying not to this time.
    "I'm sorry." I told him. I didn't want to say much else. I felt exposed, and empty.
    "...So can you now tell me what is going on?" He asked. "I want an explanation for all of this."
    I started to let loose. "Yeah, I might have powers, I might be going against your rules, I might just be Anonymous, and I may have consciously killed a child that I knew." It had hurt telling him all of that, as I reflected on myself about who I was.
    "You realise what that makes you, right?" He told me.
    "I know. I'm not just a horrible person, a liar, a freak, and... and..." I start feeling that tightness in my chest again. I feel the pain of my arm grow worse and worse. The infection on it is spreading rapidly. It's so bad that I fall to my knees, trying to breathe, and trying to hold back my words.
    I wake up, and I realize that I am having one of those breathing attacks again. Gabriel's going to notice. I get up as fast as I can, and I run downstairs. I hear Gabriel getting up too. "Ezra, wait!" I can hear him say.
    It doesn't matter what he says. I needed to get away from him. I was only causing him harm, and he doesn't need that. I can feel tears pour down my cheeks as I run downstairs. I look up, and I see Gabriel going down the stairs too. I unlock the door, and I run outside, not realising that I had also made myself invisible.
    I realize that everything is different outside. Everything is white, cold, and super bright. Not even my long pajamas were protecting me against the cold. Little, soft pebbles of white were falling down from the cloudy skies onto the ground. The ground was covered with the freezing soft pebbles. I realized that this was snow, something that I have heard of only once before.
    I have never seen snow before, at least in real life. It's never been cold or rainy enough to have anything like it before. My bare feet felt like they were going to fall off, and I realized that I was making footprints in the snow. I wasn't going to get away from him now, even if I was invisible, which I just realized that I was invisible.
    I hear Gabriel open up the door, and he starts to shiver. "Ezra, I can see your tracks. Don't hide from me. It's freezing out here and you should be inside."
    I turn myself back to being visible. "Why are you running after me? All I have done to you is hurt you, and lied to you, and made you feel bad."
    "Because you are my friend. I wanted to know what you have been hiding from me, since it feels like I don't even know who you are anymore."
    "Well, now you know everything. I have nothing left to hide, and you're probably ashamed of me. I'm that guy who you adored, I'm that guy who keeps breaking TV signals, and I'm that guy who had killed a Supporter. I'm not the person you knew. I have turned into a monster, and I tried to hide it."
    "I... it's just... wow. It's a lot to take in. I had known that there was something wrong, but that's a surprise."
    "I know. Now, you can leave and go be with Maya and her Supporters. Tell her everything, so I can get kicked out of my home and live on the streets. It seems like you want to be with her so much anyways. " I tell him.
    "Why would you say that?" He asks.
    "It's obvious that you want to be a Supporter. I've seen you defending Maya and watching her videos. I wish you wouldn't lie to me, after I just told you everything."
    "I haven't been defending Maya! It's just that she is quite ahead of us... and that sort of stuff." He replies. I know that he isn't a good liar, like how I was.
    "Mhmm. And why were you watching her introductory videos for being a new Supporter?"
    "I was trying to look around for some more evidence to use for our plans. The information we were getting wasn't enough, so I looked around for more ideas. Then I just happened to stumble across her videos."
    "And did you find anything useful?"
    "How about you? Do you want to explain something to me?" He fires back.
    "Well... I think it's getting really cold out here. Maybe we shouldn't talk out here, and we should go inside. The patrolling Supporters could catch us once they start working." I say. I couldn't feel my feet anymore, and my ears were starting to freeze.
    "Right. We'll talk about this inside." He replies. We both go inside, as the sun starts to peek out from the buildings around us. I wanted to go upstairs, so maybe I could get away from him, but he pulled me to the side, so I went into the living room. He sat down on the couch, and I sat on the chair that we had.
    "So, want to explain?" He says and crosses his arms. I really don't want to.
    "Fine, but what do you want to hear from me? I have much more to tell than what you had to say."
    "I don't know, really. Maybe with the dreams?"
    "Okay... So with my dreams-"
    "No, the ones where you went into my dream."
    "Oh, right. So I have no idea why I was able to enter your dream. I was able to watch it, but then when you were attacked, I was able to just go in. I don't know why my powers were able to just work within the dream. It was your dream. Then the other me, that wasn't me. I was the one pinning him down. I think that I was able to enter inside of your dream because of my powers. I didn't think that I had any more after being able to manipulate radio waves, but it could also be the same power too."
    "So what-"
    "My powers have been causing me so much pain. I think it's the reason that I have awful dreams. They started to appear about three months ago, right as Maya was becoming noticed. I was thinking about calling her help line because I was so scared. I have mostly shown you what powers I have, because the other ones usually just improve my abilities. I don't know where my powers came from, or how I got them, they just appeared."
    "That power where it improves my ability, that's been getting weaker and more difficult to use. You might think that it's because I had exhausted my power, but I think it's because of the infection. You had seen it on the other me in your dream. This is what they look like." I roll my sleeve enough to show the worsening cracks. I roll my sleeve back down quickly. "I don't know how long that's been going on, and I don't know why that is happening either. I think after a long time, I might not be able use my powers at all, or even be able to walk for a long period of time."
    "These powers are what makes me Anonymous. I have been converting people every single time that I go out to take notes. I have been trying to lead the cause of what those protestors were doing, but I know that I am not doing well. It's so difficult to see that the person who had converted back was found a week later. I don't try to attack Maya, because she's usually the one who follows me. I try to stand tall and proud when I am found, but inside, I feel weak, and powerless. I'm not really destined to be such a confident person like how Anonymous appears."
    "You understand what's going to happen to me if they knew I was Ezra, hiding here like a coward? Do you know what Maya would do to me if I was found? She would brainwash me, tourture me, something that I can't imagine. I know how it feels to be hurt mentally, but physically is such a different type of pain. That's mostly why I don't want you to know. For some reason, I cannot convert like others do. It might be related to my powers. I have noticed that you wanted to convert too, so I wanted to pull you away from her.
    "Is it me, or is the air getting harder to breathe? I think I am just having one of those moments again. I seem to have them a lot whenever I am trying to convert people. I usually have to go hide until I feel better, but usually I cannot make it back in time to get extra information. That's why sometimes I don't have a lot to say about the speeches."
    "You were having a panic or anxiety attack! You are actively hurting yourself trying to cover up your lies! Do you understand how much pressure you need to put on yourself to get those?"
    "Uh... no. Doesn't everyone get them though once in a while?"
    "Yes, if you have them once in a while, like a year or so. If you are having them regularly, then there is a serious problem. Why did you tell me this before?"
    "Because I was afraid that you were gonna get mad at me, like you are right now."
    "I... look, we need to talk about us and our relationship, because I don't think we even trust each other anymore." Gabriel says.

Supernatural Book 4: Ezra's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now