A Week With Ansley

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August Pov

"Baby you gotta stop crying." I said to ansley as I looked at her through the rearview mirror.She wouldn't stop crying since,She couldn't go out of town with her brother and sister.She continuously cried non-stop as we drove home.I then had enough."Ansley Stop Fu**ing Crying!"I yelled,which caused her to jump a little.She stopped for about 3 seconds and started crying all over again.I then sighed and said "I'm sorry for yelling at you baby" What I said didn"t seem to fix anything,she was still crying the whole ride home.Once we got home,I took ansley out her carseat and carried her in the house as she rested her head on my shoulder,crying up a storm."Why are you crying fat mama"I said." I miss buba and c'sa"She said as she cried."How bout we facetime them,but you gotta stop crying,Alright?"I said.She Stopped crying and rubbed her eyes as she nodded.I then kissed her cheek.So we both went in my room as I facedtime my mom.She Then Answered."hey mama."I said."hey granny"Ansley said as she waved in the camera,smiling big."hey ,Hey baby."She said."what Aiden And Ashlen doing?"I asked."oh they over here watching tv."she said."Tell em to come here." I said.She then called them over."hey Daddy,hey Ansley"Ashlen said."Hey daddy,hey ansley."Aiden Said."hey kids." I said.Ansley then snatched the phone out my hand".Hey buba,Hey c'sa!I miss you" Ansley said kissing the camera."miss you too"Aiden And Ashlen said in unison.Ansley then got out my lap and laid on the end of the bed as she talked on the phone with them.While she did that I was just watching tv. They was on the phone all night and they barely was talking.I wasn't expecting them to be on the phone all night.I was suppose to call Val and she probably sleep by now."Now I know yal don't love each other that much to be on the phone this long"I said as I laughed."yal gon have to wrap it up cause my baayybehh probably waiting for me to call her."I said.I could hear ashlen on the other end of the phone saying"You on the phone with me right now,Bayybehh" I laughed and said"I ain't talking bout you lil mama." She then said"Oh you talkng bout Val,." I chuckled and said"someone sounds salty." She then said"yea whatever" I then said"Weell bye kids, I love you a lot muah muah,say bye ansley *she says bye*bye kids love you."I then hung up.I bathed ansley,Then I took a shower,then I called Val as Ansley laid on my chest,slowly falling asleep.Val And I would talk all night til one of us fell asleep.I suggested that she could come over,but she said its best that I Spend time with ansley.I Then Looked Down At Ansley and she was sound asleep,drool all on my bare chest and her baby fingers scratching softly on my chest.Staring At Her Made Me think about how fast she's growing and I love my fat mama and I'll Never give up any time to spend with her or my other kids.And I'll hate to miss out on seeing her grow into a wonderful young lady like her mother.I Was Then Put back into reality when I Heard Val Lightly snore in my ear."Bae I'll Talk to you tomorrow,You get your rest."I Said."Alright baby,goodnight bye." Val Said As She Yawned."Goodnight Bye." I Said.She Then Hung up.I Then Played In Ansley's Hair Til I Fell asleep

The next morning I Woke up to my face smushed with ansley's.We Were Cheek to Cheek.I Tried to get her off me,but she was locked up on me.So I Took Her Downstairs With Me To The kitchen.I Sat Her Up On the counter as she was still sleep, jerking her head."Wake up Fat Mama."I Said Continuously kissing her everywhere on her face.She then blocked my kiss and rubbed her eyes as she said"Im up." I then said"Well alright then." I then snuck in another kiss.I then began to cook breakfast for us both."Your Love Is A One In Million,It Goes on and on and on,You give me a really good feeling,all day long."I Sung to ansley,pretending the spoon was a microphone as I cooked the Pancakes.She Then wanted to sing with me so I had her to repeat after me.by the time she got the song down she continuously sung that one part.That just put a smile on my face."Fat mama whatchu wanna do today?"I asked as I flipped the pancakes."Park!" She Said."Sounds Like A Plan." I said .I then kissed her forehead.We Ate Breakfast And Got ready to go.Once We Made It To The Park,She Ran On The Playground And Got On The Slide.She Did That About 5 times.Then she Wanted To Get On The Monkey Bars,But She Was Too scared.So I Helped Her,Holding her by her waist as she slowly went from one bar to another."Daddy Don't Let Go!"She Said With A Little Fear In her Voice."I Won't baby."I Said.We Were In The Middle of the monkey bars."I Don't Wanna Do this no more."She Said."No,You Gotta Finish,You Got Five more to go,You never give up,no matter how hard things seem."I Said as She looked down at me with glossy eyes.She Then Began to finish it up.Once She Was Done,She got so excited."I Did It Daddy!I Did it!" She said smiling big.I Then Kissed her cheek and said"You did baby,I'm proud of you," She Then Said"I Wanna Do it by myself now."She Said.I Then Said"Alright Baby."I Then Put her down and she ran back to the beginning of the monkey bars."Daddy You Gotta Stay under so if I fall You can catch me."She said as she was on the first bar."10/4"I said.I Was Then
Under Her As She Finished It By Herself."Good Job Baby."I Said As I Picked Her Up.She then said"Daddy lets go on the swings."Ansley said."Alright."I said as I carried her to the swings.She then got in the kiddy swing as I pushed her."Higher daddy!Higher!" She Said Giggling as I pushed her."Alright." I Said As I smiled.I Then Pushed Her Higher as She Giggled and screamed."I'm flying,I'm Flying."Ansley said with her arms stretched out like a bird.I Just Chuckled.She then wanted to get off the swings.So I took her out and she began to run."You can't catch me daddy."She Said."We'll see." I said.I then Ran after her.Once I Caught her,I Picked her up and began to tickle her as she began to laugh.I Swear She Laughs Just Like Ashley.I Then Started kissing her cheek."Ok Daddy is tired,you ready to go." I Said.She then nodded and we left.As we were in the car Hold you down came on the radio and she started singing loudly as she kicked her feet and danced around.I Just chuckled and sung along with her.Once we made it home ansley disappeared out of nowhere while I was Cleaning up.Once I Was done,I looked Around."Ansley Where Are You,I Know You're Hiding.I Tried looking for her and she was nowhere to be found.Last place I Didn't Check was my room.I looked in my room and she wad in my bed,knocked out.😩She's so adorable.I had to take a picture.I then got in bed and held her like a baby and covered her and I up.I then ended up falling asleep.

The next morning I Woke up to the smell of eggs.So I went downstairs to the kitchen and I seen Ansley and she had a guilty look.I looked around and it was an exploded egg in the microwave.The egg was everywhere in the microwave."I Tried to make eggs for you."She said with so much guilt in her eyes knowing that she might get in trouble."I see."I Said As Started to clean the microwave.And yal thought I was Lying When I Said She Had A Mind of her own."Are you mad at me daddy?"She asked as she hugged my leg.I then picked her up and said"Not at all baby."I then kissed her cheek."How bout we go get breakfast at that new restaurant,just me and you."I said."Yea" she said nodding.So I finished cleaning the microwave.once I was done I Got ansley ready and then myself and we left.Once we made it to the restaurant She Looked on the menu."Whats This Daddy?"She said pointing on the menu.I Looked At it And Said"Calamari." She Then Asked "Whats That?" I Then Said"Octopus." She Made the most cutest disgusted face. "Ew you can eat octopus?" She Said."Yep." I said."You tasted it before."She said giving me a look."Yep" I Said."It was good?" She said still giving me a look."It was alright."I Said."Yucky." She said.I just chuckled.We Then ordered our food.Once our food came we talked and ate.Well she basically talked and I listened.She told me about special agent oso,Dora,all that stuff.I just Love this little girl.

The Next Day We Chose To got to The Mall.Everybody was there and people kept bothering us,asking for pics and autographs.Thats why I like to go to places where the old white people go😂.They don't even now who I Am,And The ones who claim to know me call me Augustus😂😒.But I got Love For em.But ansley wanted to go to the mall.So We went.She wanted to go in every store and wouldn't skip not one.I ended up buying her some clothes and shoes.I also bought her some pink sunglasses that she wanted so badly.Once She Got Them She Never Wanted To Take Them Off."Come on,lets go ray charlie" I Said as I chuckled.As We Left The mall Ansley Said"Daddy Put Your Sunglasses on.""Alright."I Said As I Put Them on.Once We Got In The Car She Kept Staring at herself in the mirror."Daddy Take A Picture of me with my sunglasses on,"She Said.I Just Chuckled And Said"Yes Maam." So I Took my phone out in turned my camera.Once that camera hit her she hit that duckface real quick.She did multiple poses and face.I Just Laughed as I laugh and took the pictures."Take A Picture With Me." She Said.We Then Took a picture together."Alright now sit down so we can leave."I Said.She Then hopped in her carseat.I Then went back there and buckled her up and got back in my seat.As I Began To Drive Ansley Said"Buckle up Daddy,If I Have To Buckle Up,You have to Too." I Then Chuckled and said"Yes Ma'am" I then buckled up.I Then Got Us Chick-fil-a. Once We Made It Home We finished our food and I Bathe Her And Then took A Shower."Time For Bed." I Said To ansley As we Both brushed Our Teeth."I'm Not Tired Daddy."She Whined."But You need rest You don't want bags do ya?What does mommy say about bags?" I Said.She Sighed And Said"Bags Should only be a-sass-sir-we's,not on your face." I Then Chuckled and said"Assassirwe's?Whats That? You mean accessories?" She giggled and said"yea." Once We Was done I Said"Lets go Fat Mama."She Then Lifted her arms up as I Picked Her up,off the bathroom counter.She Dug her head in my shoulder and Said"I don't want to go to bed." I Then Said"Alright,I Gotchu." So We Went In My Room.I turned off the light leaving the lamp on and I Carried Her In Bed As I Held Her Like A Baby.As I Looked In Her Eyes,I just Saw ashley in her."You Look Just Like Your Mommy,I Think you look more like Ashley,People Say You Look like me." I Said As She Smiled And Yawned.I tapped her nose and said"Well You Have My Nose." I Then Rubbed Her Ears And Said"You Have My Ears." I Then Examined Her To Find Out what else she got from me,but all could see was ashley.Thats When Ansley Slightly Smiled."ha!You Got My smile." I Said.She Yawned Again as Her Eyes began to get heavy."But I Still Love You,Can't Nobody deny That You're not my baby."I Said As I Kissed her cheek.Thats When Her Eyes Shut Slowly,but I Didn't Realize I Just Continued To Talk."I Bet You're Thinking ,Daddy why You're Always Holding Me?Well Daddy Wants To Hold You As Much As Possible cause When You Grow Up,you may not want daddy to hold you know more and plus I Feel Bad Because I Wasn't There For You That Much To See You Grow cause Daddy Was Always On Tour And I'm Sorry." I Said As I Teared Up A Little."I Love You fat Mama." I Said As I Kissed Her And Sniffed A Little.Since She Was Sound Asleep I Carried Her to her room.I Tucked her in and kissed her forehead. Then I went in my room and went through our pictures from today.

The Last Two Days With Ansley Was Amazing.I Was Really able to get to know Ansley.We Bonded More And I Love Her.She's My Fat Mama. She Basically has ashley and I personality mixed together.I really enjoyed my time with her.Now the kids are coming back.Sorta wish they would stay another few days but I guess not.

p.s. I'm Sorry I got Lazy At The End,I Just Wanted To Keep My Word And Publish this Chapter On Today or earlier. And Tbh I Was Sorta Getting tired Of This Chapter Cause I've Been on This Chapter For About 2 1/2 weeks And I just wanted To Publish.Sorry 😁😔 ~Love Bria😘

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