chapter 17

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❝it has begun❞

Days have passed by, the more they have planned. Today was the day where they meet Moon Taeil after in awhile.

"why are you so nervous?" y/n asked Jooyan
"i don't know.... It's probably because it's been awhile since the last time we've seen hyung" Jooyan replied, referring to Taeil.

"guys I think he's here" Jeongyun spoke as he heard a car pull up in front of their house

Soon a knock was heard, Jeongyun opened it and he was right, it was Moon Taeil that has arrived.

"Jeongyun-ah.... You've grown so much!" Taeil exclaimed, looking at Jeongyun up to down

"you too hyung, you still look fresh and young" Jeongyun chuckled
"yah! I'm only 14 years older than you!" Taeil protested, Taeil is a 38 year old man

"whatever, come in hyung" Jeongyun said as he step aside, making space for Taeil to go in

"so what's so important that you called me?" Taeil asked Jeongyun as they walk to where the younger ones were

"something is happening with y/n... We're not sure what's happening with her but I guess you'd have to see it yourself for the next few days." Jeongyun explained

Taeil will be staying and helping them for the next couple of days, he's the one who knows about the Supernatural the most in Nurial

"HYUUUUUUUUUNG!!!!!" a man-child said as he jumps on Taeil
"jooyan you might've broken some of my bones" Taeil gasped

"get off of him you man-child!" y/n as she pushes off Jooyan
"well the alpha is here" Taeil chuckled
"it's been awhile oppa" y/n smiled

They sat on the couch and catched up with eachother for awhile till Taeil finally asked what's wrong with y/n

"so... Y/n, I heard that something's going on with you?" Taeil asked y/n
"ah yes, remember when I showed you my results from doctor Deaton if I was a Supernatural or a Human right?" y/n asked Taeil, Taeil just nodded

"well.... A week ago I was in a fight with wendigos and berserkers then I was injured that I had to sit on a wheelchair.... When Haechan and Jeongyun oppa went outside to trap the beast a few days ago then Haechan came back severely injured.... I bolted right straight to Haechan like nothing's wrong with me when I was still in the process of healing my wounds" y/n explained

"are you dealing with other else?" Taeil asked

"yeah, when we looked at my injuries, it was completely healed! Like no scratches was left behind" y/n responded

"don't forget the hearing senses, you literally could hear us whispering even from a far distance" Jooyan added

"interesting...." Taeil spoke
"like the "i know what this is perfectly interesting" or is it like "interesting I would have to go out of Korea to see what we're dealing with"?" Jooyan asked

"..... Have i told how how much similar you are with Stiles?" Jeongyun sneered
"i'll take that as a compliment thank you" Jooyan sharply said

"i do know what's going on with her...." Taeil responded
"wait really!?" Y/n smiled
"it's really rare...." Taeil continued

"how rare?" Jeongyun asked
"very. It only happens every century where one doesn't need to be bitten, to drink, to be born to become a Supernatural, no name for it yet but most just call them the "special one" or "the chosen one" ...." Taeil explained

"but if I am a Supernatural.... What am I? I definitely can't be a banshee, banshees don't heal quick as most Supernatural heals" y/n questioned Taeil, she was beyond shocked

"i guess time will tell" Taeil shrugged
Soon, a door bell was heard, this time, it was y/n who opened the door

"oh guys! You're finally here" y/n said as she saw the 7 leaders on their front door

"come in please" y/n offered as she stepped aside for more space for the leaders to enter

"are you feeling any better Haechan?" y/n asked him as all of them walked down to the living room
"yeah, i've been feeling better" Haechan responded as he smiles

"what about you Jeno? How's your knuckles?" y/n asked Jeno this time
"they're fully healed now, thanks for asking" Jeno responded with a smile, a smile that the boys never seen since they were kids.

The 6 other leaders looked at each other, amused by Jeno's smile, the last time Jeno smiled like that was when before he found out about his parents' work.

"taeil oppa! The leaders are here" y/n sang as she enters the living room with the leaders behind her.

"you must be Moon Taeil right?" Mark asked as he offers a handshake, which Taeil gladly took

"yes sir, call me Taeil." Taeil replied
"no need to be formal with us, call us by our name please, you are older than us so" Jeno spoke as he shook Taeil's hand

"as you wish" Taeil smiled
They greeted eachother now they are planning with an expert of the Supernatural, Taeil.

"so... Tell me about the beast" Taeil spoke

"the beast escaped from the deep ends... At first we thought there was another generic chimera inside of the beast but it's nearly impossible because the dread doctors died already, only they know how to bend the rules of the supernatural." Jaemin explained"

"so you're saying that.... The beast is only the beast?" Taeil came into a conclusion
"oh my god you know what's happening do you?" Jooyan's eyes sparked

"yes, the man inside of the beast is Sebastien Valet, from the previous resurrection, he already gained so much benefit from Mason's memories, and each transformation the beast gets smarter. Which means he's already smart enough to resurrect himself." Taeil explained

"that sounds bad, really bad." Jisung shuddered
"cause it is" Jaemin sighed

Night falls, they were still in the Yoo's house, discussing. Y/n suddenly felt a rush in her body causing her to loose balance for a short second

"y/n! What's happening?" Chenle said as he catches her from behind
"it's starting"

"y/n! What's happening?" Chenle said as he catches her from behind"it's starting"

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The chapters of war are coming 🥱🥱🥱

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