chapter 8

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are you sure?❞

all leaders were outside of the meeting room, arguing.

“are your crazy!? Hyung, you’re putting her in DANGER. alright? DANGER.”
“But wouldn’t it be a perfect chance to see if she really is only just a human?”
“so if it turns out she was only human and literally has severe injuries, what will you do? Just heal her like that?”
“if he has too then yes”
“NO! you’re risking too much for her, what about us? What happens if she finds out the truth about us? You know, even the Supernatural are scared of us! Even if she turns out to be a Supernatural, she’ll be scared of herself and US.” the leaders were visibly still arguing, but not loud enough for y/n who’s in the meeting room to hear

“THAT IS ENOUGH!” the oldest leader snapped at all the young ones, the 6 other leaders looked at Mark, with their eyes wide open and visibly shocked. They have seen how serious Mark can get but not this much....

“she’s coming with us and that’s finalized. Understood?” he growled, all were too shocked to even say no, so they just nodded.

All leaders went back in the meeting room, all tensed. Y/n noticed it but she didn’t have the gut to ask as she saw some looking all so serious especially Mark.

“y/n, you will come with us. Now.” Jeno spoke, the girl just looked at him and nodded, she knew she didn’t, have time to ask why, basing it on how the leaders were moving in a hurry.

All left the meeting room and went out to the... Weaponry room. Y/n wasn’t scared but she was amazed, her grandma used to teach her about weapons, even weapons that no human can wield.

Y/n just watched the boys get their weapons, mostly daggers, there’s not much of guns, mostly for hand to hand combat.

“y/n? Do you know how to use any of these weapons?” Haechan asked

“yeah, my grandma taught me, I know how to use the bow and arrows, daggers which specifically are Chinese ring daggers, push dagger, Scottish Dirk, then swords, then I know how to use a Glock-17” y/n nonchalantly responded back at him

“okay then.... Feel free to pick any weapon here, there’s mostly daggers cause we prefer it that way” Renjun offered, and y/n gladly took her favorite dagger, a Chinese ring dagger.

“you prefer a hand to hand combat?” Jeno asked y/n
“depends, when I don’t wanna be seen or I just wanna stay in a far range, I use bow and arrows” y/n just shrugged

“okay everyone, I got a call from our secretary and I was right, the deep ends of Nurial is in Danger.” Mark spoke, “we will go there TOGETHER. no one should split. The deep ends of Nurial is a very dark and dangerous place. What we’re dealing here are wendigos. A cannibal shapshifter. Try not to get bitten.” Mark continued, everyone nodded at what he said.

Y/n knows what a wendigo could do, her grandma taught her about wendigos when she was a child, she knew it would be hard to defeat the wendigos, especially if one is has a small wound.

They went out and rode in their big van, enough for 10 people to fit at least. They were at the entrance of the deep ends. The leaders before DREAM put a barricade at the deep ends, all Supernatural creatures that are hidden there are bloodthirsty, not feeling the sensation of ripping out flesh into shreds for years. All leaders and including y/n were worried, will they be able to make it through?

They went out of the van and did safety precautions, checking the perimeter if there are any damages on the barricade, luckily there’s non so non of the creatures hidden in were not able to go to the Middle part of Nurial.

“remember, do not split.” Mark reminded everyone who was with him, all nodded and soon enough they went in.

“now I get why the leaders before us separated this part from the city” Chenle nervously said, they heard a thud on their right and that’s when everyone went serious.

They heard growls surrounding them, y/n immediately knew what creatures they were

“berserkers.” y/n growled, swiftly dodging a berserker’s fist that was about to pound on her face. That’s when the fight began.

“I THOUGHT WE WERE FIGHTING WENDIGOS!?” Jisung shouted at the team
“THIS IS ONLY A DISTRACTION, BERSERKERS ARE HARD TO KILL. IN ORDER TO KILL THEM WE NEED TO-” Jaemin was cut off by a punch coming from the berserker he was fighting

“JAEMIN!” Haechan shouted causing everyone to look at Jaemin’s side, y/n was furious, she immediately took Jeno’s gun and aimed at the berserker’s head, giving her a headshot and the berserker exploded into dust.

“yes. We need to destroy the skull covering their faces.” y/n shouted while still dodging a berserker’s punches.

Soon enough they get to kill all berserkers, they were all exhausted, but they had no choice but to keep going till they see the real threat.

Soon enough they get to kill all berserkers, they were all exhausted, but they had no choice but to keep going till they see the real threat

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this shit is DEEP

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