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Being a newly married couple has its perks. Always getting congratulated, businesses offering discounts and people just being extra nice in general. Osamu was already on his way to work, I had the day off so I went to my favorite Cafe to get drink and my favorite pastry. I'm not feeling 100% this morning but it's nothing I can't handle, I am a member of the Armed Detective Agency after all.

I ordered my food and sat down at a table to wait. Pulling out my phone I see I have a text from my husband. 'Husband' the term makes me giddy. 'Want to get take out tonight so we don't have to cook? Lmk. I love you (Y/N)' I giggle and roll my eyes responding with a 'Okay my love we can get something from the place up the road from our building.' I set my phone down for a second and it buzzes again. 'Okie dokie see you after work love.' I decide not to respond since it isn't necessary.

The woman at the counter called my name and gave me my Tea and pastry. I take it and head home after paying. Walking out of the Cafe and down the street towards our apartment I notice today is actually a pretty nice day. I look to my side and run into something or rather someone head on. "Ow shit I'm so sorry" I say rubbing my temples. I turn to look at who I ran into and notice all too familiar orange hair and a very tacky hat. "CHUUYA!" I yell surprising the poor man. He looks at me and smiles.

"Hey (Y/N) sorry for running into you I wasn't paying attention" He rubs the back of his neck while awkwardly looking to the side. "I wasn't paying attention either haha sorry about that" I attempt to laugh it off. "How has it been, ya know married life?" I smile "Its going really good actually." Chuuya looks to the floor and nods "I still can't believe you married Mackerel of all people. I mean you could have married anyone!" I chuckle and hug him, "Aw Chu I know its stupid but for some damn reason I love him, so so much." I sigh pulling back from the hug.

He nods smiling "well I guess I understand that, you cant help who you love." I let out a giggle and nod. "Oh hey Chuuya are you busy today?" he checks his phone. "no it doesn't seem like it but if I get a call i'll have to head to work" I nod knowing exactly what he means by 'work'. "Alright well do you want to hangout today? We haven't been able to hangout just the two of us since I left." his face lights up slightly "Yeah that would be great I've missed having you around at work, at least then we only lived a few dorms away from each other." he smiles thinking back to the days we worked as a team. I nod and grab his arm.

"come on lets get you some food then we'll head back to Osamu and my place for a bit and make a plan from there!" I hear him laugh as I pull him beside me. "yeah yeah okay but let go (Y/N) you're gonna pull my arm out of place!" I laugh and let go of his arm.

Without a word I intertwine my pinky with his and he returns the gesture. Now of course this can come off as something 'romantic' but Chuuya and I both know this is purely platonic. We've been friends since we were teenagers. We are just simply very good friends.

We get to the Cafe and Chuuya orders himself a pastry and some coffee. After he orders he comes and sits down at a table with me to wait. "So Dazai's got work today?" I nod. "Yeah he has a mission with Atsushi" Chuuya hums in response. The Cafe worker calls Chuuya's order and we head out of the Cafe pastry and drinks in hand.

The walk is silent but nice. It feels great to spend time with one of my dearest friends. We arrive at Osamu and my shared apartment. "Thank god you did something with the place, Mackerel can't decorate for shit." I laugh. "Well he did help pick out some things." He laughs we sit down at the table and set our food up. I open my bag with my pastry but for some reason it doesn't look as appetizing as it normally does.

I pout slightly and Chuuya looks up form his food noticing my expression. "Hey (Y/N) you alright?" I nod, but in my head I'm just thinking 'fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuuckkk' I'm not some idiot I know what these symptoms could possibly mean. Nausea, change in appetite, and headache. Now of course this could be just a small stomach bug but I know what I need to do.

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