Copying Is the Best Form of Flattery part 3 (8)

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Its now been 4 hours since I officially became a member of the ADA. I've been doing paper work and getting to know my new coworkers for the past few hours. At around 4:30 I was still sitting at my next desk just setting up my computer. I felt a chin rest on top my head. A few seconds later I felt someone rest their whole upper body on to me and my chair. I of course knew who it was right away his all too familiar scent gave it away. "Osamu what are you doing?" I smiled as I poked his nose. "Waiting~" He said softly. He moved his head down by the side of my face and whispered in my ear, "We have a date remember love~" My face is bright red. Did he really have to do that. "Oh haha yeahhh." I said trying to act like what he just did had no effect on me.

"Well shall we then?" He said with a soft smile. He stood up and offered me his hand. I placed my hand in his much bigger bandaged one and with that he smiled and helped me up. I smiled at him and we walked out of the agency hand in hand. What started as him just holding onto my hand trying to help me keep up turned more special and intimate when Osamu slowly interlaced his fingers with mine. we continued walking in comfortable silence until we reached our apartment. He opened the door and immediately pulled me into a sweet loving kiss. we pulled away and he hugged me. "I'm just going to grab a few things and we can leave in like 20 minutes, If you would like to change feel free to use my room I wont be in there so you don't have to worry but if I'm being completely honest I don't see a need for you to change you look absolutely stunning in anything even if its my clothes." He gave me the most genuine smile and chuckled to himself.

He turned around and began doing whatever it was he needed to do. I went to the bedroom, I just wanted to freshen up a bit and maybe do something with my hair since I still had only a few clothing items. I washed my face and brushed my hair. I took two of the front pieces of my (H/L) (H/C) hair and braided them. bringing them towards the back of my head and tied them in a bow to make sure they stayed in place. satisfied with my subtle changes I walked into the living room and sat on the couch. I heard humming and turned around to see Dazai, no shirt and damp hair. he must have taken a shower. I looks like he just put fresh bandages on and he was wearing black dress pants instead of his usual tan ones. Even though he is quite thin I can tell he has a very toned body. I blushed and turned around fast hoping he wouldn't notice that I saw him.

" (Y/N)~ enjoying the view are we?" Shit I've been spotted. "I don't know what you're talking about." I said. "Want me to remind you?" Osamu said leaning over the couch to face me. He laughed and walked away knowing exactly what I was going to say. "I'm just going to grab a shirt then we can go okay (Y/N), unless you'd like to stay home and do some indoor activities~" He said teasingly. I swear to god what have I gotten my self into with this man. I laughed and he came out of the room. He was now wearing a white dress shirt not fully buttoned up slightly revealing his bandaged chest. He grabbed his coat and offered me his hand. "Alright lets go." he said smiling and opening the door. We walked to a mall and made our way to a small sushi place. I have never been here before but Osamu seems to know the staff. We sat down in a booth at the corner of the small room.

"You look beautiful as always Ms. (L/N)." Osamu said with a kind tone of voice. "You're not so bad yourself Mr. Dazai." I said before letting out a light giggle. Osamu and I began to laugh together. A waitress came over and took our orders. We resumed our random conversation shortly after she left our table. "(Y/N)" Dazai said in a serious tone almost making me jump form the sudden switch in mood. "Yes?" I said completely confused and nervous. "What is your ability?" Oh god I can't tell him the truth he might get upset. "Oh it's uh nothing special its a combat ability allowing me to use roses to fight my opponent. I can create and control rose vines and use them in a fight." I said hiding parts of the truth. "(Y/N) there's no need to lie to me." He speaks as he analyzes my every move I feel as though I'm being interrogated. "But I'm not." I said close to tearing up. "(Y/N) I remember you." Osamu is completely serious. He remembers me and my ability he knows what I have done. He knows who I am.

I start to cry, I'm confused. "If you remember me why would you want to be with me, especially since you know what I've done" my vision is blurred by tears as I frantically try to wipe the ones falling down my cheeks. I didn't even notice Dazai had made his way over to my side of the booth until I felt his arms wrap around me bringing me closer to him. "(Y/N) I was way worse then you. If anything I'm confused about why you would want to be with me." He kissed my forehead softly. "But at least you weren't worthless like I was, people have always told me my ability was pathetic. All It does is copy others it's not like I have a useful ability of my own." I'm no longer crying but I can't help but feel the people who called me all of those things were right.

"(Y/N) your ability Copying Is The Best Form Of Flattery is amazing, its one of the many reasons I recommended that you join the agency. We are really lucky to have someone like you on our team." He smiled at me then continued. " Your kill count was a mere 50, mine is over 100. You had no choice I know you didn't want too." I nodded. There are so many things I did in the few years I was in the Port Mafia that I wish more than anything I could Take back. I wonder why Osamu never said anything about this before. "Hey 'Samu I thought you didn't remember me." He chuckled. "How could I forget the woman I fell in love with the moment I met her?" I blushed. "You really are weird Osamu." I said rolling my eyes and giggling. "To be fair I never forgot you, I mean how could I forget the first man I ever loved and a fellow ex Executive?" He kissed me gently and just a moment later our food arrived.

We continued on, talking and laughing over random things. I hope this never ends. I'm so happy and relived now that I know he remembers me. After all I have loved him since I was 13. Now even at 21 I will never get over his goofy personality. I know when I first met him I was scared of him but he was nothing like I expected. We continued our conversation and finished up our food. "Thank you so much 'Samu I'm having such a good time." He smiled at me in return and paid the bill. We stood up and left the restaurant. Walking around the mall and just enjoying being in each others presence. We passed a small clothing shop. I noticed a really pretty (F/C) shirt and asked him if I could check it out. He nodded and we walked inside. I looked to see if they had the shirt in my size and luckily they did. I do need some clothes since I'm going to be working now though I feel bad making poor Dazai come along with me I'm sure this isn't something he'd like to do.

While I was browsing I saw Osamu talking to the store clerk, poor woman hes probably being a pest. I giggled and walked over to pay for the shirt. The woman folded the shirt and put it in a bag, to my surprise there was a light brown sun dress in the bag as well. "Ma'am I think there is a extra item in there." I said. "That young man over there just said he was paying, He purchased this dress as well as the shirt you just brought over." I quickly turned around. " 'Samu" I whined. I don't want him to have to pay for me all the time, I have money and I feel bad that he thinks he has to do this for me. I walk over to him and pull his coat to get his attention. " 'Samu please let me pay you back. You really don't have to do this for me." He looked at me and smiled. "Nope. Not gonna happen." He began to run out of the shop. I ran to grab the bag and I thanked the woman. I ran out of the shop and chased after my idiot of a boyfriend.

Someone once told me "To imitate a person is to pay the person a genuine compliment- even when unintended." That person was special to me. He was my first love. Osamu Dazai.

A/N: HIIIIII um yeah this took me forever and its okay but I hope you enjoyed it.

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