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   After about 20 minutes Ranpo and I arrived at the crime scene. There was blood everywhere. We were taken to the body by one of the city police. The victim was a young man he seemed to be in his early 30's. His face had been slit into a smile on the right side. His legs and arms had also been slit in many areas.

   The strange thing about these cut was the wounds seemed to have been cauterized. All except the wound on his neck. The poor man was attacked and tortured until his neck was cut and he bleed out. The murderer must of has some sort of heat or fire ability due to the cauterization of most of his wounds.

  I turn to tell Ranpo what I have noticed. "Ranpo the killer must have had some sort of heat or fire ability, we should look into abilities in the area." He turned to me eyes wide open and glasses on. "Dont be stupid (Y/N) the killer is none other than the shop clerk over there." I stared at him dumbfounded.

  "Oh wait I understand now! This man must have tried to rob the store. The clerk tried to stop him but the man had a knife. The clerk must have been either pissed off or scared because she ended up activating her ability. She was able to get the knife from the man. She sliced his face then his arms and lastly his legs. She did this in attempt to immobilize him. The man was screaming in agony she could only think of one way to shut him up. She slit his throat then decided to clean up and call the police. In this case our 'witness' is actually our murderer. I still have one question though around what time would this have taken place? This shopping center is quite busy so I'm sure there would have to have been atleast one witness."

"Good job (Y/N) I knew you could figure it out eventually, and now that you have finally solved the case at my thinking level you just need to work on speed." Ranpo says with a arrogant smile on his ever so proud face. I roll my eyes and chuckle I'm glad he hasn't changed. "Anyway (Y/N) let's go get that shop clerk and bring her in."

  With that Ranpo and I head to the store to find our murderer. When we enter the store the woman is no where to be seen. Ranpo walks toward the front desk to check if she was behind it. In the blink of an eye the woman jumps from behind the counter and charges at Ranpo with the knife she used to kill the man. I quickly activated one of my learned abilities and got infront of my green-eyed colleague.  I pushed Ranpo back and wrapped the vines of my ability around the woman.

I just missed her left arm which was the one holding the knife. Quickly she reacted and threw it at me. The knife grazed my cheek just deep enough to make it bleed but not deep enough to need stitches. I chuckle at the woman a menacing smirk appears on my face. "That all you've got?" I asked in a condescending tone. The woman is freaking out but she's tightly wrapped in rose vines thanks to my ability dancing with roses. The women let's out a loud scream causing the police to run over.

    When the police arrive Ranpo explains everything. They take the woman into custody and Ranpo and I decide to go to the Cafe after a job well done. We sit down in a corner booth and order our drinks. "I expected better from a former executive Miss (L/N)" Ranpo spoke up in a half teasing half serious tone. My face drops slightly.

    He continues "one of the most feared port Mafia executives ever all the way up there with the Port Mafia's dark prodigy." I begin to frown. "Well Ranpo I knew that you knew about my past but I didn't think you would bring up something like this so casually." I said looking anywhere but his eyes. "Sorry I don't mean any harm by it im just confused, why don't you use your full ability?" He says a more comforting tone.

   "I'm just not ready yet. I wish I could move on and use it again but I just need more time." I say disappointed in myself. Ranpo gives me a smile making me feel so much better. "Take all the time you need, but the second you're ready be prepared to challenge me on some more murder cases!" His smile gets wider and he finishes his last statement.

   I chuckle and rest my hand on top of his giving it a quick squeeze. "You're on Ranpo!" I say in a excited tone, Ranpo is one of my oldest friends and I really do love him we have always had a little bit of a rivalry that kind of drives us.

   We both laugh and decide to head back upstairs to the agency. We opened the door and headed in still finishing off our long conversation on what snacks are the best. Osamu runs up to me with a concerned look. "Honey what happened to you!?" He yells.

   "Oh shit I forgot" I chuckle remembering the gash on my cheek. He pulls out a handkerchief and wipes the blood away. His eyes widened looking down at my side. I didn't even notice I got sliced there until now. "Hey are you okay (Y/N)?" Osamu says with worry laced in his voice. I chuckle again he's always been like this with me its so cute. "I'm fine you dork." I roll my eyes and ruffle his hair as he wipes the blood away.

   He smiles up at me and stands back up. God I always forget how much taller he is. I frown slightly feeling tiny with him standing over me like this. A dark smirk appears on his face as he leans down to my ear and whispers "what darling is this intimidating you? You took it all so well just a few days ago." His voice is condescending yet sweet? I give him a dirty look and slap the back of his head. "No Osamu." I speak in a serious tone as I turn and walk to my desk to fill out my report.

  After my report was finished it was around time to leave the office and head home. "(L/N), Dazai you two are free to go." I heard Kunikida say while he finished up his report. "Thanks Kunikida!" I say as I stand and go to collect the ever so lazy Dazai Osamu who was asleep on the couch. "Hey dork wake up." He didn't budge. "Oi Dazai get up!" Still no response. I lean down to his ear and whisper "Samu it's time to get up~" in a low honey like tone, this got a reaction out of him. He opened one eye and looked at me with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and began walking home without him.


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