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The guys found baileys story helpful as it kept their minds off of the battle they were about to get themselves into.

"We have about half an hour till arrival, Captain." Dumdum said over the communicator. " I know your tired of me asking but is there any luck with bullseye?"

Steve laughed a little bit as bailey took the communicator. "I'm alright, Dugan. Now keep it down, I can hear you talking through the truck." She said, her voice still being gentle as she was still in pain.

"Sorry bullseye." He said, becoming more quiet as he chuckled.

The communicator went silent as they waited in the back of the truck, Bailey contemplating whether or not she should wake Bucky yet.

But her decision didn't matter as the man woke up on his own after dum dum drive over a bump and shook the truck.

Bucky's eyes opened as he looked around, seeing that Gabe and another guy they would call pinky were asleep. Bailey was still positioned how he had her earlier so he didn't even notice she was awake yet.

"Well good evening sergeant." Bailey whispered, giggling a little bit.

Bucky's grip held her tighter as a sigh of relief escaped his lips. "Thank god." He sighed, resting his head on top of hers. "Did you just wake up?"

"Nope." She said, kissing his cheek. "I told Steve not to wake you. You looked at peace while you slept."

"Your such an ass." He smirked, fixing how she was sat and hugging her. "How do you feel?"

Bailey shrugged. "Well, just sore. I haven't had the chance to stand up yet, so I hope that bullet in my leg didn't cause too much damage."

Bucky looked down at bailey and smiled, his arms going around her waist gently. "I got all of the bullets out and wrapped them up."

"How'd you manage to get the one in my leg?" She asked, "these pants aren't exactly easy to pull up."

"I made them look away." He smirked.

Baileys face reddened the slightest bit as she leaned back into his chest. "Your lucky that I love you Barnes." She said with a small smile.

Bucky smirked once again. "Your saying it like that's a bad thing." He said. "But if I'm right, we are probably getting closer to the next facility. Yes?"


"Do you really think going in there hurt is the best idea?" Bucky asked, "I mean, if Schmidt got you when your not injured and this happened.. it's going to be worse if he gets you again."

Steve sighed and looked over to bailey who held a gentle facial expression. "Bucky." She said, looking up into his steel eyes. "I'm alright. This serum I got heals my body like a thousand times faster than a regular persons would."


"Alright we are about ten minutes away." Dum Dum said on the communicator to Steve. "Is bullseye joining us?"

Bucky looked down to bailey. "If your coming, your with me the entire time. Got it?" He asked, raising his eyebrow as he spoke.

Bailey smiled and nodded her head. "Of course." She said, beginning to adjust herself to prepare. "But I'm making the calls, alright?"

Steve laughed. "You know, your awfully bossy for someone who got hurt on the last invasion." He teased.

"Shut it, Rogers." She said, pointing at him. "Before I tell these guys a little Steve story." she threatened with a playful smirk on her face.

Steve immediately shut up, finding bailey to be intimidating. "Yes ma'am." He said, the truck coming to a stop. "Now let's go kick some hydra ass."


Bailey and Bucky were split up from everyone else as they snuck around the facility. Bucky was being extremely protective of Bailey, shoving her behind him each time he heard footsteps.

Of course, Bailey understood why he was doing this. He was worried, he  had grown to become terrible at hiding it from her.

"Bucky, watch out!" Bailey said, shoving Bucky away at two men came running at them. Without hesitation, Bailey there her staff at the men and watched as they were pinned to the wall bleeding out.

"Next time, let me shoot them." Bucky said, pulling baileys staff out of the men and the wall, handing it back to her.

Bailey looked at him for a second, then continued to nod her head. "Did you even notice the bullet hole in your arm?" She asked, nodding her head to the wound.

Bucky looked at his arm, nodding his head. "Now I do." He said. "The adrenaline must've distracted me from it."

"I'll fix it when we get back." She said.

Bailey stopped walking as she heard a familiar pair of heavy footsteps approaching them, immediately pulling Bucky's arm and hiding them behind some crates.

Bucky groaned for a split second from the sudden movement before baileys hand converted his mouth. "It's Schmidt." She whispered very quietly into his ear.

The two were sat extremely close together, practically on top of each other. Bucky gripped onto his gun tightly with one hand while his other arm was wrapped around bailey like a shield.

Once they knew Schmidt was out of the room, Bucky peeked over the crates just to be sure. "All clear." He said, slowly standing up and putting his hand out for bailey.

"Schmidts here.. but not for long." Bailey said into her communicator, following in the direction that Schmidt went.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?!" Steve complained.

Bucky groaned, taking baileys communicator. "Because he would've killed us if he heard anything." He said, "me and bails are following right behind him.. upper west wing of the facility."

"Copy that, sergeant."

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