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Bailey rushed inside after hearing that it was the 107th that she was dealing with, her eyes scanning around the tent until they met the familiar steel blue eyes.

A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she ran to the boy, touching his cheek where he had some cuts. "Bucky.." she said, "what happened to you..?"

"I'm ok, Bailey girl." He said, pulling her closer and hugging her, despite the pain he was in. "The troop got captured by hydra, then you won't believe who saved us."

"Captain America?" She asked with a laugh as she cleaned up his bloody wounds.

Bucky laughed, "yes, but do you know who Captain America is?" He asked.

Bailey shrugged. "No, and I don't care either. All I care about is fixing y-"

"Steves Captain America." Bucky cut her off.

The girl stood and looked at him in shock. "Holy shit.. your not joking." She said, noticing he was being serious. "He didn't tell me, he just left."

Once bailey was finished cleaning up Bucky, the other nurses had already began to tend to the other soldiers, leaving her without work.

"Buck." She said, "how long were you there? With hydra?"

Bucky frowned, "not long enough to avoid the letter." He said, hopping down from the thin bed. "Is it actually true?"

The two decided to move their conversation to baileys bunk, just so less people would have to see Bucky upset.

Bailey nodded, putting her arms around him and giving him a hug. "It's all my fault buck." She said, "She distracted me from helping her by talking about you."

"It's not your fault." Bucky said, his arms around baileys figure tightly. "But she definitely is smart so there was a reason. Is there any idea who did it?"

Bailey nodded. "Your not going to like it." She said.

"No matter who did it, I don't like it." Bucky said, "I mean, it's my sister. She hasn't done anything to harm anyone. She didn't deserve it."

"Well.." Bailey said, pulling away and looking into Bucky's eyes. "When the three people were rolled in, it was Becca, another boy, and Anthony Martino."

Anger. Pure anger rose to Bucky's face. It scared bailey a little bit, watching as his fist balled up to his side. "I'm going to kill that bastard the second I see him!" He said.

If it were possible, bailey could see the steam coming from Bucky's ears just like the cartoons would show. "Buck, it doesn't matter. He's hospitalized now, and is being sent to prison for drunk driving and killing her."

"Yeah, it does bailey!" He said, "because of him I won't ever be able to see my sister again. Because he's too much of an idiot to restrain himself from driving after drinking."

Bailey frowned, lowering her head and looking to the ground. for once, she was actually scared of Bucky.

But, Bucky noticed her fear and stopped speaking. Instead he put his arms around her and squeezed her tightly. "I miss her."

"So do I.." Bailey said, comforting the boy. "She wanted you to know that she loved you." She said in a whisper.

Bucky let go of the hug and tried to wipe away the tears coming out his eyes. But Bailey shook her head and placed her hands on his cheeks. She used her small thumbs to wipe away whatever tears were on his cheeks.

Bailey knew that in order to help Bucky feel better, she would have to do what he usually would and stay strong. The poor boy just lost his sister, she didn't want to worry him with her sadness too.

"How are you so calm about this?" Bucky asked, trying to stop his crying as he looked into baileys calm emerald eyes.

"Well, I just- I don't know. I haven't really felt anything the last few months." She said, "it's like I cried all my emotions out."

Bucky frowned and placed a kiss on her forehead. "I'm sure your going to be alright, darling." He said. "But hey, some of the guys are going out to the bar tonight, you should come. Peggy is going too and so is Steve."

"You guys are a bunch of idiots." Bailey said with a small smile, "but I have to go meet up with Howard again before I do anything."

"Why Howard?" Bucky asked.

Bailey smirked at Bucky's jealousy. "Someone's jealous." She joked. "But he's also kind of my boss at the moment so I need to. I promise you it's alright."

Bucky smiled. "I trust you." He said. "But, I have to go check in with the colonel to give him a head count."

"Alright Sarg." Bailey smirked, giving him a kiss. "I'll see you later."

"You bet, Doctor Connors."

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