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Bailey walked into Howard's lab within the next couple of minutes since talking to Bucky, noticing Howard looked like he had a plan. Still, she couldn't tell for sure since she hardly knew him still.

"Alright Stark, this grin is freaking me out." Bailey laughed, "what's going on?"

Howard stopped showing his smirk and grew to be a little more serious. "Ok, remember when I told you that I had one more vile of serum left...?" He asked.

Bailey nodded, not really getting what he was going at.

"I wanted to use that last sample on the opposite gender of the first tester. Knowing it worked on the male body.. it's a 99% chance it works on the female." Howard said, holding up the vile filled with the blue serum. "Peggy already told me she didn't want to be a test subject, and there's only in other female around here who is worthy of this."

Bailey stood there, catching on to what the man meant. "You want to use that on me?" She asked, "how could you possibly know I'm worthy? And, don't you have to do a whole procedure thing for this?"

Howard nodded. "Well, since I only have one vile it's a simple injection. The serum will flow through your veins and separate equally around your body since your more of a petite size." He said, pointing to the needle. "And from what I've studied about you, your the only doctor in Brooklyn general who has stayed with their patients until they're completely better. Plus, Captain Rogers recommend you for this."

"So it was Steve who took the other sample." Bailey said, "figures. Alright, I trust Steve's instincts, but make it quick.. I have places to be tonight."

"But I must warn you, since it's a smaller dosage, you might feel sick for the next few hours because it won't be all at once around your body." Howard warned, standing next to bailey holding out the needle. "This will make you more of the person you are. Good turns better, bad gets worse. Your positive about this?"

Bailey nodded, rolling up her sleeve. "Yeah, just do it." She said, "the quicker this is done, the better."

"That's the spirit." Howard laughed, injecting the serum into the girls arm without any warning.

Bailey squeezed her eyes shut as she did her best to not scream in pain. "Ah shit." She muttered as she felt the liquid flow into her all at once. "Howard I swear to god if this messes me up, I'll Kill you."

"Relax, I'm all done." the dark haired man laughed, "now before you go, the serum shouldn't change your physical appearance like it did to Steve. It's just going to make you stronger, faster, and smarter. And your reflexes will be enhanced too."

"What do you mean it changed steves appearance?" Bailey asked.

"You'll see."


As the nights hours came around, both Peggy and Bailey made their way to the bar where the 107th would be hanging around. Bailey was eager to see Steve, curious of his transformation.

"So, I hear you've grown up with sergeant Barnes and captain Rogers?" Peggy asked as they sat in the back of the cab. "You are most definitely Barnes' favorite thing to talk about. I feel like I know everything about you."

Bailey laughed. "Yeah, we went all through grade school together. Bucky was usually the one saving me from getting beat up and keeping Steve away from the fights." Bailey said, "but he's a tough guy, I got lucky."

"You sure did." Peggy said, the cab coming to a stop in front of a small pub. "Here we are."

The two girls got out of the cab, fixing their clothing before they went inside. "I can't believe I let you talk me into wearing this." Bailey said, walking beside Peggy into the bar.

They both had on dresses, peggys being red and baileys being green. "Well, I doubt you brought one. And it matches your eyes." Peggy smiled, stopping as she spotted the couple of men up ahead. "Captain." She said, a taller guy turning around the face her.

If Bailey had a drink, she would've spit it out as she recognized Steve's face. She gave him and annoyed look, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Oh your gonna get it." Bucky whispered to Steve, looking at his angry girl.

Steve did a nervous smiled, watching as bailey approached him.

"Steven grant why the hell are you so.. big?!" She asked, whacking his arm. "Do you know how worried I was when you practically went missing?!"

"Sorry bailey..." Steve sighed, "I just got this opportunity and- I couldn't pass it up." He said.

Bailey let her face soften, putting her arms around Steve and hugging him. "You go missing again, I'll find you then I'll kill you myself." She said, poking his chest. "Are we clear?"

"Yes ma'am." Steve said, nodding his head.

Bailey could hear one of the other soldiers laughing from his table. "I like that one, you got a name pretty lady?" He asked.

"Even better, she's got a boyfriend." Bucky said, putting his arm around bailey. "This is Bailey."

The mans eyes went wide. "Bailey as in the one who almost beat a guy to death?" He asked, "I-I'm Tim Dugan, but everyone around here calls me Dum Dum Dugan.. for obvious reasons I guess."

Bailey smirked. "Well watch it Dugan, one wrong move and your next on my list." She joked, Bucky smiling at her confidence. "So what are you guys going to do about hydra anyways?"

Steve sighed as everyone sat around one big table to discuss the plan. "We need to go back and take down each facility. Colonel Phillips agreed to let us go, but he says we need to bring a medic.." Steve said, pointing out that he was going to need bailey. "If your up for it, your our best bet to keep everyone alive."

"So you want me to go off with you guys into battle?" Bailey asked.

"Yeah." Steve said, "you've been a top ranked nurse for over two years, and I'm pretty sure colonel was going to send you with us either way."

Bailey turned to look at bucky, who didn't seem to be too excited that she would be risking her life to save theirs. "I just don't want you to get hurt." Bucky said, "sure, your hand to hand combat is really good, but if it comes to the case where you need to use a gun or a weapon of any sort-"

Peggy looked over at bailey, then back to the group of men. "You know.. Howard gave Bailey the last dose of the serum so she's got it programmed into her mind how to be stealthy and good with weapons."

Bucky looked at bailey in shock. "Oh Jesus, you took the serum too?!" He asked, "you are both crazy."

Bailey laughed a little bit. "Ok ok, yeah, I did." She said, "but look at Steve, it worked just fine for him. Howard told me that I would be alright, you've got nothing to worry about."

Bucky nodded, putting his arm around bailey and pulling her head closer to his. "Don't complain to me if you grow a third eye, just by the way."

"Your such an exaggerator, buck."

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