Chapter:6 I have to find you.

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We were at Sidra just in time. The morning was tense. Dad was bustling around me, exposing myself to unnecessary danger. Mom made sure I took everything. Fin seemed to be happier....I don't know. When we reached the river, everyone was waiting for us there. Expect for aunt Elain, but she was forgiven. I heard that the healer ordered her to lie down and rest for the next 3 days. All of them were in their illyrian costumes an armen to the teeth. The moment 8 landed on the ground, aunt Feyre come to me. She grabbed my shoulders.
Feyre:Val, don't be fooled by the beautiful view and the nice people. No matter if you see them or not, monsters and traps lurk everywhere.
Fin stood behind me and and put his arm around my shoulder.
Finian:Aunt Feyre,she is not going on trip through Bermuda Triangel. She just goes to......I don't know what, but I'm sure it won't get any worse.
Feyre:Finian, don't underestimate them.
So aunt Feyre let me go and stood next to her mate. Aunt Mor turned to me.
Mor:Are you ready for the unpredictable, child?
Valeria:More than ready.
Uncle Rhys interrupted us and started shouting at us.
Rhys:Ladies, it's time to leave. We're going to teleport. Nesta and Cassian with Mor, Valeria and Finian with Veronica and Nyx and Az with us.
I approached Veronica and grabbed her left hand. Finian stood to her right. Uncle Rhys shouted again.
Rhys: I number to three. At three you all teleport to the southern border of the Spring Court. Clear?
We all nodded in response.
I caught Veronica tighter.
I get ready for the nasty feeling.
And so the world around me disappeared.
The moment I opened my eyes I felt dizzy. I kept my digital and did not fall. I looked around. I was surrounded by green forests and versatile flowers. It was the beginning of autumn. In the Night Court it was getting cold faster from here. It was probably 28 degrees at the moment, a cold breeze was blowing and the sun wasn't so hot. My favorite. I let go of Veronica's hand and turned to my family. Mom looked around and dad could clearly see that he was trying not to sneeze or scratch. Aunt Feyre stared at the place with blurred eyes. She was like going through old memories. Uncle Rhys looked as if he had stepped on horse manure. Veronica was absolutely enjoying the view and Fin was just staring with curiosity. Uncle Az was whispering to his shadows and aunt Mor leaned over to pick a daisy. Nyx looked straight at me and smiled encouragingly at me.
Mor: So... what do we do and where do we go?
We were all silent. There was a tense silence.
Mor:Don't tell me we teleported to a place where it's probably forbidden even yo look and we don't know where to go!
Cassian:This is a sign of karma to come back! Some other time when we have a better plan we will come back!
Veronica chuckled loudly.
We all turned to her.
Veronica looked away into the forest that seemed the most unfriendly of all.
Veronica: The shadows are talking to me.-she turned to uncle Az. He nodded to continue.-We have to go through this forest!- she pointed the one she was looking through.- I don't know how but at some point we will get to one of the things we are looking for.
Finian: Don't tell me we have to go through the scariest forest. Can't we go through this one on the right side, which has a path and and smells like petunias?
Veronica answered him simply.
Nyx laughed.
Nyx: Weren't you afraid of anything, cousin?
Finian:Only the fool is not afraid, Nyx!
This provoked another laugh from our cousin. Aunt Feyre turned to us.
Feyre:Stop laughing. We better go.
Mom turned her cool gaze to us and said in a cold tone.
Nesta:Something is bothering me in this forest? It's inhabited by creatures we may not even have seen.
Uncle Rhys suddenly called.
Rhys:I agree.
We all looked at each other. In this moment I decided to take the things in my hands.
Valeria:Let's go before we suffocate with the smell of petunias!
After this remark we all headed for the ominous forest.
I opened my eyes directly. She was here. She was on my territory. I could feel it. The girl who made me ready for everything. The girl I think about every morning when I wake up and every night before I go to sleep. She was here. My mate. My Valeria. I had to find her.

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