Part 30

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~7th March~

You had forced yourself to stay awake until backup came, but then the dark took over. Now, you woke up, forcing your eyes open despite only wanting to stay asleep. Two people were sitting in the room, Maria and Happy.

"Morning." you mumbled and they both looked up immediately, causing you to smile. "Or is it evening?"

"Night, actually." Maria said and you chuckled, before grimacing.

"How many made it?" you asked, straightening up as much as you could while they both looked at each other. "That bad? Just... give it to me straight."

"We should probably let the doctors check you, they have been asking to speak to you as soon as you wake up." Happy said and you glared.

"And I can be checked on, once you tell me. I deserve to know." you said and he looked at Maria, who just nodded. 

"Eleven of you made it." he said and your eyes widened. Eleven out of twenty.

"Who are the fallen?" you asked and they looked at each other again. "Just tell me." you muttered through gritted teeth. Finally, your aunt brought out an iPad from her pocket, clicking a button before holding it out before you.

Parker, May, Wong, Rhodes, Lang, Maximoff, Strange, Quill, and Drax. Nine of the people on a mission you decided was important died because you decided it was the right thing to do. Maybe you were wrong.

"I need to apologize to May..." you said as you straightened up further, but Happy put his hand on your shoulder to stop you.

"I know what she said to you, but Peter's death was not your fault-" he started, but you stopped him.

"What did May say?" you asked and they both froze.

"You woke up for a minute or so, on your way to the emergency room. You broke the news about Peter dying and she broke down. She yelled some things she didn't mean and she is feeling really guilty about it."

"What did she say, Happy?"

"She said it was your fault. That you were a murderer." he said and you sighed.

"She's not wrong, you know." you said and they both opened their mouth to argue, but you got to it first. "Maybe Peter wasn't my fault, but I- I did... I did kill someone." you said, looking at your hands instead of them.

"I'm sure it was justified." Maria said and you shrugged.

"It was Ward. We were fighting and he had me in a chokehold. I managed to get an arm free and thrust a knife back, aiming for his shoulder. I couldn't see, or breathe for that matter, so I missed and hit his lung." you said slowly looking up. There was none of the disgust you felt in their eyes, there was only sympathy. "Anyway, I have one more question."

"Ask away." your aunt said and you nodded.

"What day is it?"

"It's the seventh of March."


A knock could be heard from the door and your gaze snapped up. After getting checked up on by the doctors, you went straight to work on a computer Maria managed to snatch. You needed to figure out where Thanos is and how to beat him.

"Come in." you finally said and the door opened, revealing Okoye, T'Challa, and Shuri. "Oh right, I'm guessing you need to debrief me." you said with a soft smile and they nodded.

"We only really have three questions, then we have a thing to ask of you and an offer." T'Challa said and you nodded. "Question one; what made you decide to split your team up?"

"The coms had stopped working. It later turned out that it was C- Barton's doing. But before I found out about that, we didn't know if it meant something had happened to the others, maybe they needed backup. I think Barton only wanted to get me alone to bring me to Thanos."

"Which leads us to question two; what exactly happened with Barton?"

"We were walking when I heard him draw an arrow, I turned around and he shot me in the stomach. From there I took on a weak role to gain information. He had hidden in the vents when we were fixing with the stone. The reason he was working for Thanos was that Thanos had, still has, his family. After gaining that, I pushed the arrow through and we fought. I managed to knock Barton out and turn off the com-disrupter." you explained and they nodded.

"Now the last question; Valkyrie said you gave Thanos the location of your container and the names of the others having one as well, in exchange for Parker's life. Is it true?" Okoye asked. She looked concerned, but not angry.


"You didn't give him the coordinates or the names?" she asked and you nodded. "Care to explain?"

"I gave him some coordinates, but not the right ones. I gave him the coordinates to a lovely place called Bitchfield. As for the names, I gave him real people's names, but not the right people." you explained and they all seemed frozen as they took in the information, though Okoye snapped out of it really quickly.

"What were the names?" she asked and you smiled.

"I figured I should repay an old favor, so Wade Wilson is going to get a visit. But Thanos only knows him as Deadpool." you explained and Shuri laughed.

"You sent Thanos after a master assassin and you know the coordinates to a place called Bitchville at the top of your head?" she asked and you chuckled, trying to hide the grimace of pain. "Anyhow. Let's get the good thing first and give you that offer. Mr. Man wants to see you, he noticed that you and the others left and he wants answers, he doesn't like the idea of meeting with someone else." she explained and you nodded.

"I don't know how that is the good thing, but tell him I'll meet him in the meeting room at 10 pm."

"It is more of the better thing than anything else. But now, the thing we need to ask of you. We are trying to get information out of Barton, but we think guilt is making it hard for him to focus. He betrayed Romanoff and everyone else. So, we were thinking that-" T'Challa started and you sighed.

"It would ease his conscience to see me alive." you finished for him and he nodded. "Give me an hour to go to my room and make myself presentable." you said and they all smiled.

"Of course. But remember, if anything gets too much, you can simply reschedule." the king continued and you gave him a soft smile.

"I know, and I appreciate the choice, but I think I want to do this, however weird it sounds."

"It doesn't sound weird. We all deal with things differently, do we not?" Okoye asked and you smiled.

"We do." you said before turning to Shuri. "Would you mind accompanying me to my room?" you asked and a glint in her eye showed that she knew there was more to it.

"Of course." was all she said before walking over to the bed, holding out a helping hand. You picked up your laptop with one hand and took the help with your other one, and the two of you walked out of the room, straight past the other two. As soon as you were out of ears way, you leaned towards her.

"Hurry up, we have a lot to discuss.

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52.8454° N, 0.5332° W = coordinates for Bitchfield. For some reason, the fact that she has that memorized just to send people there makes me laugh. 

- A/N

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