Enough Is Enough

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The family then started to get ready for the new addition. By then, Morgan was even getting excited about Benjamin's birth. She had changed her mind about the baby once Derek told her of the good things about her little cousin. Meredith was proud of her daughter when she announced that she was going to help her aunt and uncle with the baby. She knew that it had been tough for her when Derek and the children moved into the house, but she soon adjusted to her new roommates.

Lexie's due date came and went. She wasn't thrilled when she didn't go into labor on her due date. She and Mark were both anxious and ready for that baby to come out. Lexie wanted to induce labor, but Meredith assured her that it wasn't necessary. After of a week of waiting, Benjamin Thatcher Sloan was born. His godparents and cousins were thrilled at the news.

"How does it feel to be an aunt?" Derek asked Meredith after they had called the kids, who were being watched by April and her boyfriend Jackson. When Lexie had gone into labor, Meredith was already at the hospital. So Derek just decided to meet them there and leave the children at home with baby-sitters.

Meredith thought for a moment before she spoke. "I don't know. I'll let you know after I see my sister and new nephew," she replied. A few minutes later, Mark led them to Lexie's room, where Lexie was holding the baby. Meredith looked over at her nephew and gave her sister a wide smile. "Lexie, he's beautiful."

"I think the word is handsome," Mark corrected her as Lexie gently handed her son over to his uncle. "He looks like a Sloan, doesn't he?" he asked proudly. Derek had to agree. "Your mom thought so too."

Derek turned to him surprised. "You talked to my mom?"

Mark nodded. "Yeah, I called her with the good news about Ben. And I sent your sisters some pictures. Why? What's the problem? You know that your family is part of our family. Your family would kill me if I didn't tell them about the birth."

Derek knew he was right. He didn't respond as he passed the baby over to Meredith. She smiled down at her nephew as Derek gestured Mark to come out into the hall. Meredith frowned as she wondered what was going on with Derek. She decided not to worry about it. She knew that he would tell her sooner or later.

"So it's Benjamin Thatcher Sloan," Meredith said as she eyed her sister. Lexie didn't respond. "You couldn't come up with a better middle name?"

"Well, you named Morgan after Ellis," Lexie reminded her. "And you told me that it was up to me and Mark, remember?" Meredith knew that was true. "So don't give me a lecture about my son's middle name."

Meredith knew that it was best to drop the subject. She looked down at her nephew again. "Don't tell Mark I said this, but I think he has a little bit of Grey in him."

"Well, Mark is hoping that he will be the next Lexipedia," Lexie replied as Meredith gave him back to his mother. "He wants our little boy to be smart."

"How could he not be with who he has for parents?" Meredith asked as the two men came back into the room. Ben started to stir from his sleep and cry. Meredith had a feeling she knew what he wanted. "I think we should give you guys some privacy. We'll come back later."

Derek agreed. They quietly said good-bye to them and left the room. Neither aunt nor uncle could stop smiling. "Do you have to go back to work?" Derek asked her as they walked down the hall. Meredith shook her head, pleasing him greatly. "Why don't we go and celebrate with drinks at Joe's?" he suggested. "It's my treat."

Soon, they were sitting at the counter of the bar, sipping drinks. They were enjoying themselves, but Meredith couldn't help but wonder why Derek had gotten so upset. "So was with you and Mark earlier?" she asked him hesitantly. "I thought Mark was part of your family."

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