Second Opinion

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Derek parked the car as he and Meredith heard seatbelts being unbuckled. They exchanged smiles as they unbuckled their seatbelts themselves. They then climbed out of the car before they went to help the children out of the car. Meredith then went to grab the picnic basket from the trunk of the car as Katie and Morgan started to run towards the playground.

Derek immediately stopped them. "Whoa, where do you think you two are going? We're going to eat lunch before we go and play, remember?"

"Let them go and play," Meredith told him as she pulled out the red and white checkered tablecloth. Derek looked at her surprised. "It will take us a few minutes to set up the picnic anyway." She gestured for the children to go on. The girls happily ran off with Christopher right behind them.

Derek raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Is it just me or are you becoming more fun since you have decided to quit your job?" he teased her as they headed to a picnic table. Meredith didn't answer. Derek hated the silence. "Come on. Admit it. You're happy that you have quit your job." Meredith remained silent.

It was only after Derek started tickling her that she finally spoke. "Alright, I admit that I'm happy that I have all this free time," she confessed. She then gave him a stern look. "But don't tell Cristina that," she ordered as they laid the tablecloth over the picnic table. "She still thinks I'm crazy for giving up medicine to become a stay-at-home mom."

"Well, I'm not surprised she feels that way," Derek replied as Meredith started to pull out paper plates and cups. "After all, she isn't a parent. And she doesn't want to be. But she is your friend and needs to respect your decision, just like you respect hers."

Meredith sighed as she pulled out the food and drinks. "You're right."

Derek gave her a look. "Of course I'm right," he replied as he gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I'm always right." Meredith just gave him a smile as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "I wish I could stay home with you and Christopher, but we need a source of income." Meredith laughed. "Then again, maybe we could put the kids to work."

"Speaking of the kids, you should call them back," Meredith told him as she glanced at the playground. She could see that the three children were taking turns on the slide. Derek nodded in agreement. She finished setting the table just as Morgan, Katie and Christopher ran over to them.

After they ate lunch, Katie and Morgan wanted to play T-ball on the baseball diamond. However, Meredith wanted them to take it easy so their stomachs could digest their food. The girls turned to Derek for help, but he agreed with Meredith. He then suggested that they could toss the ball around first. Luckily, the girls agreed with that answer.

Meredith watched them fondly. She would have joined in, but she wasn't in the mood to. It had been only a week since she had quit her job. And she was already exhausted. She couldn't believe how much work a stay at home mother does. She had done laundry, vacuumed certain rooms, mopped the kitchen floor and dusted the living room and den. She now had a new found respect for stay at home mothers.

Hours later, Derek and Meredith cuddled up next to each other on the couch. They had tucked the children into bed already. So it was just the two of them. Derek started up the conversation when he noticed that Meredith was sleeping. He didn't want to wake her up by moving. So he just let her sleep.

He didn't want to admit it, but he was worried about her. Even though she has been exhausted a lot lately, he didn't believe that it was contributed to her new surroundings. She also had been more moody than usual. Derek couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he knew that something wasn't right with his girlfriend.

The next morning, Meredith woke up to the familiar smell of bacon and eggs cooking. She got up from the couch and walked through the living room until she reached the kitchen. She exchanged greetings with Derek. "I hope that's your breakfast because I'm not in the mood for that today," she told him as she walked over to the refrigerator and opened the door. "Do we have any doughnuts?" she asked him. "I'm in the mood for something sweet."

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