Bride And Groom

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The next morning, Meredith woke up bright and early. There were still a few last minute things to do for the wedding. However, she wanted to make her sister a special breakfast first since it was her wedding day.

Meredith walked downstairs and into the kitchen. She was surprised when she saw Derek already at the stove, working away. He gave her a wide smile as he turned to her. "Good morning. I thought I would make breakfast for my lovely hostesses."

Meredith returned the smile. "That's very thoughtful of you, but you're the guest. You should be letting me do that," she replied.

"I don't mind. Besides, I'm used to doing it. After all, I have two children to feed, one with an allergy," Derek pointed out as he pulled out his wallet and handed a picture to Meredith. She looked at the small boy with black hair. "And then Christopher, my two-year-old son, is a picky eater."

Meredith couldn't help but smile at the picture. "He's adorable and looks just like you." She then changed the subject back to their original topic. "It sounds like you have your hands full with two little ones," Meredith noted. "I just have trouble taking care of one. I don't know how you do it with two."

"It's not easy especially since my wife and I are divorced," Derek said.

"If you don't mind me asking, how long has it been since you two have divorced?" Meredith asked him.

"We divorced just a few months ago," Derek replied.

"I'm sorry," Meredith said sympathetically.

Derek shrugged. "Don't worry about it. Luckily, the divorce was easy to settle. I'm able to see Katie and Christopher every other weekend, which is nice. I love spending time with them. Of course, it is hard during birthdays and holidays. But we make it work."

Meredith nodded understandingly. "So what are you making for breakfast?" she asked as she saw the different food cooking over the stove. There were eggs, bacon and French toast. She looked at him in surprise.

"It's going to be a feast fit for a bride and her maid of honor," Derek replied. "And perhaps a little flower girl as well."

Meredith tried not to laugh. "Morgan doesn't really like to try new things including food. So I think she will stick to her cereal. But you can give it a shot if you want."

"What about you?" Derek asked her as he gave her a smile. "Are you willing to try my food?"

Meredith returned the smile. "With it smelling so good, I don't think I will be able to resist."

"I know that you are going to enjoy it," Derek replied as they heard footsteps coming down the stairs. They turned to the door and waited to see who it was. They exchanged smiles as Lexie came into the room. "Good morning, bride to be."

Lexie tried to smile, but Meredith could see that she was nervous. She tried to get her mind off of her wedding. "What are you doing down here?" she asked her. "The bride doesn't come down until we're ready to leave. Now go back upstairs and your breakfast will be brought to you." Lexie was about to protest, but Meredith gave her a firm look. "Hey, I'm the maid of honor. Not to mention your older sister. So go and relax. I'll let you know when you should get up," she said as she gave her sister a smile. Lexie smiled in return as she walked out of the kitchen.

"Boy, she really is nervous, isn't she?" Derek noted. "I can't say that I blame her. After all, she is getting married to the person she wants to spend the rest of her life together. I'm sure every bride is the same way. I know Addison was."

Meredith quickly changed the subject. "So is that delicious breakfast ready yet? Because I would really like to try some."

Derek nodded as he turned off the stove. "The feast is ready for eating." Just then, they heard another pair of feet coming down the stairs. This time, they knew it was more than one person. They weren't surprised when the two little girls arrived in the kitchen. They both have wide smiles on their faces. "Good morning, girls."

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