Great Expectations

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Meredith was busy packing her suitcase when Morgan and Katie came into the open bedroom. She gave them a wide smile. "Hey, are you two ready for a fun weekend with Uncle Mark and Aunt Lexie?" she asked them. "I'm sure Uncle Mark will let you stay up late and eat ice cream whenever you want. You also have to promise that you two will look after Aunt Lexie for me." Meredith knew that she could count on them to look after Lexie.

"We will," Morgan promised. Katie nodded in agreement. "How come you're going so far away?"

"That's just because we decided to get out of Seattle," Meredith replied. "We picked Hawaii because it's fun in the sun. And it's only for a few days. We won't be gone that long. We'll be back Monday morning."

"What happens if Uncle Mark and Aunt Lexie yell at each other?" Katie asked.

Meredith gave her a comforting smile. "I'm sure they won't," she assured her. "If they do, tell them to kiss and make up."

"That didn't work with Mommy and Daddy," Katie replied. Meredith knew that she meant the divorce. "But they aren't fighting as much as they used to. Daddy's happier too, but Mommy isn't. I think she is lonely."

Meredith gave her a gentle smile. "Maybe she is." She then went back to folding her clothes and putting them into the suitcase. She then noticed that the girls were watching her. "Why don't you two go and play while I finish up here? I'll be along in a minute." She ushered them out just as Derek came in.

Derek gave her a smile as he saw the packed suitcase. "Well, I can see that you are all ready to go for tomorrow morning. I wish I could say the same." He tried not to laugh as he noticed how many clothes Meredith had put into the suitcase. "Meredith, we're only going to be gone for a few days," he gently reminded her.

Meredith then turned red. "I guess I haven't been on a vacation for awhile."

Derek gave her a smile. "Well, it's good that I'm here to help you to refresh your memory." Meredith just nodded. He knew what she was thinking. "You are still nervous about leaving Morgan, aren't you?" he asked her. He didn't let her answer. "Don't worry. I'm nervous about leaving my kids too, but I know that they will be well looked after we're gone. And they will be spoiled to death by Mark and Lexie. So you have nothing to worry about."

Meredith hated to admit it, but she knew that he was right. "You're right. I don't know why I should be worried. Mark and Lexie have taken care of the three kids before. And my coworkers can handle the hospital for a few days." She then let out a sigh. "I just wish that Hawaii wasn't so far away from Seattle. What if there is an emergency? What if Morgan gets so sick that she has to go to the hospital? Or what if Lexie ends up having the baby two months early?"

Derek tried to calm her down. "I'm sure Morgan will be fine. Lexie still has two months to go. So I doubt that she will go into labor anytime soon, ok?" he asked. Meredith knew that he was right again. "Don't worry. Everything will be fine while we're gone," he assured her. "Just concentrate on having fun this weekend."

Meredith finally gave in. "Alright, you've made your point. I promise that I won't talk anything about the kids or Lexie and Mark or work if you don't." Derek nodded in agreement. He then started to help her unpack her suitcase.

The next morning, they got ready to leave as they waited for Mark and Lexie to arrive. Derek groaned in frustration as he looked at the time. "Where are they?" he muttered. "I told them to get here in plenty of time so we don't miss our flight."

"I'm sure that they will be here any minute," Meredith assured him. She didn't want to admit it, but she too was getting concerned. "But if they aren't here in five minutes, we'll call and see where they are."

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