Moment Of Truth

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Even though the pregnancy symptoms continue to grow, Meredith continued to ignore them. She wanted to believe that she wasn't pregnant. But it was easier said than done. With each passing day, her body showed her signs that something was going on. Luckily, Derek was so busy with focusing on Addison's visit that he didn't notice his girlfriend was still acting strange.

However, Morgan had and grew concerned for her mommy. Meredith assured her that she was alright. She then knew that she had to get confirmation that she was pregnant. That way, there would be no confusion about whether she was sick or not. She just hoped that she wasn't pregnant.

Meredith decided to go and get checked out after Katie's birthday party. She wanted to make sure everything was going to be perfect for her birthday. This was her first birthday in Seattle. She wanted to make it special for her.

Addison immediately offered her assistance. Meredith agreed since Katie was her daughter. Addison knew her better than she did. However, she was still apprehensive about working with her. She wasn't ready to answer personal questions about Morgan's absentee dad. However, she was more worried about whether Addison was going to bring up their meeting at the drugstore.

So Meredith decided to start the conversation before Addison could. "So how do you like Seattle so far?" she asked as they prepared the goody bags. It was the day of Katie's fifth birthday party. The girls were playing upstairs while the adults were working on preparing the house for the party. Mark and Owen were helping Derek hang decorations while Lexie was watching the children upstairs. Cristina volunteered to go to the store and get anything they needed.

"It's no different from New York," Addison replied. "It's still a city by the water. And there are still famous landmarks around." There was a short pause before she spoke again. "However, I can see that my children really enjoy living here." Meredith nodded in agreement. She knew it was best not to say anything. She didn't want to cause drama. "Derek told me that you gave up your job to spend more time with Morgan. How is that working out for you?"

Meredith could see that she was just curious. She couldn't help but give her a wide smile. "I love it," she admitted. "I have missed so much of her life by working long hours that I couldn't take it anymore. I love saving lives, but I love my daughter more."

Addison nodded understandingly as Derek came into the kitchen. "How is everything going here?" he asked them. "You two look like you are working hard. Do you guys need any help?" he offered.

"You can help by making sure that all of the games are set up," Meredith replied. "And maybe you could make sure that The Little Mermaid DVD is ready to go. I don't want the kids to try and start the movie on their own." Katie wanted a Little Mermaid themed birthday party. So Meredith and Addison planned for the kids to play a bunch of water games. Katie and her new friends were also going to watch the movie at the end of the day.

Derek gave her a comforting smile. "Don't worry. Everything is under control." He then gave her a kiss on the cheek before he left the kitchen.

Addison and Meredith continued working when they heard running footsteps. They looked up and gave wide smiles to their daughters as they came into the room. "Hey, do you want to help us set up for the party?" Meredith asked them. "I'm sure time will go faster if you two help us out."

"Can we help with the cake?" Katie asked. "We want to lick the bowl."

Addison frowned. "I thought you wanted us to buy you a cake from the bakery. We already have ordered one." She could see that Katie was a little disappointed. "You're going to love it. The cake has Ariel and Flounder under the sea. Besides, it's cake. Does it really make a difference who makes it?" she pointed out. Katie thought for a moment before shaking her head. "Good. Now that we have that settled, come sit at the table with us."

Never Alone//MerderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon