Seal Our Fate

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Meredith was finally able to find her voice first. "Twins? Are you sure?" she asked as she gestured for her test results. Cristina handed it over and she read through the results. She shook her head in amazement. "How did this happen?" she asked. Cristina was about to explain when Meredith gave her a look. She knew what she was going to say. "That's not what I meant."

Dr. Bailey spoke up. "Well, it's common when you use fertility drugs," she replied. Meredith knew that wasn't the reason. "Or when your family has a history of having twins."

Meredith let out a heavy sigh. "I've never looked up my family tree, but I doubt my ancestors had twins." She then turned to Derek, who had a guilty look on his face. "Derek, is there something you forgot to mention about your family?" she asked, trying to remain calm. She didn't want to get upset with him, but she could tell that he was hiding something from her.

Derek really didn't want to answer her, but he knew he had to. "Yeah, twins run in my family."

Meredith looked at him flabbergasted. "And you decided to tell me this just now?" she exclaimed angrily. "Why the hell did you not mention that earlier? This news could have been less shocking."

Derek tried to think of an excuse, but nothing popped out. He quickly apologized for his forgetfulness. "I'm sorry. I never thought I would be the one who would end up with twins. Or we would get pregnant the first time we have sex together. And if you want to talk about keeping secrets, you were the one who knew you were pregnant and didn't tell me."

Meredith gave him a look. "I told you why I didn't want to tell you."

Derek was about to respond when Dr. Bailey suddenly spoke up. She really didn't want them to argue in front of her. "Ok, I can see that you two need to talk alone. We'll give you a few minutes and then we'll come back in to discuss more about your pregnancy." She and Cristina then left the room.

There was an awkward silence between Derek and Meredith before Derek spoke. "Look, I know this is scary for you. It's scary for me too. But we'll figure everything out," he assured her. Meredith didn't answer as he gave her a kiss. "I'm going to call and check on the kids. I'll be right back."

Derek walked towards the door when he heard his name. He turned to Meredith. "Please don't tell anybody yet, ok?" she requested. "I'm still getting used to the news." He nodded, giving her the sign that he wouldn't. She let out a relieved sigh as she watched him leave.

Cristina then poked her head in. "Is it safe to come in now?" she teased her. Meredith gave her a smile as she walked back into the room. She went over to Meredith's bedside. "So when were you going to tell me about you and McDreamy?"

"I wasn't planning on it because I wanted to forget about it," Meredith admitted. "But now that it's out in the open, I might as well tell you about it. But all you really need to know is Derek and I had a little too much to drink."

Cristina gave her a look. "Yeah, that's obvious."

A sharp voice interrupted their conversation. "Yang, did you tell Dr. Grey about the complications of her pregnancy?" Dr. Bailey asked as she entered the room again.

Meredith quickly interrupted them. "You don't have to do that," she told them. "Because I'm going to get an abortion."

Cristina wasn't able to speak for a moment. "Shouldn't you talk to Derek before you decide that?" she suggested.

Meredith shook her head. "No because I already know what he is going to say. He wants to keep these babies. I do too, but it's too risky for me. I developed eclampsia while I was in labor with Morgan. And I almost lost her. I don't want to go through that again."

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