Bridge Over Troubled Water

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When Meredith and Morgan arrived back in Seattle, Cristina was there to pick them up from the airport. To her relief, Morgan didn't mention that her mother was now married to Derek. Of course, she had asked her daughter not to. She didn't want the news to get around Seattle until she was able to put her past behind her and move on with her new married life with Derek and their children.

Cristina was curious to hear the details about the trip since she hadn't heard much about it from Meredith in the first place. Meredith continued to tell her as little as possible, considering it had been a long day. She was just ready to go home and take a nice long nap, promising that she would tell her all about it later.

It wasn't long after Meredith and Morgan returned home that they received word that Derek's mother had passed away peacefully in her sleep, her children by her side. Both Meredith and Lexie wanted to join their husbands for the funeral, but Mark told them that it would be better for them to stay in Seattle. Lexie was disappointed since she wanted to see her husband again, but she was willing to stay and take care of the family.

It wasn't a surprise when Meredith found out that Lexie already knew about the wedding. Mark was her husband and he didn't want to keep this a secret from his wife. However, Lexie promised that she wouldn't tell anybody. She just wished that she had been there to see her sister get married and perhaps be part of the wedding.

"It wouldn't have been much fun," Meredith told her sister as they watched Morgan play baseball with Owen, Cristina and the rest of the hospital staff. "Even I felt out of place and I was the bride."

Lexie frowned. "Derek's family was that intimidating? According to Mark, they are the best people he had ever met."

Meredith tried not to laugh. "Of course he is going to say that. Derek's family practically raised him. We're both outsiders. We need approval to get into that family. I'm just glad Mrs. Shepherd accepted me. That was the person I was worried about."

"Are Derek's sisters really as protective of Derek as Mark says they are?" Lexie asked. "Because I really don't want to meet them if they are." Meredith nodded as Lexie made a face. She quickly changed the subject. "When are you and Morgan moving to New York?" Meredith turned to Lexie, confusion written all over her face. "Aren't you two moving to New York so you can be closer to Derek and his kids?"

Meredith shook her head. "No, Derek and his family are moving back here," she told her. "I thought you knew that." Meredith was confused by the disappointed look on her sister's face. "Why? What's wrong?"

"Well, Mark and I were hoping that we could move into the house. That way, we would have plenty of room when we have more children," Lexie replied. "But I guess we'll just have to find another house."

"Even if you do have more kids, I think our house would be too big for your family," Meredith said as she played with Ben, who was on her lap. "Besides, I think you should enjoy your first child for a few years before thinking of expanding your family."

Lexie knew that she was right. "Yeah, it wouldn't be fun to have two kids in diapers. Then again, Mark and I do want our children close in age. Speaking of children, how are those two doing in there?" she asked as she looked at Meredith's baby bump.

Meredith didn't answer. "Just be grateful that you're not carrying twins," she replied as she turned back to the game. She gave a smile to her daughter as she went up to bat. "Hit it out of the park," she called. Morgan nodded before she concentrated on the ball and hit it. The ball went across the field and Morgan dropped the bat before she started to run around the bases. "That's my girl."

"So how did Morgan react to you and Derek getting married?" Lexie asked curiously. "Was she upset?"

"Surprisingly, she was the one who encouraged me to do it," Meredith replied. "She didn't want Mrs. Shepherd to be sad. And even though Derek and the kids are moving back here, it doesn't change her feelings towards him. She is still mad at him for leaving us." Lexie then asked if she still was, but Meredith didn't answer. Instead, she focused on watching the game and the conversation was over.

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