Chapter 9

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When the elevator opened up, the family came running to it. "Leo! You're hurt!" Don exclaimed. He had seen how Leo was holding his arm up against his chest.

"I know. I was just thinking about something, and then I was ambushed by the Foot. I defeated all but one. Then I was darted and knocked out, but I did manage to see Stitch attack him before I blacked out. You want to tell the rest?" Leo said.

"Stitch fight off rest of ninjas. Save Leo. Get hurt too." Stitch said plainly, and held his right arm up. "Leo wrap up."

"Come on, you two." Don said. "Let's get the injuries treated."

In Don's lab, Leo wanted Stitch tended to first.

Don unwrapped Leo's bindings. Indeed, there was a good sized slash under it. Don picked up a razor that he had, just in case he ever had to shave around a wound on Splinter. "I have to shave this hair off Stitch, so I can treat the wound better and it doesn't infect it."

Stitch didn't like the idea of having his hair shaved, but Don had convinced him. The wound hurt. Don was very careful. He cut off most of the hair around it. Now it laid in a blue clump on the table.

He took out some cloth and put some disinfectant on it and said, "This will keep the wound from getting infected and it might hurt a bit, so please don't hurt me." Don said.

"Stitch not hurt Don." He said.

"Ok. I'm trying to be careful." Don said.

Stitch let him treat the wound, but the instant he felt it sting from the touch, he cried out. "Hurts!" He screamed.

"I'm sorry!" Don backed away.

Stitch held his wound. At that time, they all had backed away from him.

"Stitch clean up!" He held out his good hand.

Don threw the cloth to him and he caught it. He didn't want to risk hurting him or Stitch hurting him.

Stitch began to clean his own wound, and he winced in pain, but he did it. He now looked at it.

The wound had stopped bleeding, but there was a long cut on his arm. It went from under his arm to the upper part of his arm past the elbow.

Leo could tell from the look of it that it had to have been a sword that did it.

Don could tell the wound might need stitches, but he didn't want to risk anything else. But he slowly came forward with a bandage. "Good job cleaning it. Is it ok if I wrap it up in this bandage?"

Stitch looked up at him with softened eyes. "Yes. Not mean harm before."

The others watched as Don now came forward, and slowly began at the back of his arm and began to gently wrap the bandage around his arm. Stitch watched as he did it.

By the time Don was done, it looked like most of Stitch's arm was bandaged. Stitch looked at his arm. It throbbed beneath the bandage, but it was treated and wouldn't get infected now.

Now it was Leo's turn. Stitch was told that he should probably leave the room because it was going to take quite a bit of work to reset Leo's arm.

"I'll be alright, but if you hear me cry out at all, don't come rushing in here Stitch. The bone has to be reset." Leo said to Stitch. "Do you understand?"

"Ih! Stitch understand." He said.

Stitch, Mikey, and Raph left the lab. Raph was worried about his leader and older bro, but he was proud of Stitch for saving him. Now that he had heard of two stories of the little blue guy saving two brothers of his, both from the Foot and Purple Dragons, he felt Stitch was worthy to be respected. After all, he had knocked him down all too easily.

"Now that's what I'm talking about. He saved me from the Purple Dragons, and now he saved Leo from the Foot!" Mikey declared proudly.

Splinter and Don did what they could to make sure Leo was comfortable before Don reset his bones, which was not pleasant at all. Don had given him a sedative, but it wasn't strong enough entirely. Leo couldn't help but give out the screams of pain.

Stitch heard him, but stayed where he was. He had been told to stay.

"He'll be fine. Leo's been through a lot worse scrapes than that." Raph said.

"Now that the screams are done, Donny's now going to set his arm up in a cast so the bone finishes healing itself in a few weeks." Mikey said.

All three waited outside close by before the door finally opened, and Don and Splinter finally stepped out.

"How is he?" Raph asked.

"He's fine. Got his arm in the cast and sling. Now he's just resting." Don said.

"Practice is canceled for tonight my sons. But I insist that we go to bed now." Splinter said.

It had been a long 'day' for them all. Their days were nights.

"Should one of us stay with him?" Mikey asked.

"You can." Don said.

"I'll go first." Mike said.

"I stay too." Stitch said.

Raph, Don, and Splinter went to go to bed. Mikey and Stitch went into the lab to watch him. Stitch could now see that Leo was sleeping and he was also hooked up to an IV to make sure there were no infections. Delivering pain medicine to him.

Stitch had jumped up near Leo and then went up to the sleeping turtle and laid down beside him, careful of his injured arm and his own arm.

Mikey was pleased that Leo had forgiven him now.

But tomorrow, as promised, the turtles and Splinter would call up April and ask if she could call the phone number that had been on Stitch's name tag. They were going to find his original caretakers. They had to be worried sick about him. And now that he had been hurt in a fight could make matters worse.

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