Chapter 18

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"You want me to train you?" 

Leo is a bit surprised at your request. He was under the impression that you've been practicing with someone on the down low.

"Are you saying this entire time you've never trained, not even once." You nod.

"I wouldn't even know where to start."

That's crazy. He's seen you fight on more than one occasion. You're agile and quick. Was that all just instinct? If that's the case, then you have so much potential. If you were so capable without proper guidance, you'd been unstoppable with the right practice. 

"Of course, I can set up a session so you can have a little time with all of us. When Splinter first started showing us, he taught us to work on our strengths and weaknesses. "

You're excited, until you fully realize what that entails. He said all of them. That includes Raph. Since that night things have been quite shaky. Since you pretty much still all did patrols together, there was no way you could avoid him. Raph however was very awkward in your presence. Now he'd trail a little longer behind you. Or he was extra attentive. He tried to help with any and everything that you needed. Whether it be reaching some of the snacks on the top shelf, or taking out a criminal you had one hundred percent under control. He was acting more protective. It was sweet.

The real problem was no one broached the topic of the kiss. You hoped he didn't think it was a fluke, heat of the moment type of situation. It sort of was, but behind that heat was feelings. Real feelings.

Leo spots the spark of uncertainty. "Hey trust me it won't be as bad as you think. We can start off slow. " You're grateful, but it isn't the intensity you're worried about.

"Hey Leo where did ya put my gloves." Raph practically storms into the dojo, and when he spots you and Leo conversing, his expression becomes somewhat sour. "Nevermind." He grumbles. Just like that he's turning back, and Leo is clearly confused. 

Raph is someone who's not the hardest to rouse, but this time his annoyance doesn't make much sense. Blue eyes shift down at you, and he's intrigued by the conflicted expression you're wearing. He could be reading it wrong, but he swears there's a type of longing in your eyes. He isn't given a chance to ask, because you're heading outside, after Raph he supposed. 


Your call verifies his suspicions. Leo follows, determined to figure out what's really going on.

"Nothing happened. I-I was just asking him to help me train."

Raph stops in his spot. "Why the hell would I care!" He bites back. Donnie leans over from his desk.

"I-I just didn't want you misunderstanding anything."

"Heh, I could care less who you spend time with. Aint none of my business. Do what you want." His words hit you hard. Why was he even acting like this? It's not like you were together. He was the one avoiding the topic. After the kiss he practically ran off, then he acted like it didn't even happen. Now he's jealous? 

And they say women are confusing.

"You're such an ass sometimes Raph!!" you want to punch him in his face. You just clench your fists, turning sharply back in the direction of the dojo. Leo is still at a loss. He's certain he just witnessed a lover's spat, but as far as he knew, there wasn't anything between the both of you. Apparently he wasn't as perceptive as he thought. Donnie diverts his gaze, pretending to busy himself with work. Raph is fuming. 

With a clench jaw, he's headed in the opposite direction. Most likely to beat the crap out of some poor punching bag. Leo decides then that he has to have a long talk with you before any kind of training can start. When he walks back into the dojo, you're putting on gloves. You head right for the punching bag and deliver a hard smack. 

It jolts, and that's when you change into beast mode because you just land consistent blows. With the force you apply, he's stunned the bag doesn't snap right off the rope. He stands on the other side, grabbing the bag to stop it's movements, and you look up, irritated. When you take notice of Leo, your expression softens.

"I think Raph is having a pretty huge influence on you. " 

The mention of that name triggers a frown on your face. Leo sighs, stepping to the side as he takes your hands to guide you away. You comply reluctantly, taking a seat. Crossing his legs, he takes a breath, urging you to do the same.

After a few seconds, your shoulders sag. He releases your hands and you start taking off the gloves, inhaling softly.

"Now that you're calm, do you want to talk about it?"

You blush. How do you go about telling Leo that you kissed his brother? Not only that but you have feelings for him that are growing everyday. You can't stop thinking about him and it's driving you absolutely mad. What's worse is that all you can really think about is kissing him again.

"Okay...that's a lot more than I ever want to know about Raph." you blink.

Oh crap.

"D-Did I just say all of that out loud!" you're mortified. Leo is just grinning. 

"Pretty much. I feel like I'm the wrong brother though. " you cover your face. 

"Just great." you mumble. Leo pats your arm. 

"It's okay, can't say that I really saw this coming. You and Raph are just so different. If anything I'd think you'd go for Donnie." Well, you and Donnie do have a lot more in common, and you can't lie, he's a sweetheart. But the feelings just aren't there. You kind of figured Donatello feels the same. He's a good friend. Someone you can relate to. With Raph, it's like he consumes a lot of your focus. 

"From what you just said, I'm guessing you haven't told Raph any of this."

"Of course not." 

You've only recently started to understand your own feelings. Telling him was so far out of the question. Although maybe you should have gone with that step rather than flat out kissing him.

"I'm a mess." You whine falling backwards dramatically. Leo can't help but laugh at your predicament. He had been so worried that it was something terrible. But it was just a bunch of teenagers and hormones. He liked being the oldest, it made handling these types of things easier.

"I think the best solution is just to talk with him. Let him know how you feel. It's obvious Raph cares about you (Y/N)."

You sprang up. "Did he say that!"

"He doesn't have to. " 

Had you really not seen the looks Raph had been sending your way since you became a part of their squad. Leo smirked. This was just too juicy.

"W-Why are you smiling like that? Tell me what you know!!"

"My lips are sealed. Just go and talk to him (Y/N)." He stood and you gawked.

"H-Hey you're not really just gonna leave me hanging. Leo? LEO!!!"

"Have a nice day (Y/N)." Leo hummed exiting the room. You just slumped back on the floor in defeat.

"Stupid feelings. Stupid Raph. Stupid brothers!!"

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