Chapter 15 (A)

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"I'm positive she said she would meet us here." Donnie looks over the text message. Raph eyes are directed at the sky. He's guessing that now that you've made up with whatever guy you were so hung up on, you've got a lot more on your plate. It would make sense you would forget their meetings sometimes. He doesn't want to show it, but he's a bit irritated. He hates the fact that your attention is now focused on another guy. 

But he really has no say in who you spend your time with, especially if you're involved with him. The familiar twip of your web is heard overhead, and he looks up, catching your form propelling through the air. At least he thinks it's you. 

There's something very different about your attire. When you land right in front of them, silence takes over. Raph's eyes are wide as he stares. He takes a breath, then swallows, unfolding his arms. There's no way it's you in that skin tight suit. Then again how many girls does he know with freakish strength and web slinging abilities.

"(Y/N)?" Leo calls. You remove the mask, standing up at full height. There's a grin on your face as you push back your hair that's been tousled under the cloth. 

"How do you like my new fit?" Donnie's eyes light up instantly, and he rushes to your side.

"Silk fiber." He mutters.

"Yeah, comes in handy when I'm moving through the air. It serves the same purpose as a windbreaker. I added some padding to the insides. " He turns your wrist inwards. 

"Specialized ring for your hands." you nod.

"Makes slinging my webs easier."

"Bro, this is so awesome!!" Mikey cheers. He runs over admiring your suit the same way Donnie does.

You were tired of the scrap cloth, so you'd been working on this for days. Those nights at your part time job gave you a little cash, so of course you decided you needed an upgrade. You kept the same blue and red patterns. Except for this one you stitched in a spider insignia at the center of your chest. A white spiral that represented the legs, and a similar white extension at the base of your palm.

Leo joins his brothers in complimenting your new suit.

"It looks great (Y/N), you're amazing. You did this all on your own?" you blush with a brilliant smile. 

"Yep, I put my love for science together with Aunt May's knitting sessions and boom. Super suit."

Raph has yet to move from his spot. He can notice the many advantages this new suit has brought, but apparently he's also the only one who recognizes just how tight it's hugging your body. It highlights all your curves. He can't seem to look away.

"What do you think Raph?" Leo is smirking when he asks the question. Your eyes move in his direction, waiting for his feedback.

"It's nice." he mumbles. The glimmer in your eyes has gotten bigger and you smile at him.


Now that you're here they can get on with their tasks. Leo can tell that Raph may have a harder time focusing now. He chuckled softly.

"This is gonna be fun."


"Donnie says he can help you get more of the material. Ya aint gotta worry about messing it up too much."

After reading Raph's message you grin, typing your response. Since all four turtles have your number, it's not unusual that they'd text you. Mikey sends crazy gifs and funny memes. Leo is your constant source for inspirational quotes. You and Donnie exchange scientific suggestions and even some expertise on your different views. 

Raph, well he's not really the texting type. So whenever you get a note from him, it brightens your day. Out of all of them, he's the one you can't seem to get a solid read on. Thing is his personality is pretty easy to figure out. 

Second oldest, short tempered, impulsive. You don't need a high IQ to figure that out. It's just everything else that you struggle with. One minute he's cold, then sweet. Indifferent, concerned. His reactions are so random that you can't keep up, and it makes you want to know more. Because you feel like he's a puzzle you have to solve. A formula you need to complete.

"You're in a good mood." Milo rests his books on the desk, and you shift, putting your phone into your pocket.

"Good morning." you greet.

He does the same. You'll never be able to express how relieved you are that you can be so carefree in classes with Milo now.

"So what are we working on today professor Parker." you giggle at the nickname. He's opted to call you that in chemistry.

"I deduct that we're going to make things explode. "

Milo grins. "That's what I like to hear!"

No doubt chemistry classes are now becoming a great part of your week. 

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