Chapter 8

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You blink.

"Oh, sorry Aunt May." The book in front of you posed as a good cover. Although you were working through some biology homework, you couldn't get yourself to focus.

You were sitting at the dinner table, and she smiled, placing a glass of apple juice down.

"You look just like Ben when he's preoccupied. " you smile at the statement. You loved that it was now comfortable to talk about him without any tension or hostile responses. Before just the mention of his name made your heart clench. Now the reminder was comforting.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, just a lot going on at school." you mumble trying to focus on your text.

"Well, if those girls are still bothering you let me know. " you nod.

Faith was the last thing on your mind. Milo however, that was the biggest obstacle you were facing now. On top of that, the mutants you'd met a few nights ago, well, the encounter wasn't anything you expected.


"So you weren't bitten by radioactive turtles."

Leo had to stop himself from smiling. "Not that I recall." he replied calmly.

"Guys, we have to team up!" Mikey spoke excitedly. He moved to get closer, and on instinct, you raised your hands in front of your face. He froze. Sometimes he forgot he wasn't like everyone else. He let out a chuckle that didn't match his previous cheerful tone.

"Sorry, got a little excited." he wouldn't look at you now, and your hands lowered.

He looked, sullen.

"I-It's fine."

The air was a bit strained now.

"Let's go Leo." Raph's eyes hardened, and you could tell your actions had agitated him. Who could blame you though. They were mutant turtles. It wasn't a normal occurrence last time you checked.

"Wait I.." what could be said. You weren't sure.

Leo could see the way you were fighting for words. He didn't blame you. At this point he just expected the reactions they always got. April hadn't been unaffected when she first met them either, and now they were all like family. Leo was usually a pretty good judge of character. You had a gift, and you could have done anything with it, yet you were out here. A young girl catching criminals. If that didn't speak to your moral standards, he wasn't sure what did. Meeting you wasn't just a chance. Leo pulled out his T-phone, placing it on the floor right in front of you. You stared at it in confusion. Donatello and the others appeared to show similar looks.

"Listen, I know you may not trust us, and I can't say that I trust you one hundred percent either. But you caught those robbers, and I know you saved that guy from the building last time. We all seem to be fighting for the same cause. If you ever find yourself in a bind, you can call us. We love this city, and from the work you're doing, I can tell you do too. " you just looked at him in shock.

"Leo, you aint serious. "

"Relax Raph, I know you realize it too. She's special. Like us. "

Donatello clicked something on the small device in his hands.

"I've connected it to my programs. " They weren't even sure you would take it, but Donatello knew Leo wasn't wrong in his assessment. He trusted his gut. And that had helped in so many situations that he lost count.

"That's it then. I guess we'll meet again." Leo turned away, and one by one, his brothers followed. Raph lingered, still marking you. "If you speak a word of this to anyone, we'll find you."

"The fudge! Are you really threatening me right now!" you holler. You really were getting a bit irritated by his lack of any kind of manners. Mutant or not.

"It ain't no threat, it's a promise." With a cocky smirk, he went flipping over the ledge, heading off in the distance with his brothers. You were still for who knows how long.


Not the best reaction, but an appropriate one.

So here you were. Sunday afternoon trying to get through your homework and have a nice meal. But of course, the universe wouldn't even give you that peace.

"Honey I've got to head to the bank tomorrow morning. Your uncle usually handled our finances, so I have to make sure our mortgage is okay."

"I understand. " This was another reason you insisted on taking a part time job. You didn't want May to have something else to worry about. She places a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it comfortingly. "It'll be fine. Ben was a pretty smart man. He always said if anything happened he'd make sure we were taken care off. My hope was it would be quite far in the future." The last part is a silent whisper to herself. You might have lost a guardian, but she lost a spouse.

The one ability you wished you had right now was to ease her pain. Or possibly bring him back.

You'd give anything to do that. 

Raphael x Parker Reader - Fanfiction (TMNT 2014/2016)Where stories live. Discover now