Chapter 17

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"I'm so sorry. That was rude. It's nice to meet you Master Splinter." you really thought after meeting the turtles nothing would startle you.

"It's an understandable reaction. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. You're just a child. I must say I admire your drive. "

"Y-Yeah, well I mean it's this or join an olympic team am I right?" you laugh a bit nervously. You feel like you're not sure how to act in his presence, maybe because it's so strong. He's like a monk or something.

"No need to act so formal. You've become somewhat of a family. My sons care a whole lot for you, and I appreciate what you've done. I'm sure you realize the risk knowledge of their existence can pose. "

"Y-Yes sir. Don't worry. Their secret is safe with me."

"Thank you."

"Oh no thank you sir." you bow, and he pats your head, right before he's leaving to attend to other matters.


"Nice one." Mikey teases. "B-Be quiet I just panicked okay." Leo shakes his head, chuckling. He can't help but be thankful. This could have easily gone sideways.

After countless questions about your state, you finally have a little peace. It took you about half an hour to get Leo to stop pestering you with worry. Mikey of course was fine. Donnie seemed altogether happy that they all made it out unscathed. 

You had to message your Aunt, because you knew May would panic after a certain amount of time passed with no word from you. You covered it well too. Since it was the weekend, she didn't even ask further when you told her you'd be sleeping over with friends. You fall back on the bed, sighing heavily. Your head was still somewhat throbbing, but aside from the bruise you felt fine. You were just staring at the ceiling, trying to put the pieces together. You raised your hand, looking at your wrist. You had the faint feeling of something, you couldn't explain it.

"Hey, you okay." Raph's voice pulls you out of your thoughts, and you shift to look at him. "I'm fine." Now that you think about it, this was his room.

"Sorry that you had to sacrifice your room." Because of your impromptu plans, Raph had given up his room for your comfort. You were just a little weary going home right now in such a state. Raph didn't even fuss. You could tell more than anything he was a bit worried about you. For a brief moment you blink, a quick flash of your memory returns. You sit up slowly, watching him in awe. " saved me."

Raph just huffs. "Why do ya look so surprised, we're a team right. "

A team.

Donnie, Mikey, even Leo. To you they are a team, your friends. But Raph. With Raph it's different.

You grimace, lowering your head as you place your palm to relieve the ache. Raph is moving to your site quickly. "Hey what's wrong!" He is right in front of you now, and he reaches over, titling your head to inspect the damage. It forces you to look up, and you meet the hue of his dazzling emerald orbs. 

Suddenly the pain isn't even present. All you feel is him. His touch is so gentle, not at all what you expect from him. "I'm okay.." Has he always been so stunning? Lately you feel as though you're noticing so much about him. You find yourself constantly looking in his direction. Raph finally processes that he basically touched you without permission.

"Shit, sorry." he pulls back his hands, and you just nibble on your lower lip. "Raph."

"What." His reply is kind of rough and it makes you smile. There's the Raph you're used to.

"Thank you." 

You lean up slightly, and he doesn't predict the next move. You place a soft kiss on his cheek, and as you're pulling back, you still for a second, watching his lips. You aren't sure what possesses you to make the next move, but you can't seem to stop yourself. The prior kiss had just been one of gratitude, but this is something completely different. You lean in, and his lips are so soft and heavenly. Your hand comes up to cup his cheek, and Raph has yet to move. He's stiff like a statue. It's a while before you retract, and it's slow, like you're reluctant. Eyes fluttering open Raph just stares.

"What the hell just happened?" 

He's thinking that it's possible that he was also hit with a brick, and it has messed up his perception of reality. But when you exhale, sitting back in your current position on the bed, he's not so sure. Your taste is still lingering, and your eyes haven't drifted from his lips yet. You look as though you want more. He springs from the bed, backpedaling.

"You- I-I have to..I gotta go." Raph rushes out the room, and you're just staring now, embarrassed. Your cheeks glow red, and you look down at your feet in regret.

"What have I done?" The events are slowly replaying in your head, and you groan, smacking your forehead.

"Stupid stupid stupid!"

You really have a knack for creating complicated situations.

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