Chapter 14 (A)

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"What's eating ya?"

It's not his place to question you, but you're working together. Friends seems like a strong word. Acquaintances are more like it. Your eyes lift in Raph's direction. 

On one of your nightly escapades you're all just chilling on the rooftop. You're all pretty much spread out. Raph is a lot closer to you though. He's apparently picked up on your silence. Your eyes shift back to the streets below, and you fiddle with the mask in your hands.

You and Raph, you're not sure if you're close enough to the point where you can start unloading all your issues. You also don't want to just brush off his statement, because he obviously cares somewhat to even ask you what's bothering you.

"I...well there's this guy at my school. "

Raph kind of regrets asking now. He certainly doesn't want to hear you rave about a guy.

"Lemme guess, he's some hottie that you're head over heels for." It's bitter the way he says that. He wants to swallow back the clear jealousy in his words, but he can't. The look on your face tells him you're analyzing something.

"I did..I mean I used to have feelings for him. Right now I wish we never spoke. "

"Used to?"

That must mean that you no longer had them. Raph unfolds his arms. There's a heavy look on your face. He sighs. It's obvious whatever you feel for the guy is still sort of there. It pains him, the next words that come out his mouth.

"You should give him another shot." your head turns so quickly, he's shocked you aren't experiencing whiplash.


He grumbles. "Don't look so shocked, I aint heartless ya know. " 

Well, to you Raph seems like the least forgiving type. He's more of the punch then asks questions later.

"If ya care about him then work it out. You'll regret it later if ya don't. Trust me. " There's a hidden message, like he's been in such a position. You smile up at Raph.

"Thank you Raphael. I'm really glad I have you as a friend. You're surprisingly good at advice." He's a bit taken by your statement of the both of you being friends. The smile that follows is like a finishing blow. He's grateful that he isn't human, because he'd surely be red faced right now.

"Yeah whatever." he's heading back to his brothers to fall into their conversation. Somehow your eyes stay planted on him.


Raph has provided you with some much needed courage to go and pursue this conversation. Upon seeing Milo this morning you'd ask him to meet you at a diner close by. You push the door open, and the ring echoes. You look around, and spot the red hair almost immediately. With heavy steps you make your way over. 

Milo has picked a seat at the back, and you're grateful. You sit a bit nervously, eyes not really able to meet him. The kiss is still pretty fresh in your mind. "You don't have to be so awkward, I'm not gonna make a move on you again." you finally look up, and there's an expression of guilt. 

"(Y/N)..I'm so sorry. It was wrong, disrespectful to do that. I made a big deal about us becoming friends and then I.." he bites his lip.

"Milo I didn't come here to make you feel bad about what you did."

It's implied that he never intended for that to happen.

"Milo this whole situation has just had me reeling. I wish things hadn't changed that much from when we were kids." 

Oh how you wish you could go back to third grade. Maybe that's why this all feels so crazy. If he were a stranger it would be so much easier. But you've known Milo since you were practically babies. That's what makes this so much harder. Because you've always had feelings for him. But that was in the past. You aren't that kid anymore, and neither is he.

"I wish I could go back and change a lot (Y/N). " You have an inkling feeling you know what he's referring to. 

"But this time I wanted to actually apologize. I'd also like to start over. (Y/N) I want you in my life. I believe the best way is for us to put aside all that's happened and try to be friends. " you can't express the relief his words have brought you. "Something tells me I stole the words right out your mouth." you laugh softly, and it makes him smile. It's the first that you've given him in a while. He missed it.

"You really did Milo. I should apologize too. I've been a horrible person to you, and you didn't deserve that. I was just dealing with so much. Felt like I was suffocating. Then with the bank robbery that happened I was terrified I would lose Aunt May."

His brows furrow. "She was there?" you nod, flattening your palms on the table.

"Is that why you ran out that day in the cafe?"

"Y-Yeah I..." You don't want to relive that moment, because you know how hard it was when you were alone trying to fix the problem.

"I had no idea." It dawns on him the extent of the weight you've been carrying around. Milo is hesitant, he just wants to offer you comfort, but not at the cost of making another wrong move. His hand inches over slowly, and when he rests it softly over your hand, you convey a simple smile, turning your palm and squeezing his hand. He finally relaxes.

"I'm here for you (Y/N), I just want you to know that."

"Thank you Milo."

Today has surprisingly been the best you've had for a while. 

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