A challenge

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"Saakuraa!" Ino ran up the slope, ceasing through the trees. "You have a challenge!"
Sakura cracked open one eye. "Really? Or are you just trying to set me up again?"
"No I'm not joking-and it's one of the big ones."
"What?!" Sakura sat up from the position she had been sleeping in. A major God? She was just the goddess of cherry trees-and although she could kick ass, the fact that she was a fighter wasn't known. Why would you fight the 'little ol goddess of cherry trees' when you could go up Against the goddess of the mind, Ino, or the God of the tailed demons, naruto? She was a nobody, and that's how she liked it. Because, if anyone knew how powerful she really was, she would have to fight all the time. and that got awfully boring.
"Who challenged me?"
Ino smiled, a devil's smile if there ever was one.
"Sauske. God of illusion. Hey, don't you think he's pretty hot...yeah you do, don't you..." Ino teased sakura.
"Shut up." Sakura'a face went red.
"So, how you gonna fight him?"
"I'm gonna pound him. What else can I do."
"I never understood why you have such brute force and healing. How does any of that work with cherry trees?"
"Eh." Sakura stared out, not really listening to Ino. Sauske...now, this was going to be tricky. But...a smile flooded her face. One touch from her and he would be crashing through the walls.
"You are going to fight him right? You aren't going to turn this down?" Ino looked worried. "After all, this would be very interesting to watch-and I love people's faces when they behold the wrath of the cherry blossom!" Ino flourished her hands.
Sakura smiled. A chance to fight sauske? And to hopefully beat a major God?
And a chance to...no, that wouldn't happen.
How could she refuse?
"Oh, don't worry, I'm excited for this as much as you are."

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