Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Get up!"

Reiner feels a sharp pain coursing through his entire body, all of it stemming from his face. His eyes creep open to see several sets of boots surrounding him, one set only a mere inches away. He looks up to find the face of the person who's standing before him, only to be met with a ghost. He squints harder, trying to make sure his eyes are seeing it right. Blonde hair, blue eyes, same cold stare. "Annie!?" He sputters, sitting up quickly.

Gentle hands rest on each of his arms. "Calm down, Reiner."

He turns to see his younger cousin at his side and looks the other way to see Falco smiling nervously. "We're all on the same side," he explains softly.

Connie clears his throat, making his presence as well as the presence of Armin and Mikasa known. What is this? Is this some kind of weird fever dream? No, that pain is very real. So, why are they all in here? Why are we on the same side? How? Connie raises his voice, "There's no time. We're going now," he announces.

Reiner's mouth is dry, "Where?"

"Doesn't matter, we're going. Now, get moving," he says. Reiner nods and pushes the blanket from him before standing to his feet. He slowly tries to compose himself, buttoning his uniform while looking around the room. Where's everyone else? How is Annie here? Did Eren inadvertently free her the way he caused my armor to fall off? What the hell is happening? Disoriented doesn't even begin to cover it, he realizes as they all leave the small house and make their way to a carriage not far from them. Gabi and Falco each cling to one of his hands as they make their way over and load up.

The ride is filled with catching up on what's happened since Reiner went unconscious. The way chaos erupted not only throughout the world but within the island of Paradis itself. The elimination of all of the Titans, Floch leading the movement for Yeagerist control within the military, and how they ultimately came across Annie. Reiner lifts his head after taking in the information. "I'm glad— I'm glad to see you're okay," he says to Annie.

She scoffs, turning her head to look at the rolling hills before them. Reiner's chest squeezes tight. I've never been able to enjoy these places without some kind of fear gnawing at the back of my mind. They're so beautiful, how did I not notice that all those years ago? He turns his head in the opposite direction, trying to soak it all in as he should have when he first had the chance. It almost feels like if he tries hard enough he can see a fleet of green cloaks riding in the distance. Maybe, he can even see a blonde seventeen-year-old who was in way over his head and the red-haired girl that didn't know anything about that. He looks away, training his focus on the wooden boards beneath them until the horses come to a halt. Gabi nudges him, "I think we're here. We should help with setting up."

He nods, "Okay. I'll be over in a minute. I just need some time."

She looks up at him, an endless list of questions in her eyes. It wouldn't be like Gabi to not have questions. She always has questions about the little things and the big things, especially when it comes to his time in Paradis. Reiner knows they must be weighing on her like boulders chained to her feet. She nods quietly and hops down from the carriage, following after Falco and walking toward the sound of distant voices. Reiner sinks further into the carriage, trying to disappear behind the wooden sides so that no one can see him as he tries to collect his thoughts. I'm not dreaming. I'm not dreaming. I'm in Paradis. Gabi and Falco are in Paradis. Annie is alive and well enough to do damage in Paradis. And, I know for a fact that at least Connie, Armin, and Mikasa have something to do with all of this. How am I supposed to really face all of them? How am I supposed to face Gabi and Falco when I feel like less than half of what they need to be? How am I supposed to speak to Annie when we might as well have left her for dead? Then, the members of the 104th that I trained and fought with, the same people that I betrayed, how do I face them?

Dances and Ruin// Reiner Braun x OCWhere stories live. Discover now