Chapter One

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The rain poured in an onslaught, so heavily that the cadets were nearly unable to see through it all. There's been only a handful of times that they had to run in conditions such as these, but that never makes it any easier, Reiner can't help but feel that the pile of soaked clothes on his body are weighing him down a bit more than usual. The additional gear he packed can't be of much help either. All things considered, the run isn't all that hard, just annoying in some aspects, like when the rain would run down his forehead and into his eyes or when the mud would try and suck him underground.

His mind wanders back to Armin, the smaller blond boy he'd come across about a mile or so back. He attempted to aid him, but the boy was determined to hold his own, even if it cost him his scores for the day. If Reiner is frustrated with the current conditions, he can't help but wonder if Armin is still as determined as he had been earlier. Whatever the case, Reiner can't afford to worry about his comrade anymore than he already has. His own score is on the line too, after all.

For the first time in a while, Reiner looks around to make note of the faces that flank him on every side. The most recognizable of them all is the one face he's most familiar with, Bertolt-- well, Bertolt and Bertolt's friend.

Although he doesn't know the girl very well, he still remembers everything about the day they became acquainted. They'd been in the training corps for a while by then and the two friends had just taken a seat in the mess hall for dinner. There was a brief moment of peace and quiet before they were met with a question. "Mind if I sit here?" she'd asked. Reiner remained quiet, but Bertolt obliged mindlessly, inching to the side a little to allow the girl room to sit. It was then that she spoke again, "Great, I hope you know you just entered into a friendship contract with me. The only way out is by dying, we're in it for the long haul now," she beamed.

He can still see the amusement in Bertolt's eyes and feel the unease in his stomach. Something about the girl felt like a threat, but not in a traditional sense. It felt almost as if she were a magnet that he couldn't stay far enough away from-- like he knew he'd get pulled in one day and it would hurt when the powers that be finally pulled them apart. Even then, the word "devil" paraded around in the back of his mind. Attraction gave way to disgust; and although it lingers somewhere in the recesses of his mind, attraction hasn't made its presence known since then. Thus, the promise he made himself to keep his distance has been relatively easy to keep.

Besides, there's no point in dancing with the devil unless you're willing to spend an eternity in hell.

With set determination, Reiner quickens his pace and surpasses Bertolt and Bertolt's friend rather quickly. He resists the urge to look over his shoulder to see how the pair are doing, keeping his focus centered on his own performance. He knows that there can't be much longer to go, especially considering they passed the halfway point a little ways back. If he tries hard enough, he swears he can smell the soup that he heard that they'd be preparing for tonight, and maybe a little something extra on the side. The thought is enough to propel him forward a little faster for a little while longer, all the way to the finish line.

The welcoming committee as well as all of the others who have finished before now all huddle at the finish line, waiting for everyone else to make it in. Reiner knows full well he's somewhere in the middle of them all, maybe even on the hind end of it all, considering how much he slowed for a few of the others toward the beginning. Regardless, he knows that he's performed well enough in everything else that this one instance won't affect him too much. He's just glad that it's over. With dinner and a warm bunk waiting for him not far from where he stands now, he can hardly keep himself from going right to them. After trudging around in these conditions, they've earned the right to go straight to the mess hall after finishing their run, but the rules don't change no matter what. They wait... for everyone.

Dances and Ruin// Reiner Braun x OCWhere stories live. Discover now