Chapter Eighteen

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If Peri were asked to retrace her thoughts at this very moment, she's not sure she could. Ever since that soldier told her about Reiner and Bertolt on top of the wall, she's not really been sure where her head's been. It's probably for the best that way because even now as we draw close, I can't shake the gnawing ache of uncertainty that rests somewhere within me. Is he actually the Armored titan? If he is, what would I even say to him? What the hell is going on around here, really? With the forest drawing closer and closer, Peri starts to tilt her head back so that she can see as high up the trees as possible, but also so she can see the faces of the titans that are charging toward her and her comrades at incredible speeds. The pounding in her head beats so loud that the screaming of the people charging forward alongside her sounds very faint. For just a moment, the thunderous roar that typically accompanies lightning is so quiet that had it not been for the bright flash of light itself, Peri would've never known that someone had become a Titan somewhere inside the forest.

She comes back to her senses in time to hear Commander Erwin order everyone to disperse and remain vigilant as the enemy has assumed titan form. The enemy? Is that really what they are now? Can I bring myself to call Bertolt and Reiner enemies?

Her mind wanders back to a few months ago as she and Reiner sat on the edge of the water at the lake back on the property they'd trained at. It was before the incident at Trost as they sat and talked about what they thought the future had in store for them both. She can still see the distant stare that Reiner had about him as he pulled his knees to his chest after she asked which regiment he'd likely choose to join. At the time, when he answered she didn't think much of it. Now, however, with what may lie ahead she holds onto the hope that maybe his response had something to do with the heart of this situation.

"I don't think there will be much of a choice involved. Just doing what needs to be done and hoping I'll be able to get home when it's all over," he'd said.

Peri's hands tighten around the reins of her horse as she falls into place with Sasha, Jean, Connie, Armin, Mikasa, Christa, and Hannes. If there's a squad I need to be with more than anything, it's this one. They all part ways with their horses and start to make their way through the forest. Peri doesn't trail too far behind Mikasa and Armin when the shrill scream of a Titan in the distance causes chills to run down her spine. Mikasa and Armin both hang from the side of a tree and Peri is grateful to be standing on top of a sturdy tree branch. It feels almost as if her feet are fading away, melting into a puddle beneath her for a brief moment as she ponders on the possibility of the scream being Reiner. She draws in a shaky breath before pushing herself forward, making her way further into the forest.

One of the people who'd decided to accompany their group draws his swords at the sudden appearance of Ymir's titan in the distance. Peri considers making her way over to Ymir's side, pleading her case but decides against it in favor of making sure that she can compose herself. That, and Connie is quick to make his way to Ymir's side, explaining who she is before turning his attention to her. "What the hell happened? Where is everybody else? Is Eren okay? What about Bertolt and Reiner?" He asks.

Peri leans forward in hopes of hearing about Bert and Rei, but there's no answer. She wonders if there's any news to begin with. Either way, she's sure that she and Connie are unsure what to think or believe at the moment. Be that as it may, everybody else surely seems convinced.

She looks over her shoulder to see more and more of her comrades settling into different places among the trees as Ymir seems to be taking in the sight of each of them, one by one. Everyone is talking amongst one another save for a few people who likely prefer to keep their observations more inward than anything. Then, there's Jean, "Ymir! What's the deal? Did you manage to get away from them? What direction did they go?"

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