Sad Ending

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It's been three years since I left Japan to explore the world. My dream had finally come true. I was finally free.

That day I left everything behind; I tried to hold back my tears, but once I was seated on the aeroplane. My control over it was broken as the tears exploded out of me. People looked at me worriedly and asked if I was okay. The same response fell out of my mouth, "I'll be fine." But that was just a way to reassure myself. Yuji had sacrificed his happiness for mine. He knew nothing would change if I stayed there, so he had to let go.

Every day that passed, he never left my mind. Neither did Nobara, Megumi or Gojo. They all held a special place in my heart.

Today I was heading back to Japan from Chile. That was my last stop. I spent three days here before booking a flight home. Home where Yuji was waiting for me. I should have stayed longer here, but I couldn't hold the excitement to go back. The desire to see, touch Yuji was too strong.

Holding tightly onto the book that sat on my lap. My fingers danced across the cover as if it were doing a ribbon dance. "This plane is ready to depart. Say goodbye to Chile." The captain spoke through the speaker; my eyes drifted to the window where I could see the airport.

My adventure ends here, but that does mean another one can't begin. Maybe I could take Yuji to all the amazing countries I've been to. My favourite places would have to be: Venice, Santorini, Hòa Bình and Zanzibar Archipelago. They were all so beautiful and peaceful; I loved it. It was terrific seeing each and every culture. They were different but didn't stop them from being any more dazzling.

Yuji, my soulmate. I wonder how he's changed over the years. When I first left, we were able to speak and text on the phone; however, 6 months later, Gojo had told me that we had to cut contact with each other. Following his advice, I threw the phone I used to communicate with them in a river in Russia. But not before writing down their numbers just in case I needed to contact them.

Before planning my trip back to Japan, I texted Megumi that I was coming back but not to tell Yuji. I wanted it to be a surprise. Images of how he would react to me just showing up that a little giggle escaped me. Even if his appearance had changed so much, I would still be able to tell it was him.

Without even noticing, I had fallen asleep with my head leaning against the window. Thankfully the woman that sat next to me woke me up just as we landed.

Carefully, I walked down the steps off the plane before placing my foot on the ground. The ground of Japan. "I'm back", I whispered as I scanned the area. The sun was still high up in the sky. Good, I wanted it to be light outside so I wouldn't have to give Yuji a heart attack if he was sleeping. I'm sure Gojo would have loved to see that happen.

Collecting my bags was easy and quick, which I was thankful for. Sometimes they would take hours. A sigh escaped me from the memories of long hours spent in airports; at least I won't have to worry about that anymore.

Walking around a corner, feeling the nerves of seeing Megumi again. It's been so long since I saw him. I wonder if he is more open now. One thing for sure, I knew he would still be handsome, not in a romantic way but in a sister-friend way. If Yuji heard me say that, I could already tell he would pout at me, wanting me to compliment him too.

My hands grew sweaty as I tried to wipe it on my leg. Why am I sweating? It's just Megumi. 


My eyes scanned the area until I spotted that familiar black spiky hair. Well, that was easier than I thought. Maybe he doesn't like to change his hair. Now that I think about it, his hair kinda looks like Gojo's in a way.

𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 (𝐘𝐮𝐣𝐢 𝐈𝐭𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now