𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏

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We pulled away from each other, but I could tell Yuji still felt regretful about what had happened, "It's not your fault; it's my mothers." I whispered to him while giving him a small smile. It seemed words weren't going to work, so I held his hand in mine.

"I should probably get going; I've got to wake up early tomorrow", I spoke to both of the boys in the room. My feet began walking. However, I couldn't move much as Yuji's grip tightened on my hand. "No, what if they are there still?" he said with worry written all over his face.

A hand rested on my shoulder, and I looked back to see it was Gojo, "I'll go check it out. (Y/N) stay here and look after your wounds." He spoke as the pain started up again. It was like I could forget about all of those things whenever I was with my soulmate. "I'm sure Yuji can help; there are bandages and stuff in the bathroom" we nodded our heads as Gojo left us alone.

Yuji dragged me over to the sofa before heading to the bathroom to grab the supplies. "Yuji, do you know anything about Gojo?" I asked him from my seat; I was curious. The man who seems most relaxed had a broken heart and no soulmate. He was in pain, yet he never showed it. "I know he's strong, Gojo took me out and showed me how he defeated this one curse, but he ran away like a chicken", he replied.

Megumi knew the most about our teacher, but he too doesn't reveal too much about himself.

Yuji quickly comes back and begins to fix me up, "I didn't know you knew first aid." I state as I watch him closely as he handles me delicately as if I'm glass about to break. "There's a lot of things we don't know about each other like I didn't know you had a bad relationship with your mum." I let out a sigh, I knew I would like to speak to him about it, but I just don't know what to say.

"I have a bad relationship with my whole family. As a (L/N), we are expected to obey whatever our parents tell us with no back talk. They decide our futures with none of our opinions." I paused, glancing down at my lap where my hands sat. "My life is not mine; I have never chosen anything. And if I disobeyed-" taking a deep breath as the memories resurface. "If I rebel, I would be punish-" before I could finish my sentence, a pair of lips were on mine.

It was a soft and delicate kiss that lasted for a few seconds, but those few seconds made me forget about the pain I had endured.

Yuji pulled away but still kept his arms wrapped around as he stared into my eyes, "I promise I won't let them touch you again. I'll make sure you choose whatever life you want. I am a genie, so your wish is my command." Leaning his forehead on mine as I began to feel his warmth sinking into me. "I won't let them take you away from me. From your life. (Y/N) you deserve to live the way you wish with no regrets."

My mouth opened to say something, but I was too speechless for anything to come out; no one had ever said that to me. The maids pitied me for living in this family, but they would never help. Instead, they would give me advice on how to survive in that house. I wanted an escape, but there was none until now.

I didn't know what to say, so; instead, I let a big bright smile out.

"Yo", turning back to see Gojo standing at the door with a bag in his hand. "Your mum's guards are guarding your room, but I managed to grab some of your clothes for tonight," He said as he threw the bag at me; heat rushed up to my friend as I saw my underwear. Grabbing a pillow and throwing it at him, "you pervert!" I shout at me.

"Well, did you want to sleep in the ones you're wearing now?" he said, but I was too embarrassed. My teacher saw my underwear. "Wait, what?! I'm sleeping here" heat rushed to my cheeks as I looked at Yuji to see his cheeks red as a tomato. "Well, unless you want to go back to your room with your mother and her guards waiting for you," Gojo asked as I shook my head immediately.

He gave me a smile "that's what I thought, now be good kids. I'm out," he said before leaving the room with two embarrassed teenagers.

"I'll take the floor, and you can take the sofa" Yuji stood up, moving things about and making the beds. "Wait, no, it's fine", I tried to say, but he immediately stopped me, grabbing my shoulder and pushing me down on the sofa. Our faces were so close "(Y/N), you're injured, and if you sleep on the floor, you'll be worse." I nodded my head, knowing I would regret it in the morning. "Thanks", he hummed in response before laying down in his bed on the floor.

"Wait!" Yuji spoke loudly before jumping out of his bed and leaned over me. "I almost forgot", he whispered before leaning in so that our lips touched. It was only a small peek, but it left me wanting more. However, I was way too stubborn to say that.

He pulled away with a bright smile and laid back in his bed, "I like you, (Y/N)." Yuji said, leaving me with a big smile.

"I like you, too."

It had been an hour since we said goodnight, and I was still awake; my heart wouldn't let me sleep. It was pounding in my chest, keeping me awake. He was right there, my soulmate. The boy I liked was just behind me on the floor. My back was towards Yuji.

"(Y/N), are you still awake?" Yuji questioned in the darkness, why was he awake? "Yeah", I mumbled, pretending to just have woken up. Was he having trouble sleeping as well? "Did I wake you up? Sorry go back to sleep; I'll ask you another time," and just like that, my plan had backfired.

Quickly, I turned over to face him. However, I moved a bit too fast that I ended up falling on top of him. I let out a whine as Yuji groaned in response; feeling the heat rush to my face, I quickly sat up and moved away from him. "Sorry, I didn't mean too" I hurried out as Yuji began laughing at my embarrassing state.

"Well, since you're awake, can I ask you something?" he said through the pitch-black. I couldn't see any details apart from the outline of his body; I nodded my head, not remembering that he couldn't see me. "Yeah", I responded.

"What's your dream?" my eyes widened at his question; I didn't expect to ask me that. "I mean, that's only if you wanna tell me," he stuttered out, "I just wanted to know more about you." A soft smile was painted across my face, "I want to travel the world."

"If you don't mind, but why?" Yuji asked, curious to know more about me; I didn't mind telling him. I trusted him.

"Because when you're able to travel from country to country, that's when you're most free. Nothing's holding you back."

𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 (𝐘𝐮𝐣𝐢 𝐈𝐭𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now