𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏

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Once we arrived back at school, I didn't talk to anyone and headed straight to my room. I wanted to scream and cry at the same time. My hands still shook; the memory of his dead body in arms stayed in the front of my mind. It's not fair; he didn't deserve to die.

If I could switch positions with him, I would. Even though the universe told me to fall for him, they knew what they were doing because he was the right person. Yuji's bright smile could pull out of any bad mood, but yet I pushed him away. Now it was too late; he was gone and never coming back.

It's only been a couple of hours, but I miss him so much. I wish he would come back.

I leaned my back against my door and slowly fell to the ground. My head banged against the door as I burst into tears. Everywhere hurt, my body, my heart and my soul. I don't think I'll ever be able to recover from this.

Taking a few deep breaths as the tears calmed down before standing up, they insisted that I go see a doctor, but I just couldn't be around anyone right now.

My legs moved on their own as I walked towards the mirror and looked at the back of my neck. I don't know what I expected when I looked, but maybe I still had hope. If only we had more time, then perhaps something could have happened.

Knock Knock

I ignored it as I climbed into bed; why couldn't they leave me alone. "I know you're in there, (Y/N)" I heard Gojo's voice from the other end. "I know what you're going through right now", he tried to say, but I snapped. "No, you don't. My soulmate is dead, and I did-" paused as more tears came, "I didn't even get to tell him how I felt."

It was silent, and just when I thought he had left, the door opened and standing there was my teacher. Rolling my eyes as I turned my back to him. He wasn't wearing his mask, so his pure white hair was down. "I could have been naked, you know," I said in between sniffles; he let out a small chuckle. "But why would you be naked? Are you trying to seduce his ghost?" Even though I was sad, I couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

I heard him step forwards till he was at my bed, "good to know you can still smile." He spoke as I still had my back towards him. He sat down on the floor beside my bed "(Y/N); come look at my arm; this is where my mark was." I turned over to look to see an empty patch of skin, "there's nothing there." Rolling my eyes, thinking he was trying to make a joke.

"My soulmate died as well. I know how much it hurts."

I sat up in my bed, staring at him in shock, "does the pain ever go away?" I asked him as I pulled my knee close to my chest. "No, but you'll get used to it" we both sat there in silence before another knock came. Gojo stood up, "you shouldn't be alone no matter how much you want to" I nodded my head, still shocked by the news.

There was so much about Gojo we didn't know about.

Gojo opened the door to one of my mother's guards, "Lady (L/N), your mother would like to see you." My eyes widen, "is she here?" I stuttered as I stood up from the bed. He nodded his head as I walked towards the door, "Megumi and Nobara will come to see you later." Gojo spoke before I left with the man; we walked down the hallway before reaching the medical bay.

"She's in there" I nodded my head as I opened the door. There she was, standing there with that same emotionless expression and standing next to her was our family doctor. "Hello, Lady (Y/N). I'm here to look at your wounds," I didn't question as I sat down on the bed and let the examination began.

I didn't protest or say anything until it was over; the doctor bowed to my mother before leaving. Her eyes were on me, watching me like a hawk. I felt numb that I didn't care about her. "What were you thinking?" she demanded as she crossed her arms.

"I wasn't thinking" I was only thinking about Yuji, My soulmate. "You could have died, you stupid child", she shouted at me before grabbed my arm, making me stand up. "If you ever do that again, I will make sure every little bit of freedom you had gets taken away from you", mother stared into my dull and empty eyes.

"I have no freedom already" my voice sounded dead as she tightens her grip on me. "If you were injured, I would have taken you to the basement", she hissed at me, which normally at the mention of that place, I would be crumbling in fear. But I didn't care about anything anymore. All I could feel was pain.

She let go of me and stomped out of the room, slamming the door behind her. A sigh escaped me at her, I slowly made my way back to my room, and I wasn't expecting to see three people in there. There sat in my room were Gojo, Megumi and Nobara. "What are you doing here?" I spoke as I closed the door behind me.

"We are gonna watch a movie, and I'm picking," Gojo said with his happy smile but after hearing about his soulmate. Was he genuinely happy? The other two let out a groan. "Gojo, are you really happy?" I questioned as the other two students looked at me in confusion. "There are more things in life to be happy about, like my students," he said, not fazed by the question at all.

I didn't say anything as I sat down on my bed while Gojo put on Twilight, I didn't think he was a fan, but I guess you never know. Gojo was right; I couldn't let my sadness take over my life. I had a goal to achieve; my freedom was still in reach. I also wanted to travel the world and experience everything from food to place.

I guess I could be happy but did I want to? Did I deserve to be happy while he died? That wasn't fair. Shaking my head from the thoughts as I paid attention back to the projector that played the movie. Nobara sat next to holding my hand gently in hers.

𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 (𝐘𝐮𝐣𝐢 𝐈𝐭𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now