Chapter 9

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I am starting this chapter with a warning for those not comfortable with abuse. This chapter does contain memories of Madelyn's abuse by the rogues. I won't go into too many details on some parts just wanted to give a warning.


We had fallen asleep because it was so late. The doctor had said it would take some time for all the tests to come back anyway. I slowly was waking up to find a sleeping Marcus and Everett sitting in the chairs against the wall. They told me that they didn't plan to leave my side until the doctor said I could leave. I tried to stand to go to the bathroom when the boys shot up out of their sleep.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Marcus asked while scanning me to see if I was okay. "I was only trying to go to the bathroom. You can sit back down." Once I got down in the bathroom, I came back out to see breakfast was brought to us. I quickly sat down and started to eat not realizing just how hungry I was. I made small talk with Marcus and Everett while we ate.

After a while, the doctor came back in with my results. She looked at me with sorrow in her eyes. I figured she would be able to see all my past injuries from where they might not have healed correctly. When the rogues would beat us, usually something ended up broken. There was nothing we could do but hope it would heal quickly enough before the next beating.

"I am not sure how to say this, so I suggest you take a seat Alpha," the doctor said to Marcus. He had been standing by my side when she came in. He pulled a chair over to my bed and sat down while holding my hand for comfort. I wasn't sure if that was more for him or me. "Please continue Dr. Lacy," Marcus said while squeezing my hand a little. It was a sweet gesture that I returned.

"What I am about to show you is shocking. I am sure Madelyn already knew what most of her injuries were but maybe not the full extent of them." The doctor, who I now know is Dr. Lacy, said while putting my x-ray pictures of the light board. You could see where my bones had been broken and healed and broken again. Almost all of my bones had been broken at some point during those years of hell. I got up to get a closer look at the x-rays. I knew how I got each and every one of those breaks. The one that I remember the most was when my legs got broken the first time. I felt so hopeless because they not only took away my ability to walk but took away any innocents I had left. I will never forget it.


I knew I was going to get in trouble this time. I tried to run away again. Usually, they would beat me till I blacked out, but I had a feeling this time would be different. I knew they were tired of me trying to get free, but I would never stop.

I was thrown back into my cell by the guards. The one who did most of the beatings was Jake. Everyone knew when Jake was around someone was going to get hurt pretty badly. He quickly stepped into my cell before closing the door. I usually didn't beg, but I was truly terrified of what would happen.

"Please don't hurt me. I promise I won't try to run anymore," I tried to plead only to be slapped across the face. I quickly lose my balance and fell to the floor.

"Begging won't save you this time little one," Jake said before bending down and punching me in the face. I was used to being hit but not by Jake. It was like his hit were a lot stronger. I felt the taste of blood in my mouth from where he busted my lip. I started to cry but knew there was nothing I could do. He would taunt me while beating me.

"No one wants you," kick to the ribs.

"You are nothing," punch to the stomach.

"No one will love you," punch to the face.

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