Chapter 26 - Blackout

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Kageyama looks at his finger then placed his hand in his pocket.

"Ah..this..." He looks away.

"Tobio-kun...." She frowned.

He looks at her with a smile and rubs her head.

"Don't worry. Just a small cut while cooking." He told.

They soon reached home and Kageyama looked at her home.

"Why are the lights in your home turned off completely..?" He asked.

She looks at him then looks at her home.

"Huh... that's weird. Is it a black out?" She hummed.

"If that's the case.." he looked at the other houses. "The others would be the same. But only your house is dark."

She takes a step back. "I wonder whats wrong."

Kageyama looks at her. "Do you want to check the power supply..?" He asked.

"Dad is usually the one who does all the plumbing and electrical stuff so i have no idea how to fix it.." she looks at him and sighed.

"Don't worry. I got this." He smiled and nodded.

She leads him in and he held his phone since he was using the torch on his phone as a guide.

"Let me light some candles around you go check on the power." She told and he nodded.

"Where is the power supply?" He asked and she pointed towards a room.

While Kageyama went over to check on the power, Y/n felt her way around the house and found the drawer, pulling out a candle out of it.

She then felt her way to the kitchen to get the lighter before lighting up the candle.


She heard him call her and rushed to him with a candle in her hand.

"The switches need to be replaced." He looks at her. "There's nothing that we can do for now. We need to wait till morning to have the replaced." He told.

She groaned and rubs her forehead.

"Its the middle of summer. I can't live with this heat." She told.

"It actually is hot..." He agreed.

"It's okay, you can go back home." She smiled. "Mom will be here in an hour or so."

"Are you sure..?" He asked.

"Yes" she nodded and takes her jacket off. "The heat is killing me" she muttered.

"Let me stay till your mother returns." He told and looked at her.

"Hm? Alright." She walks upstairs. "I'll be back."

She went upstairs and changed from her uniform, wanting to wear sweatpants and a t-shirt, but since it was too hit she decided to wear shorts and a tank top instead.

After a while she went back downstairs.

"Do you want something to eat or drink..?"

She asked while going over to the kitchen.

"Anything is fine." He told as he looked at his phone.

"Hmm..What do you feel like having?" She asked while opening the fridge door.

"A glass of water is fine." He leaned his head back on the back rest and told, while closing his eyes.

She poured him a glass of water and grabs the glass, walking over to him.

"Here." She told, handing him the glass.

He opened his eyes to look at her, blushing a little when he saw her in a tank top.

"Th-th-thank you" he told as he grabbed the glass.

His hand trembled a little as he took the glass, being a little flustered and looking away as he blushed.

"Are you okay..?" She asked with her hand on her waist.

"Mmm" he managed to only nod as his hand began to tremble even more.

"You'll spill it over you." She acted fast and held his hand to stop it from trembling.

He stared at her before gulping and having huge sips of the water.

She then sat on the couch beside him and sighed.

"I don't think I can sleep without the fan." She toldd and began to fan herself on the face using her hands.

Kageyama looks at her and sees that she's sweating on her face and neck.

He looked away, intertwining his fingers while trying to not think about it.

She then looks at him.

"You're being quiet all of a sudden.." she remarked.

He looked at her, not knowing what to say.

She sighed and looked down.

"It is because I confessed to you yesterday, isn't it.." she looked away. "You might be feeling awkward because of this."

He faced her. "That's not it." He raised his voice to make her believe.

She looked at him in surprise.

"That's...not it..." He looked down.

"Well then.." She looks down. "What is..?"

"I..." He muttered. "I..."

He clenched his fist and gritted his teeth.

' Why can't I say it?? Why?'

She looks at him and smiled, misinterpreting his action of struggling to say anything, thinking he's trying to go out of his way to say something that didn't feel comfortable with him.

"Don't worry, it's okay. I already told you, I'm okay with this being one sided."

She then stands up, wanting to give him some space to get comfortable again.

Kageyama saw her stand up and held her hand, pulling her to sit on his lap. He placed his hand on her cheek and placed his forehead on hers, closing his eyes as he held that position for a while.

"Please stay.." he whispered to her.

She looks at him and smiled softly as she nodded while their foreheads still touched.

Her breath could be felt over his lips and he exhaled while he caressed her cheek with his thumb.

He then wraps his other arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him, with his chest pressing against hers.

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