Chapter 4 - Facade

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The next day at school after the morning practice, Kageyama went to his class and sat on his usual seat, looking beside him to see the empty desk. He raised his eyebrow wondering if she isn't going to show up to school but looked away shrugged the thought off, not thinking much of it. The noisy environment during the homeroom period made his head hurt and decided to take a small stroll outside till the classes started since there were a few minutes left before the bell.

He decided to go over to the school's roof where he was confident that there was no one there. Upon reaching the last step, he spots a girl with her back facing him and he clicked his tongue.

'And I thought no one would be here.'

He thought to himself as he walked towards the railing and placed his hands on the railing without looking at the girl beside him.

After a few minutes, he decided it was time to go back since he heard the bell and turned around to go back to class, he stopped when he now saw who the girl was and frowned, since he didn't notice that it was Y/n and neither did she notice him, since he stood a few steps away from her.

"The class has started, you know?" He raised his eyebrow and looked at her, waiting for an answer.

There was no reply and that's when he walked towards her.

"Oi-" He stopped when he took a proper look at her to see that she was all teared up.

He was flustered and didn't know what to say or do, so he just stood silently and looked at her as she now noticed him and quickly wiped her tears.

"Kageyama-kun?" she smiled. "I'm so sorry, I didn't notice you here."

It took a moment for Kageyama to get his flustered expression to fade when he looks down and scratched the back of his head. "Y-yeah, the class has started." He mutters softly.

Y/n nods and pulls her bag over her shoulders. "We better get going then! let's go!" she told as she headed downstairs while Kageyama nodded and followed her, ending up by entering the class together.

The whole time during class, he kept looking at her from time to time, thinking about what happened in the morning. It was something that he didn't think he'd experience, or rather see.

'Was she actually crying back there?' he looks down and scribbled his notebook with volleyball sketches. 'Or was I just overthinking a little too much?' His eyes drifted to look at her, who was attentively taking down notes. 

'Don't pretend that nothing happened. How can someone go from sad and then pretend that nothing ever happened?'

Y/n turned to look at Kageyama, who looked away to avoid eye contact, before looking back at her once he was certain that she was not looking at him anymore, drifting into thoughts again when he calls her with an absent mind.

"Y-Y/n.." He mutters and Y/n looked at him.


Kageyama was flustered when he heard her voice and looked left and right before realizing what just happened and decided to quickly think of an excuse to cover up.

"Let's drink yogurt together, I-I mean-" He clenched his fist and looked away, "I-I forgot to bring changes to use for the v-v-vending machine."

Y/n blinks at him before laughing at his flustered expression, causing him to soften up his expression and look at her.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked.

"Nothing." She waved her hands. "Here." She hands him a few coins after taking them out of her small wallet.

"Th-tha-thanks." He takes them, being a little embarrassed, and looked away. "I'll pay you back."

"Huh? For a few coins?" She raised her eyebrow. "There's no need for that, really." She shrugged.

"No, I will pay you back either way." He huffed while she giggled and nodded before continuing with her note-taking.

'Damn it! I didn't even need any coins, I bring some with me every day.' He stared at the coins in his palm and grasped them before looking at her.

'Heartbreaker? Player? The one who rejects and breaks a guy's heart? Don't give me that BS!' He softly slammed the table with his fist, not wanting to get attention from his classmates and the teacher.

'The person right here is completely different.' He looks at her. 'How can someone like you be exactly how the people around describe you to be?' He furrows his eyebrows as he looks at her. 'What is the truth, Y/n??'

Later that evening during the volleyball practice, Y/n went over to each of the members and talked to them about their routine and what they should they work on while writing down something in her notepad.

It was now Kageyama's turn and she walked over to him while turning the page on her notebook.

"Kageyama-kun," she started. "I think you need to trust your teammates more." She looks up at him. "You need to stop thinking that you're the only one who needs to carry everything."

"Yea, I'm trying to do that." He replies and she smiled at him.

"You're not alone now, so you need to remember that you all have your own responsibilities."

She told and starts to write it down in her notepad. "Also let's have you run 3 laps in the morning to increase your stamina."

Kageyama looked down at her before gulping and asking her a question.

"Were you really crying this morning?" 

He asks softly to her to make sure no one except the two of them heard it, while Y/n stopped writing the moment she heard his question and looked around to see if anyone else heard that.

"D-Don't look around, I'm sure I didn't raise my voice to get anyone's attention."

Y/n looks at him and parted her lips to answer him but was interrupted when Kiyoko called her to come over. 

Y/n then looks at Kageyama and he nods for her to go to Kiyoko, before he went to continue with his practice too.

After the practice, the third and second years left while the first years stayed back to clean. Hinata and Kageyama promised to leave as soon as possible but continued practicing with closed doors even after Yamaguchi and Tsukishima left.

Y/n was out since she got a phone call and when she entered the gym to see that it was messy again, she frowned before calling out to them.

"You both need to know that you are not supposed to over do yourselves!" She raised her voice and they both stopped with whatever they were doing.

"The gym needs to be cleaned up again thanks to you both." She rubs her head with her fingers before she looks at them again.

"Go home, you guys." She takes the mop and starts to clean up in frustration, while Hinata and Kageyama just looked at her.

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