•C h a p t e r T w e n t y - O n e•

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The word document opened on my laptop had all of two words written on it when I sighed, collapsing onto my bed. Those two words were my name. I was supposed to finish an essay for school, but my motivation levels were at none.

The week had been absolutely dull, consisting of running from class to class, going to the food court for coffee and studying.

Avery was dragging me to the beach later today, since against my better judgement, I agreed to go. But I needed to deserve to go to the beach and have fun, which meant I needed to get my ass moving on this essay.

Sighing, I pulled myself back up, grabbing my laptop. For the next couple of hours, I searched all over the internet for the research that I needed before I would start the essay. I reached multiple dead ends before I found decent websites.

Finally, I set aside my laptop, deciding that my brain was fried and I needed food before I'd head over to the beach.

Out of habit, I picked up my phone and began scrolling through Instagram to check my notifications as I made my way down to the kitchen.

My nose crinkled when I saw the first notification that popped up.

Liam had requested to follow me.

I scoffed as my fingers pressed the button to decline it. As if, I'd already seen enough of him at school, I didn't need to see him all over my feed too.

I set my phone aside as I dug in the fridge for any leftovers, or if the chef my mom hired had made anything. A smile creeped onto my face when my eyes landed on a pulled pork sandwich.

I swiped it off the shelf and shut the fridge, surprised that Jackson hadn't already gotten his hands on it. Within minutes, I had scarfed down the sandwich before I sprinted back into my room to change.

I slipped on my go-to swimsuit, which was a striped, backless one-piece. Ever since I lost my bikini bottoms in the ocean a couple years back, I'd never recovered from the embarrassment. I guess the only thing worse than that was if my whole swimsuit fell off.

I put on a pair of jean shorts and a t-shirt over top before I grabbed my packed bag sitting by the door. It was filled with everything that we might need, from towels to snacks.

With that, bounded back down the stairs to the door. I only stopped short when I noticed my mom standing near it, with her arms crossed. I swallowed, brushing past her.

"Where are you going?" she asked as I slipped on my sandals.

"To the beach," I answered simply.

She scoffed, rolling her eyes, "And you'd only be meeting scoundrels there."

"I'm not going there to meet people," I shot back, pressing my weight against the door. I'd take the first chance to leave. Once she got started, she wouldn't be stopping.

"Well then, you should be going to more of those dinners and events with me so you can meet new boys," she pointed out, raising an eyebrow

I sighed, "What makes you think I want a relationship?"

"All girls have to get married one day, the sooner the better," she laughed, heading into the kitchen, swaying as she walked. Her guffaw echoed throughout the empty house. 

I gritted my teeth, breathing deeply through my nose. I didn't want to have a fight with my mom, especially since I needed to get going fast.

"Well maybe I won't get married!" I shouted after her. My mom ignored it, the sound of the fridge opening and closing was all I heard. I rolled my eyes.

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