•C h a p t e r E i g h t•

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Liam's eyes landed on me and his lips broke out into a smirk that I returned with a scowl.

"Thalia and Jackson, this is Susan and Robert Rivera, and this is their son Liam," my mom beamed, pointing at Liam. He stood in front of me, his hands tucked into his pockets. I expertly avoided his burning gaze. My mom went through the formalities, introducing herself, my dad, my brother and I.

She seemed so proud with her wide grin, no one would suspect that I was about to get a lecture later tonight about Hunter.

"It's so nice to meet your family," Susan greeted as she shook my dad and Jackson's hand. "Liam is in Law, but eventually he'll take over our business."

I rolled my eyes. In this life and two centuries ago, Liam had to follow in his dad's footsteps. Liam looked just like his parents, with his dark hair and eyes that mirrored theirs.

"Oh, what a coincidence! Thalia is also in Law, maybe you two know each other," my dad said, letting out a laugh. My mom placed a hand on my shoulder and I didn't need to turn and look at her to know she had the same large smile that Susan wore.

I opened my mouth to say that I had no idea who Liam was, but Liam beat me to it.

"Yes Mr. Wilson. I've had the pleasure of meeting her already," Liam grinned, meeting my eyes. I swallowed hard at his gaze, shifting my eyes around the room, anywhere except to meet his. I was vaguely aware of how warm my cheeks felt.

"It should be a pleasure," I mumbled under my breath and Liam eyed me with a flat expression.

"Oh, that works out beautifully. You can both entertain each other at events like these," my dad laughed, a boisterous one that echoed through the room.

I gaped at him, my eyes widening. Entertain?!

My mom reached a hand over, pinching the back of my arm.

"Ow," I whispered sharply, shooting a glare at her. She eyed me from the corner of her eye, but it was clear she was holding back a grin. A very suspicious looking grin.

I focused my attention back to the conversation, where my dad and Mr. Rivera were talking about something business related.

Liam's eyes flitted towards my mom's hand and my arm before they landed back on me. A crooked grin spread over his lips again and that was all I needed to know that he saw what my mom did.

"If you wanted to hang out with me, you just had to say it," Liam whispered, leaning in. His lips brushed against my ears in the lightest motion.

Shivers ran up my spine from the vibrations of his voice and I froze, my cheeks burning.

I cleared my throat, taking a step back. I would not fall for this again, I had learned my lesson the hard way.

"I'm not talking to you," I rolled my eyes.

He muffled his laughter, "Alright, Ophelia."

The parents continued to talk for another few minutes, while I tried to avoid Liam's eye contact. Every few seconds, they would land on me.

"I'm so excited to be working with you guys, you seem like an amazing family," Robert said. I snapped back into reality.

I slapped a smile on my face at Robert's comment but truth be told, I thought it was just a way to boost my mom and dad's ego. Robert was stroking it like a puppy — and it worked. My mom and dad were beaming from ear to ear.

My parents owned a tech company and I had never cared to know any more than that. They were still young and it would be years until Jackson and I would take over. From my understanding, the Riveras and my family had invested in another company together, and now they were partners.

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