Millie McDonal

817 11 26

Millie's POV

I was sitting in science, listening to our boring teacher. 

"Actinide is an element with atomic number of 89 (actinium) to 103. Usually applied to those above uranium – 93 up (also called transuranics). Actinides are radioactive and typically have long half-lives. They are therefore significant in wastes arising from nuclear fission, e.g. used fuel. They are fissionable in a fast reactor. Minor actinides are americium, curium and neptunium." She said. 

 The class stared at her blankly.

"Can someone tell me the Nuclear term for Activation product," Mrs. Williams asked.

One person raised her hand. The one and only, Piper Mclean.

"Yes Miss. Mclean?"

"Activation product is a radioactive isotope of an element (e.g. in the steel of a reactor core) which has been created by neutron bombardment." She said. 

"Correct," Mrs. William's nodded.

Piper spends to much time with Annabeth

"What about Decay?" 

I was shocked. I actally knew this! I rose my hand high and proud

 Mrs. William raised her eyebrows, but nodded at me.

"Disintegration of atomic nuclei resulting in the emission of alpha or beta particles (usually with gamma radiation). Also the exponential decrease in radioact- " I said.

A loud ring  came from someones phone. 

"Miss. Mclean, you know the rules." Mrs. William said sternly.

I smirked. Finally little miss percfect is getting in trouble. 

Piper pulled out her phone, and put it on speaker. I swear I saw her ears turn pink when she looked at the name. 

" Hey Jase," She said.

"Hey Pipes, it's Leo."

She rolled her eyes. "Repeir boy what are you doing with Superman's phone?"

I frowned. Weird Nicknames.

" Oh you know, just prank calling Chikfala with the Stolls but using Jason's  phone so they can't trace it back to me." The boy (Leo I think?) said.

Piper groaned. "Not again!"

"Hey Piper!" Two voices said in unison.

"Hi Travis and Conner," Piper grumbled, "Is Katie around."

"Yeah I'm here," A girls voice came up to the phone.

"Are you going along with this?" Piper asked.

"Oh Gods no," She said. "I've been trying to get them to stop and give the phone back to Jason but these Podex's just won't give up." 

Piper chuckled.

I heard a mans voice in the distance. "Do you guys know where Jase's phone is?" 

"Percy! Right here," The girl (Katie?)  said.

"Oh thanks Katie," (Percy?) said.

"Hey Aqua Man," Piper said.

'Hey Beauty Queen."

Piper scowled at the nickname. 

"Percy did you find it?!" Another mans voice asked.

"Yeah right here!" Percy called. "Leo stoll (pun intened)  it from you! He called Piper!"

"Oh no! I'm sorry Pipes! You're probaly in class!" The man said.

"Your fine Jason." Piper said. "Are you still picking me up from school today?"

"Yep," Jason said. "I might have to take Percy and Annabeth to though."

"Ok," Piper said. 

"Well I'll let you get back to class. Bye Pipers Science Class!!!" Jason said. "Love you Pipes!"

"Love you to Jase," Piper hung up.

The classes eyebrows went up.

"What?!" Piper asked.

~~~~~~~~~~~ Time skip brought to y'all by Rachel's blue hairbrush~~~~~~~~~

At lunch, I sat at the popular table with my group. There's my twin brother Alex, my best friend Abigail who is dating John. Then there's my brothers girlfriend, Briana, and Mark, my boyfirend. 

We all went up to Piper and I asked, "Okay how much did you pay those people to call you and pretend to be your friends?"

"Zero bucks because there my real friends." Piper said. "If you don't believe me, some of them are coming to pick me up after school today."

"See you then dummy," Mark said.

~~~~~~~~~~~Another time skip brought to you guys by Octavian, the human canonball~~~~~~~~~~~~

After school my group waked over to Piper who was reading under a tree.

"looks like you were lying," Briana said.

"Nope there just late." Piper said.

Alex rolled his eyes, "Whatever."

Then a large truck rolled up with the name Delphie's Strawberry Serveis. 

Four kids stepped out who were stunning. One had Jet black hair and beautiful sea green eyes. He had a lean body and a lot of mussels. 

He was holding hands with a blonde, with stormy grey eyes. 

A tall boy with striking blue eyes and blond hair was laughing at a tiny boy with latino elfish looks, who had curly brown hair and brown eyes. 

Piper ran up and gave the blond girl a hug, the black hair guy a fistbump, the other blond a kiss on the cheek, and the elf a nugie. 

She rode off with them, and I never saw her again.

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