Celeste Jonas

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Celeste POV

My mommy dropped me off at day care and I waved goodbye to her. She rolled her eyes and drove away. You see my mommy doesn't like me and says I was a mistake. Whatever that means! 

I walked in on my own and ran into a mans leg. He picked me up and grinned. 

"Hi I am Celeste Jonas!" I said cheerfully.

"I'm Percy Jackson!" He said.

I patted his mop of black hair on his head. He laughed a good laugh.

I grinned and pointed to the sand box. 

"Can you take me there?" I asked, " Pretty Please."

Percy smiled and saluted me. "Aye aye caption."

After playing with him in the sand box I learned that he liked the ocean, had a pretty girlfriend named Annbeth. He likes cookies to! 

After a few hours, his girlfriend came to see Percy! She was pretty!

After a day at day care, my mommy came to pic me up .

She walked over to Percy and started to put her hands on his mucsles. 

I knew that was flirting so I wanted to let my mommy know he was taken.

"Mommy Percy has a gir-" My mommy slapped me in the face so hard that I feel onto the ground and skinned my knee. I stood up with blood tricking down my shin.

"Not now Celeste." My mommy said.

"Mam you can't do that to your daughter." Percy's girlfriend said.

"It's okay!" I say cheerfully." She does this to me a lot so I'm used to it!"

Annabeth raised an eyebrow. She whispered into Percy's ear, but I heard what she said.

"Can you keep her busy. I'm going to call the police to arrest this woman for child abuse."

Percy nodded. 

He started talking with my mom. I saw police cars roll into the parking lot, but they didn't have there sirens on so they could sneak up on her.

"Umm mam can you please up your wrist behind your back?" Percy asked my mommy.

"Call my Kally," My mommy said, doing what Percy asked. 

A cop came up to my mom and put handcuffs on her. 

"Mam you are under arrest for child abuse and messing with Percabeth." The police woman said. 

"Thanks Clarrise," Annabeth said to the woman.

"No prob Princess."

I watched the woman shove my moms head into the car, confused.

Annabeth looked at me and whispered something into his ear. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he smiled biggly.

"Celeste," Percy said, picking me up and hoisting me onto his shoulders, "Would you like to come live with Annabeth and I? We could be you new mommy and daddy!"

I nodded exitedly. 

Annabeth and Percy grinned at eachother. 

They put me in the backseat of there car and drove to there house. It was big!

~~~~~ seven years later~~~~~~

"Happy fathers day dad!" I said to my dad, handing him a hand drawn picture. I was now twelve years old and was fairly good at sketching. My dads sea green eyes teared up. 

"Thank you Celeste!" He said.

"Happy fawers day daddy!" My three year old brother Cast said.

"Happy fathers day dad," My 10 year old brother Ethan said.

"What they said," My 7 year old sister Selina said.

Dad smiled at all of us. He pulled us all into a tight hug.

"Pancakes!" My mom called from the kitchen.

The five of us all jumped up, knowing they were blue, and ran into the kitchen. We gobbled them all up in a few seconds. 

My mom laughed at us. "Just like your father." 

After my other siblings went to bed, Mom and Dad held me back. 

"Celeste your first mom is out of prison and asked if you wanted to come back and live with her," My mom said.

I was shocked. I remembered how horrible my mom was to me and how awesome these last seven years have been. I didn't even need to think about if for a second. 

"I never want to see her again." I said, "I wouldn't trade these last seven years with you guys for anything."

Mom and Dad pulled me into a tight hug.

"This Seaweed Brain got it in my head that you would choose her over us." My mom said.

My Dad chuckled. "I was a bit nervous. Sorry Wise Girl."

Mom kissed dad on the check. I loved my parents. They were so sweet.

"I love you guys." I said.

"We love you to," they said back, pulling me into another hug.

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