Baby Love

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Nine months later...

Winding up pregnant was something Jennifer had prepared for as if the annihilation of the Earth was nigh, but nothing could prepare her for the pain that was to come. With (Y/n) present for the birth of his child, he squirmed and writhed at the immense pain he was caused as the kind gesture of holding his wife's hand resulted in it being crushed.

"Breathe, Jennifer, breathe," instructed the doctor, Stephen Strange.

Doing as she was told, Jennifer took deep breaths as every now and then she would push as much as she could whilst (Y/n) stood by, watching the good doctor help the baby pry out of her vagina. After nearly half an hour of sheer stress and pressure, lo and behold a newborn baby.

"Aaand, here is your baby." Stephen announced and handed Jennifer the newborn wrapped in a towel.

Happily, Jennifer took the baby in her arms and pulled the towel open to expose the newborn's face to her more clearly.

"Ohh, oh my baby... my baby," cooed Jennifer. "Honey, look! She has your eyes. You did it, (Y/n/n). You're a father."

(Y/n) looked at the face of the newborn and smiled weepily as tears threatened to run down his face. Glancing at his wife, (Y/n) formed a strong smile and reached for the infant she presented to him to take into his care. The infant cooed as it smiled adorably at her father.

Clearing his throat, Stephen produced a clipboard and pointed a pen at the paper, requesting the name (Y/n) and Jennifer decided on. While the topic demanded much thought, the couple were quick to a name they both agreed upon.

"Elaine. After my mother when she passed away in a car accident when she tried to my dance recital." Jennifer explained in which the name itself brought sadness to (Y/n)'s wife.

Awkwardly, Stephen wrote down the name to officiate the name of the newborn child under the surname of Peregrine and made off to give the couple some privacy knowing that Jennifer would spent a good portion of one week in hospital to recover from giving birth.

"How's your hand? I didn't break it, did I?" Jennifer purred.

(Y/n) chuckled nervously and showed his wife that the hand he offered her in her time of need was in fact not broken by flexing it. "Huh? Oh, no, no. It's, it's okay. I'm fine. Look. See? All good. You feeling okay, babe?"

"Yeah... I'm just tired. I might... rest... my eyes..."

Smiling to himself, (Y/n) leaned over and kissed Jennifer on her temple when a nurse entered and took the baby from (Y/n) so to treat it before delivering it back to its crib next to Jennifer's bed. (Y/n) could not be any prouder than he was now.

The television opposite Jennifer's bed stole (Y/n)'s attention as he used advanced technology to make a call all the way to a less notorious prison for criminals where Steve Rogers was being held to uphold his eight year sentence.

After a minute of static, the television switched to a live broadcast of a call all the way to Steve's cell. The blonde man smiled at the (h/c) man and addressed one another like brothers who were separated by war.

"How are you holding up, Steve?" (Y/n) asked caringly.

The blonde sighed. "Pretty boring, but it's giving me a lot of time to think about what's been happening the past three months. How's Jennifer and the baby?"

"Oh, they're great. Just great, Steve. It's just a shame you're not here in person, you know?"

"A baby girl, right?"

"That's right."

"I'm proud, (Y/n). You and Jennifer deserve each other. You know, if I'm good, I might get out by Elaine's eight birthday."

(Y/n) shook his head and laughed to himself. "Did Tony tell you?"


"Of course she did. Just say the word, and I'll get Matt and Jen to help get you out."

"I can't have you do that, (Y/n). That would be abiding a wanted criminal if things don't go your way. Just take care of the women, okay, son?"

"I will, Steve."

When the television switched off, (Y/n) retired to the couch underneath the window sill and laid back as he gave one last glance at his wife and daughter before turning to slumber himself to fantasise about the simple life with Jennifer and a toddler version of Elaine.

Hours of deserved slumber was killed when suddenly an interruption came in the form of an infant's wails. (Y/n) let out a groan and attended the baby's needs with haste as to avoid breaking his wife out of slumber as well.

Bouncing the baby in his arms, (Y/n) shushed it and hummed a lullaby until she was able to cease her cries and succumbed to the rocking of her body added with the soothing sensation of her father's voice.

Without noticing his wife half-awake, (Y/n) sat back on the couch and laid down, balanced so that the infant could rest comfortably on his chest. Jennifer smiled at the sight as she captured a mental picture of the sight before returning to slumber herself.

Come daytime, the Peregrine family were refreshed as (Y/n) awoke to a nurse walking in with a tray of breakfast for his wife who was already awake and sat up, ready for her meal. (Y/n) noticed that his daughter was no longer on his chest, rather she was rested on his wife's stomach.

"Mm, morning," groaned (Y/n) as he stretched and sat up.

"Good morning sleepy head." Jennifer replied and bit on her bottom lip.

"Sleepy head? What... what time is it?"

"Quarter past seven."

(Y/n) gaped his mouth open and spoke as he yawned. "Ho... holy shit. Haven't slept that well in ages. And how is our little puddin' doin'?"

Just as Jennifer was pulling up her shirt to breastfeed her daughter, she whipped her head at him in surprise of what he said and grinned at him as she resumed to feed her daughter in the company of only her husband.

"You know," said (Y/n) in a deep voice. "If roles were reversed..."

"Oh shuttup, (Y/n/n)." Jennifer retorted.

"I'm gonna get some coffee. Be right back."

In his absence, Jennifer let out a sigh and picked up a book and began to read through it aloud to her daughter. As (Y/n) was I'm the middle of preparing the coffee machine, a presence alerted him to a dark-skinned woman with curly brown hair smiling at him.

"To what do I owe this pleasure, Annie?" (Y/n) acknowledged the young woman. 

"Thought I'd drop by and see how you were doing. I also brought some gifts for the baby." His assistant replied sweetly.

Handing him three balloons and a box of chocolates, (Y/n) accepted the gift and conversed with Annie about their work knowing after a certain period, (Y/n) would have to travel to Europe for multiple conferences.

When (Y/n) returned to his family, everything was at it was before. Quiet and tranquil. Jennifer shared news of the on goings on around the world before (Y/n) shared the gifts from Annie and comforted himself with his family knowing they had all the time in the world.

For now...

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