Highway To Hell

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After a relatively long day out shopping and doing whatever took their fancy, Jennifer and (Y/n) sang along to Hall And Oates - Private Eyes as they cruised along through town. Their happiness blurred the inevitable realisation of the familiar route they were taking to make their way to Jennifer's home. 

(Y/n) found himself taken away at Jennifer's singing as she drove with ease along the long stretch that came towards (Y/n)'s workplace where he resigned after previous events. Only then it dawned on them. Both fell dead silent as coincidentally, the song came to its end as Jennifer felt a buried anger resurrect itself. 

(Y/n) spoke in concern to his girlfriend by making the distraction of helping her remain calm or to not think of that night she got shot. Though it didn't help at all when Jennifer spotted three motorbikes parked outside the ice-cream store. 

"Ahh boy..." (Y/n) uttered with a shake of his head as he could do nothing but sit by as Jennifer pulled over to the side of the road. 

A scene that was being caused by three bikers that were harassing the staff inside the store, practically causing a fight as those who could not fend for themselves were thrown across tables or slammed into walls or machinery until they heard the glass door entrance to the store smash to pieces. 

At the sound of an intrusion, the three men whipped around, handguns and a shotgun pointed in the direction of the front door when they all blindly opened fire, wasting their clips and shells until they had to reload. 

"Aw, crap... it's She-Hulk!" One biker yelled as he opened fire at the green-skinned, bulletproof woman. 

Quickly realising their bullets had no effect on her, two attempted to attack her at close range. Their attempts became fruitless when Jennifer took the shotgun of the first and broke it with his face before kicking him through a window and slammed the head of the other on a table.

The third acted in fear and ran out the back door, to her awareness. Jennifer then proceeded to make her way back to her car where (Y/n) pointed out the fleeing biker. Only then, did he catch onto what she was doing and said nothing more as all she had to do was keep her distance as she stalked her prey.

"You gonna be alright and wait in here while I go inside?" Jennifer asked concerningly.

"Don't you worry about me, honey. Just give 'em hell." (Y/n) muttered coldly.

Twenty minutes later, and the biker had reached the place where he and his band of misfits resided. Pulling to the side of the road, Jennifer got out of the car and bumped her fist in her hand as she walked menacingly towards the biker bar. 

While she went to take car of personal business, (Y/n) thought of an idea and exited the car, stealthily worked his way past each bike that accumulated to nearly thirty, and cut the gas lines. Meanwhile, Jennifer was enjoying herself beating up the bikers - the very same group who were involved in her being hospitalised which resulted in her becoming She-Hulk - for a good fifteen minutes until she concluded her business, leaving them all alive but in immense pain.

Upon stepping out of the bar, the scent of gasoline instantly penetrated her nostrils as the sight of (Y/n) finishing up his business made her shake her head at his behaviour before they both regrouped on her car with him in the drivers seat.

"You feeling any better now?" (Y/n) asked in a soft voice as he turned on the ignition and began to drive off.

"Yeah, I... you were cutting their fuel lines, (Y/n)."

"Umm... maybe. Look, what matters is that the bikers are taken care of. So, we can go home."

I'm silence, they sat to enjoy the ride back to their places when something caught (Y/n) in the side-view mirror as a cloud of smoke arose. They both had to prepare for their moving to New York. Both were equally thrilled for the excursion as (Y/n) simply gave encouragement for what his girlfriend was about to embark on, another interesting chapter in her story. 

Jump to Saturday...

Early that morning, (Y/n) woke up to the sound of his pre-set alarm clocking going off which gave him the indication to get out of bed and prepare for the plane he was to catch later that morning. With a quick morning snack, (Y/n) was dressed appropriately and said goodbye to Brad before taking his leave for Jennifer's.

Upon arrival outside his girlfriend's house, (Y/n) waited several minutes before honking thrice to send the message he was outside and patiently waiting. Not long after, Jennifer was seen scurrying towards the car with baggage being dragged in one hand and a purse in the other.

"Good morning." (Y/n) sang.

"Hey," she moaned. "I missed you last night."

"Why? You had something special going on that you didn't invite me to?"

Jennifer blushed.

"Buckled in?"

"Yeah. Let's go."

And so, the drive commenced. It was another splendid drive, to say the least. An hour later, and the two were beginning to make their way through airport security where every pair of eyes constantly stared at Jennifer in her She-Hulk form.

Though she didn't mind the staring, it would still take some time to get used to, despite airport security being hospitable to her and her boyfriend. Eventually, (Y/n) and Jennifer boarded their plane, where nobody seemed to mind the couple taking the aisle seat.

The two instantly became comfortable as they buckled up in advance of being told at the time of the plane taking off. By the time it did and the seatbelt sign was dismissed, everyone on board the plane relaxed as no whispers nor rude comments were made about the green-skinned woman sitting in board.

"Hey," whispered (Y/n) in a hush voice. "I've been thinking... why don't I do a little crime-fighting myself? I mean, I might not know how to fight, but you do. You practically know every martial arts fighting styles, so what if you teach me how to fight and then I won't feel as useless compared to you. 'Cause you are just... woof. Amazing. And me? I'm just, well, me."

Jennifer pouted and raised a hand up to his cheek and stroked the fuzziness of his cheek.

"(Y/n)... you don't have to feel that way around me. It doesn't matter that I'm different. I still love you for who you are. I understand the case of self-defence in case I'm not around to protect you, but you are not useless. It's just... there are far more dangerous people out there. I just can't risk having you around when half the city gets demolished when I'm protecting people like you." Jennifer pouted as she expressed her views on the matter that showed she had much though about the subject.

(Y/n) hardened, to which Jennifer became quick to apologise for her poor choice of wording which resulted with him diverting his attention from her to the accessible screen in front of him which allowed him to select a movie to watch.

No amount of apology would rattle (Y/n) from his cold shell as he dismissed all his girlfriend tried to recorrect but all she got was a cold shoulder. She knew he would let up eventually. Suddenly, Jennifer felt (Y/n)'s body press on hers as he had one arm hugging her from across her chest with the other hand pressed against her bicep as he whispered an apology of his own.

The seat arm between them was moved out of the way so that the couple could snuggle closer without any interference. Disregarding the movie, (Y/n) plugged in earphones and played a romantic song from his Spotify Liked List that they could both share as the trip was carried out.

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