Foul Work Afoot

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An unpleasant morning Jennifer spent cooped up in the infirmary, patiently waiting the return of her husband. Every so often, nurses would file into the room to check up on her. But every time, she would ask about (Y/n), and they would all have the same response. With adrenaline and the addition of her healing factor, Jennifer was able to recover faster than expected. 

Even though she wasn't fully healed, Jennifer was cleared to support herself as her bruises would linger not as long as her broken leg. She relied on a crutch to help her get around as she wandered the Avengers campus with no aim of what to do or whom to talk to. All the familiar faces and yet she felt lost amidst a crowd of strangers. 

"Jennifer?" A voice sang out. 

The green-haired woman gawked in the direction of the voice and spotted a smaller woman approach her. 

"Oh. Hello, Jan." Jennifer smiled a frown at her friend. 

"You okay? You seem... lost." 

"I'm just... Where, where is (Y/n)?" 

A disappointed expression fell on Janet's face, something that Jennifer noticed after a second of observing the locals in the building when her heart dropped her chest. 

"Where is my husband, Jan? Where? Where?! WHERE?!" Jennifer repeated more and more aggressively.

The commotion drew eyes on the two women as Jennifer's pupils glowed a vibrant green as did her scars. People became frightened they would have another Hulk incident but it wouldn't come to that when Janet informed her friend that (Y/n) was under arrest for murder and kidnapping.

Janet obliged herself in escorting Jennifer to where (Y/n) was being kept for interrogation as she was brought up to date with what occurred prior to Thanos' failed invasion. Being granted high security level clearance came in handy as Jennifer stormed ahead of Janet along the corridors to the interrogation rooms.

The pair eventually located (Y/n)'s whereabouts and accompanied fellow Avenger, Steve Rogers, who held a grim expression in regards to (Y/n)'s predicament. The Super Soldier acknowledged both women and reached his hand up to touch Jennifer's shoulder as they exchanged cheek kisses.

"Jennifer. I'm glad to see you back on your feet - but so soon is quite unexpected." Steve began and let his arms hang by his sides.

"You cannot believe how good it is to see you again, Steve. I didn't expect you to get out so soon, though. You still have another two years to your sentence, don't you?" Jennifer replied affectionately.

"Word gets around pretty fast. When I heard about (Y/n) and Thanos, I knew I needed to get out and assess the situation. Hill says the charges against him are gonna be severe, that it could mean life imprisonment."

"To hell with that! My (Y/n) is not a murderer. What about my daughter? Has anybody found my daughter?"

"Jennifer, I need you to stay calm right now. Yes, we found Elaine and she's safe and sound. Spider-Man managed to intercept a grey van making its way towards the dock which turns out to be a secret Hydra base. She's unharmed, so you know. They're on their way back now."

"What about (Y/n)? Can't we discard the charges against him?"

Steve sighed. "We're trying. But it's proving difficult when they got Murdock set up to put (Y/n) in prison."

"Then let me act as his attorney."

"You know that's not fair. He's your husband."

"You're damn right he is. I know him, Steve. Please..."

The blonde man pinched the bridge of his nose and agreed to do what he could to put in a few favours to get a case going into their favour. Jennifer was going to help her husband even if it killed her. Only now that events would transpire to expose controversy and dysfunction within the community.

"... evidence that says you gave Thanos clearance to sneak past our outer defences. And added the fact that you were brainwashed by Hydra has made time for you to do a lot of things while you were under their influence. Granted, you spent more time with them as an experiment than an assassin, you established connections with dangerous criminals like Taskmaster and Deadpool." Maria spat accusingly.

"This is a load of bullshit." (Y/n) disagreed. "What benefit would I get out of doing this? Hm? I enjoy my life as it is. I love my wife, I live my daughter. Now can you please just uncuff me? I'm innocent! And for the record, I never did make connections in Hydra because they were too busy putting me I'm a fucking incinerator! You can't prove jack shit!"

"Actually we can. And we can lock you up forever. Bye-bye family."

"You can't do this..."

"Actually, I can. And I will. So either you talk now or you won't get to talk to anyone ever again. After all, how are you going to explain this?"

Maria produced a holographic projection of recorded footage within the infirmary where Jennifer was kept whilst in her coma where it was shown that he and Wanda Maximoff held an affair right there in the same room where the bed once remained.

"I dunno her motive. But she put me, quite literally under her spell to cheat on her with Jennifer! I know Wanda, and that's not Wanda. I would never cheat on my wife. You know it, I know it, I'm an innocent man you're condemning." (Y/n) yelled defensive.

"But you can't prove shit, can you?" Maria muttered coldly. "We're done here. You're going to prison and there is nothing else you can do or say."

Maria then rose up from her seat and walked out of the room where in her place, two guards entered and uncuffed (Y/n) from the table and led him out of the room where Jennifer, Steve and Janet found themselves face to face with (Y/n).

"Jen? Steve? Jan? The hell are you guys doing here?" (Y/n) murmured in surprise of their company.

"We'll get you out of this, (Y/n). I promise." Jennifer whispered before (Y/n) was taken off to be put in custody while Jennifer and Steve plotted a trial to free her husband. 

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