Ready, A.I.M., Fire!

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Later that day...

While it was still sunny out in New York, Jennifer decided to explore the city in the company of herself and her music. It seemed snazzy for her to play Bee Gees as she strut along the footpath where a few men gave the green-haired woman a pleasant smile her way. 

She ignored them as she made her way down the street when something caught her eye. A jewellery store presented a sale which left Jennifer stopped in her tracks as she observed the rings presented at the store. 

The owner who had just set the new price tag noticed Jennifer staring and caught her attention with a warm smile as she did the same in return. With her interests peaked, Jennifer ventured into the store and began to look around when she heard her phone ring. 

"Hello?" Jennifer greeted her called without checking the ID. 

"Hey, Jen." 

Jennifer smiled when she recognised the voice that belonged to her boyfriend, (Y/n). 

"Oh, hello, dear." 

"Where are you right now?" 

"Uhh... d--um, t-the dentist."

"What are you doing at the dentist?"

"S-Sore tooth."

"Oh. Okay... On your way back, could you run past the grocery store and buy for me some spices you think would go well for some pumpkin soup I'm gonna make tonight?"

"Sure, hon. I should be back in about an hour. Catch you later, babe."

Concluding her business in the jewellery store, Jennifer made her way for the nearest supermarket to begin shopping for spices that she thought would go we in pumpkin soup. 

No matter how many people that stared at her and uttered things behind her back, she strut around in confidence of her looks and began to shop for spices and a few other things that took her interest.

Once she had acquired the groceries (Y/n) asked for, Jennifer began to make her way back to the Avengers Mansion when something caught her eye as soon as she stepped foot outside of the supermarket. 

A group of motor bikes parked illegally on the curb at a No Parking sign. Not only that, but Jennifer recognised the dozen motor bikes which belonged to the same people who were involved with her being shot and put in hospital. 

Looking over her shoulder, Jennifer caught sight of a biker making his way into a bar. With a sharp inhale, Jennifer stormed her way over to where she last saw the bikers and discovered that they were hiding and entered the establishment. 

What Jennifer failed to comprehend was the people who were waiting for her inside. By the time Jennifer realised she was being ambushed, it was already too late. 

A chain caught itself around her neck as men dressed as bikers and in yellow hazmat suits attacked her with snare poles, electric sticks and several tranquiliser darts used on rhinos. 

While she had a few minutes to resist and fight back, Jennifer eventually succumbed and fell on her knees as her drowsiness kept her conscious to see someone approach her before punching her in the face which knocked her lights out. 

Hours would come to pass until Jennifer would regain consciousness. When her vision was restored to focus, she found herself secured on a cold, steel table with a tube connected to the vein in her bicep which transferred her blood into a blood transfusion bag. 

A strange noise came from nearby, a man in his fifties stood with his back to Jennifer as a call was initiated with a man who carried a Russian accent. 

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