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With a strong punch, the Hulk was flung through three buildings into Central Park where two missiles fired from two separate fighter jets targeted the Green Behemoth. The fire that engulfed the Hulk did no damage whatsoever only psychological and emotional damage as it reminded him all too much of what happened to his late wife. 

"YOU KILLED HER!!" Hulk boomed in an unbridled rage that made him the angriest he had ever been. 

When Tony Stark got too close for comfort, the Hulk lashed out and applied a strong punch as both competitors were flung into a skyscraper that collapsed under the might of the Hulk's fury. The hulk returned to where he last saw one of the men responsible for the death of his wife where he found himself face to face with his own cousin. 

Summoning his Warbound and in front of the heroes of Earth, five aliens whose strength measured to Hulk's strength before the loss that drove him to rage-induced madness appeared to compete with the heroes of Earth. Jennifer took a step forward in hopes of talking things out with her cousin, only for him to grab her by the mouth and buried her into the ground. 

"Oh, God help us all..." Jennifer muttered before she succumbed to unconsciousness. 

A battle broke out as She-Hulk's allies who'd gathered by her side competed with Hulk's team. With one member of the Illuminati taken care of, the Hulk fled the battle to seek out the next member on his list. Nothing held Hulk back when he attacked the Fantastic Four. Upon launching his attack against the Sorcerer Supreme, an idea popped into his mind. 

The shared minds of both the Hulk and Bruce Banner tricked Stephen Strange to expose the opening and crushed Stephen's hands until the Sorcerer tapped into his powers and unlocked power he couldn't fully control which lead to him panicking over bystanders, thus giving Hulk the opening he needed. 

With all the heroes that dared combat the Hulk taken care of, they were taken away and imprisoned. An Obedience Disk was placed on the dozen heroes who were present to combat the Hulk so that they could experience exactly what the Hulk and Banner experienced upon settling on the foreign planet that strived with gladiator combat. 

The two heaviest hitters in the universe battled it out, the force of their contact created an explosion that destroyed buildings around them with every swing. The destruction is so massive as fire filled the streets from the extreme blows delivered and received. In the end, the pair had exerted themselves to their limits that they reverted to their human forms. 

The Sentry collapsed to the ground and thanked the Hulk for allowing him to let loose when Hulk's Warbound approached in question of their leader's presence. Bruce and the friend whom he saved long ago, Rick Jones, stood in front of each other. After the carnage both titans laid out, Bruce and Rick extended their hands out to one other, about to shake hands. 

"No, the Hulk isn't done! Come back to us!" A member of the Warbound yelled in dismay and impaled Rick through the chest with his spear. 

Anger filled Bruce's heart as he held his dying friend in his arms before he returned to his Hulk form once more and clobbered that Warbound member over and over and over and over. Hulk's followers turned on the green behemoth where the truth was revealed that one of his very own allies betrayed him. 

The anger is so great that the Hulk's eyes and mouth glowed from the immense gamma radiation that when the Hulk clapped his hands together, the entire world trembled from the might of the Incredible Hulk. With the slam of his foot, the Hulk created earthquakes as the cracks glowed green where the Hulk called upon Tony Stark to finish him. 

A satellite blast focused on the Hulk as said blast caused the Hulk to revert back to Banner where S.H.I.E.L.D. showed up to lock up Bruce and his Warbound for their actions against Earth. The battle didn't come without fault on the Illuminati who were held responsible for causing the events to spark as they were shamed across the world. 

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