Chapter 5

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"Hello again Princess Flame! I hear that this time your friends really do think your just a powerless Tween! I will give you the power to stand up to them, and show them just how exceptional you can be! You will be more powerful than both of them combined! All you need to do is bring me a reward in return." I interrupted him, "The miraculouses!" I could sense his pleasure. "What a wise daughter I have!" He said giggling maliciously. Before I knew it, black and purple smoke covered me. I had a black suit on with a fiery red skirt that came down to my knees at the front but down to my ankles at the back. I had a red fire pattern on the front of my body. I had red eyes and a black mask. My hair was the same as my super hero alter ego, but I had a black tiara with red gemstones on it.
I now could control fire freely!
I jumped out onto the balcony and flew to the Eiffel Tower standing on a huge floating flame.
When I was at the top, I made my announcement. "Citizens of Paris! I am Princess Flame! Ladybug! Cat Noir! You can no longer act as if I'm weak! You can no longer treat me like a baby because I got knocked down! Hawk moth was right! I am now more powerful then both of you combined! If you surrender to me, then I won't turn Paris into my fire kingdom. If you don't, then prepare to meet your doom!" Deep in my heart, I could feel the fire burning brighter than ever! I felt so powerful! So free from always doing what I could do to stop Hawk Moth. I was wrong! If you can't beat them, join them!
Ladybug and Cat Noir stood at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower. I went down to join them.
"Flare! We don't want to f-fight you!  J-just tell me w-where the akuma is and this will all be over. I promise that it's all going t-to be okay." Ladybug stuttered. I could sense her fear. "I'm not a powerless little girl anymore! I am the almighty Princess Flame! Hand me your earrings and ring and I'll forget about what you did to me!" A tear rolled down Cat Noir's face. "Flare! I know you! I know that deep down, the real you is still in there! And you know this is wrong! Look at yourself! Listen to what you're saying! Please. I don't want to hurt you my sweet Flare!" I heard a little voice in my head. Telling me to listen to him. I'd had enough. That little voice was going to be silenced soon enough. Although, there was a desire locked deep away in my heart to listen to my conscience. Which side am I on? Lets just get this over with! "Oh really. You don't want to hurt me? Well, to late now! The little voice in my head will from now on be silenced! It can't control me, and neither can you!" I used fire to launch me into the air. They jumped to. I dodged Ladybug's yo-yo and pushed Cat Noir to the ground below.

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