Chapter 3

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"MOTHER?!" Cat Noir fell to his knees, tears pouring from his eyes like a waterfall. "She isn't dead son. We can save her. We can bring her back to us. All I need is your miraculous and her's." Cat Noir got up. "No! I will never betray my best friends like that! I love them too much to even consider it!" Hawk Moth released an akuma from his cane. Before it could hit him, I jumped in the way. The akuma landing in my miraculous. I was hit to the ground by Hawk Moth. "Princess Flame! Your super hero friends think you're a powerless nobody? I can give you the fiery power you deserve to prove them wrong! Now get me their miraculous!" He cackled evilly. Ladybug and Cat Noir ran over to me as fast as they could.
"Izzie listen to me, don't trust him! Focus, think only positive thoughts!" Ladybug cried. "Izzie?!" Screeched Hawk Moth, paralysed by what he just heard.
"Listen to me sis! You are strong! You're more powerful than the akuma! It's trying to manipulate you! We don't think your powerless! You're smart, and you know what? I think your probably more powerful than us! Don't let sadness and anger get the better of you! The Izzie we know is always positive, and beating this akuma should be a piece of cake!" Cat said trying to get rid of the akuma.
"They're right Hawk Moth! I'm not powerless! I'm not your Princess Flame! I am strong! I am powerful! I am Flare!" I stood up and forced the akuma out of my miraculous, only to collapse to the ground.
"Flare!" They shouted. That was the last thing I heard. The rest after that is darkness.

Miraculous: The Rebel Inside a Tween Hero - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now