Chapter 2

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The battle had commenced! Ladybug and Cat Noir had made the first hit! After about half an hour, ladybug called on her Lucky Charm. It was a box that looked like the one that my miraculous was in, when it was given to me, just with Ladybug patterns on it. "It's a sign Hawk Moth!" She shouted. Cat Noir said, "A sign that we will triumph!"
Hawk Moth was getting tired, I could see it in his cold facial expressions. "Flare, now!" Ladybug shouted. I leaped out of the bush, touching his miraculous when I was suddenly knocked out of the air by none other than... Mayura!
"Well, well, well! I finally get to meet the 'all mighty Flare'! I've heard so little about you. You must have only received a miraculous recently. How old are you exactly?" The peacock continued, "Ladybug and Cat Noir are only teenagers, but you look so much younger than them." I tried to stand up, only for her to push me back down. "What is your miraculous? I'm sure I can keep it safe for you until you're old enough for us to trust you not to go out and help those inexperienced teens. Join me and Hawk Moth! We can help you take your powers to their full potential and so much more! Just get their miraculous for me! Do we have a deal?"
"Don't do it Flare!" Shouted Cat Noir while  pushing Hawk Moth back. Ladybug continued, "You're much more powerful than them! Just believe in yourself!"
"They're right. I will never work for either of you! You can't control me! You're just people with deep voices in masks! You don't scare me!" I said, pushing Mayura into a rose bush.
I went and joined the others as we surrounded Hawk Moth. "Son, I know it's you! Would you really hurt your Father?" He said with a suspicious smirk. Cat Noir told him he already knew it was his Dad under the mask, and it won't stop him from taking his miraculous. He pressed  a button on the large machine, and what we saw was something that non of us could had imagineed.

Miraculous: The Rebel Inside a Tween Hero - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now