Behind bars pt4

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"Meek stop, we're already working hard as hell to get you out of here on good behavior." I warned, slapping his wrist.

"You look good mama." He said, completely ignoring what I said.My cheeks began to heat up, feeling my heart skip a beat. "I missed you so much." I whined, walking to the other side of the table, hugging him tightly.It felt so good to be in his arms, but it felt even better feeling the warmth of his body against mine.

I missed sleeping next to him, just being all over him in general.The officer that stood near cleared his throat, initiating for us to pull apart. "Back away from each other."Removing my hands from around him, I sighed looking up at Meeks face.

"What's this on your face?" I asked, referring to a bruise that was over his right eye."Don't worry about it, it's nothing.""meek, what is it?" I asked sternly.

"I got into a fight ...

Bashar are you serious?! Do you not want to come home?" I yelled in aggravation causing a few heads to turn our way.

"Hey! Lower your voice ma'am before I escort you out." The officer from earlier warned.

meek smacked his teeth mugging the guard. Placing my hand on his chin, I turned his head my way.

"What's up baby, why are you acting like this?"He sighed running his hand down his face."I'm fucked up in here.. Niggas coming left and right in here.

Testing my gangsta b, on moms. I gotta fight for my respect in here they know how much weight my name holds in the streets.""But I'm good, I don't want you to worry about me. What's good wit you tho?

You been keeping that body tight for me mama.. hmm?" he asked with lust in his eyes.Covering my cheeks cause I knew he just made me red in the face. "I always keep it tight for you baby""Oh yeah?"

He nodded biting his lip."Yeah""Y'all do know I'm still sitting here right?" Dave  asked with a look of disgust on his face.meek and I laughed in unison at his playful tone. Dapping each other up, Dave and meek spoke briefly as I looked around the prison at the different families that sat amongst us.Feeling a tap on my shoulder I turned towards Dave who pointed at meek.

"Why you ain't been eating?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows. Instantly growing aggravated I shook my head looking out of the window that sat near us.

"You don't hear me talkin to you?""I can't eat Jameek , it's hard I don't even have the appetite anymore. I can barely sleep when you're away. I just want you home I'm tired of seeing you like this." Wiping a few tears that fell down my face."When's the last time you ate?"

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